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He, Yongqi is a professor in the Department of Electronics, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University since 2006. He obtained his PhD degree from Technical University of Denmark in 1996. His research interests include optical transport networks, optical transmission systems, passive optical network, and optical processing. Dr. He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers in the field of optical communications, and obtained more than 10 national invention patents. He has served as the deputy director of the Intelligent Learning Committee of China Education Technology Association and a standing member of the Telecommunication Software Committee of China Institute of Communications.


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1) Network architecture and switching mechanism: One major research topic in the field of optical network is to establish the architecture of optical network and develop the mechanism of all-optical switching. He proposed some new architectures for variable bandwidth elastic optical network with controllability and manageability. He also proposed some new structures for all-optical switching node based on this kind of network. The proposed architectures and structures can efficiently support the different applications for variable bandwidth elastic optical network. 2) Physical layer implementation: This is also one of major research topic in the field of variable bandwidth elastic optical network. He proposed some key technologies to implement the physical layer for this kind of network, such as more than 100G QPSK-PDM-SCFDM and 8QAM-PDM-SCFDM transmissions, all-optical multicasting based on co-polarized multi-pump four-wave mixing and based on polarization-interleaved multi-pump four-wave mixing, variable bandwidth coherent receiver, all-optical spectrum defragmentation, etc.
