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教育背景 1988.09—1992.07 中国纺织大学纺织化学工程系 大学本科(环境工程专业) 1992.09—1995.03 清华大学环境工程系 硕士(环境工程专业) 1995.03—1998.11 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士(环境工程专业) 工作履历 1998.12-2001.07 国家科学技术部农村与社会发展司资源环境处 借调 1998.11-2000.07 清华大学环境科学与工程系 讲师 2000.08-2008.11 清华大学环境科学与工程系 副教授 2008.12-2011.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 教授 2011.01-现在 清华大学环境学院 教授 2009.09-2011.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 教授,博士生导师 2011.01-现在 清华大学环境学院 教授,博士生导师 奖励与荣誉 2021年指导的博士生曹冉冉的毕业论文“水钠锰矿型二氧化锰结构调控及其催化分解臭氧的研究”被评为2021年清华大学优秀博士学位论文 2018年 军队科技进步二等奖: 超重力耦合VUV高能催化处理导弹液体推进剂污染技术研究 2018年指导的博士生荣少鹏的毕业论文“改性水钠锰矿型二氧化锰催化分解甲醛的研究”被评为清华大学优秀博士学位论文 2017年第一作者专著《光催化材料及其在环境净化中的应用》被评为中国石油和化学工业联合会优秀出版物奖图书奖一等奖 2017年研发的“甲醛分解片”荣获2017年度全国室内车内环保行业创新产品技术奖 2017年指导的硕士生朱麟的毕业论文“改性水钠锰矿型二氧化锰催化分解甲醛的研究”被评为2017年清华大学优秀硕士学位论文 2015年被评为室内车内环保行业先进个人 2016年入选浙江宁波国家高新区“高新创业精英”计划 2012年入选江苏南京领军型科技创业人才计划 2010年军队科学技术进步奖二等:一体化DT-3废水自动化处理装置研制 2006年教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖:滇池流域面源污染控制技术 2003年国家科技进步二等奖:难降解有机工业废水新型预处理技术及关键设备 2004年入选北京市科技新星计划 2004年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 2003年指导的硕士生刘娟的毕业论文“气相中甲苯、正己烷的强化光催化降解”被评为2003年清华大学优秀硕士学位论文


主要从事环境污染控制化学与纳米材料学的研究,涉及到水和废水、空气的污染化学及其控制,具体包括: 1. 室内、车内等密闭空间污染净化技术 (1)空气中甲醛、挥发性有机物、嗅味物质的去除技术:如光催化、室温催化、低温催化、催化臭氧氧化、吸附材料 (2)无机污染物的去除技术:微量CO、氨气、硫化氢等的吸附、催化氧化、催化臭氧氧化 (3)臭氧催化分解材料 (4)空气中耐药菌及其抗性基因的破坏 (5)研究开发针对不同室内环境如医院、家居、实验室、游泳馆、密闭空间的室内空气净化器 2. 室内、车内空气污染化学 (1)材料污染物释放规律:研究室内、车内材料室内空气污染化学: (2)人体污染物释放规律 (3)宠物污染物释放规律 (4)嗅味物质识别 3. 水污染控制化学与材料 (1)高级氧化水处理技术:研究多相光催化氧化、催化臭氧氧化、Fenton试剂法、电化学氧化及其相应的高效长寿命催化材料 (2)新污染物的化学转化:研究调控水中新有机污染物水解、还原、光化学、光催化降解及其中间产物(副产物)的生成 (3)水和废水深度处理集成工艺:综合运用化学转化、絮凝、吸附与生物处理达到水和废水的深度处理,优化工艺参数 4. 生物质的转化与利用 研究生物质碳化及碳化产物的利用、热解焦油的转化与利用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Sadia Rehman, Xianming Zheng, Pengyi Zhang*. Green synthesis of a superhydrophobic metal-organic gel for the capture of trace volatile organic compound from humid air. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 441, 129852 Xianming Zheng, Sadia Rehman, Pengyi Zhang*. Room temperature synthesis of monolithic MIL-100(Fe) in aqueous solution for energy-efficient removal and recovery of aromatic volatile organic compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 442, 129998 Yankai Xie, Xiaojing Zhu, Pengyi Zhang*, Shan Wang, Jie Yang, Jinge Li. Cost-effective instant air disinfection for building ventilation system by a combination of UV and micro-static electricity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140231 Tingxia Hu, Shanhong Sui, Jiale Li, Pengyi Zhang*. Room-temperature catalytic removal of indoor trace hexanal by weakly crystallized MnO2 ultrafine nanowires. Building and Environment, 2022, 226, 109701. Yongshuai Qu, Xianming Zheng, Keke Ma, Weiwei He, Shan Wang, Pengyi Zhang*. Facile coating of MnO2 nanoparticles onto polymer fibers via friction-heating adhesion for efficient formaldehyde removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430, 132954 Tongzhou Xu, Pengyi Zhang*, Huiyu Zhang. Ultrathin δ-MnO2 nanoribbons for highly efficient removal of a human-related low threshold odorant - acetic acid. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 309 (2022) 121273 李连欣, 曹冉冉, 张彭义*. 室温催化分解空气中臭氧污染物的研究进展. 化学进展, 2021, 33(7): 1188-1200 Ranran Cao, Lianxin Li, Pengyi Zhang*. Macroporous MnO2-based aerogel crosslinked with cellulose nanofibers for efficient ozone removal under humid condition. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 407, 124793 Ranran Cao, Lianxin Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Lele Gao, Shaopeng Rong. Regulating oxygen vacancy in ultrathin δ-MnO2 nanosheets with superior activity for gaseous ozone decomposition. Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2021, 8, 1628 – 1641. Yu Zhang, Hong Zheng*, Pengyi Zhang*, Qi Zuo. A facile method to achieve dopamine polymerization in MOFs pore structure for efficient and selective removal of trace lead (II) ions from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 408, 124917. 15 April 2021 Xianming Zheng, Huiyu Zhang, Sadia Rehman, Pengyi Zhang*. Energy-efficient capture of volatile organic compounds from humid air by granular metal organic gel. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411, 125057 Xianming Zheng, Zhang Wu, Jie Yang, Sadia Rehman, Ranran Cao, Pengyi Zhang*. Metal-organic gel derived N-doped granular carbon: remarkable toluene uptake and rapid regeneration, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(15), ? 17543-17553 Huiyu Zhang, Xianming Zheng, Tongzhou Xu, Pengyi Zhang*. Atomically dispersed Y or La on birnessite-type MnO2 for the catalytic decomposition of low-concentration toluene at room temperature. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(15), 17532-17542 Huiyu Zhang, Shaopeng Rong, Pengyi Zhang*. Photoinduced simultaneous thermal and photocatalytic activities of MnO2 revealed by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(16), 18944–18953. Xianming Zheng, Shuai Liu, Sadia Rehman, Zehui Li, Pengyi Zhang*. Highly improved adsorption performance of metal-organic frameworks CAU-1 for trace toluene in humid air via sequential internal and external surface modification. Chemical Engineering Journal, 389 (2020) 123424 Shaopeng Rong, Taohong He, Pengyi Zhang*. Self-assembly of MnO2 nanostructures into high purity three-dimensional framework for high efficiency formaldehyde mineralization. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 267, 118375 Lianxin Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Ranran Cao. Porous manganese oxides synthesized with natural products at room temperature: A superior humidity-tolerant catalyst for ozone decomposition. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2020, 10, 2254 – 2267 Tongzhou Xu, Hong Zheng*, Pengyi Zhang*. Isolated Pt single atomic sites anchored on nanoporous TiO2 film for highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of low concentration toluene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388, 121746 Huiyu Zhang, Shanhong Sui, Xianming Zheng, Ranran Cao, Pengyi Zhang*. One-pot synthesis of atomically dispersed Pt on MnO2 for efficient catalytic decomposition of toluene at low temperatures. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 257 (2019) 117878 Shanhong Sui, Pengyi Zhang*, Huiyu Zhang, Ranran Cao. Low-temperature catalytic degradation of an indoor odorous pollutant hexanal by γ-MnOOH: the effect of Mn vacancy. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 40 (10):1525–1533 Yang Liu*, Hao Zhou, Ranran Cao, Xingyun Liu, Pengyi Zhang*, Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu. Facile and green synthetic strategy of birnessite-type MnO2 with high efficiency for airborne benzene removal at low temperatures. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2019, 245:569-582 Nan Zou, Qing Nie, Xinrui Zhang, Gaoke Zhang, Jinlong Wang*, Pengyi Zhang*. Electrothermal regeneration by Joule heat effect on carbon cloth based MnO2 catalyst for long-term formaldehyde removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 357:1-10 Shaopeng Rong, Pengyi Zhang*, Fang Liu, Yajie Yang. Engineering crystal facet of α-MnO2 nanowire for highly efficient catalytic oxidation of carcinogenic airborne formaldehyde. ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 3435?3446 Fang Liu, Shaopeng Rong, Pengyi Zhang*, Lele Gao. One-step synthesis of nanocarbon-decorated MnO2 with superior activity for indoor formaldehyde removal at room temperature. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 235, 158-167 Jinlong Wang, Jun Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Gaoke Zhang*. Understanding the "seesaw effect" of interlayered K+ with different structure in manganese oxides for the enhanced formaldehyde oxidation. Applied Catalysis B, 2018, 224, 863-870 Jinlong Wang, Gaoke Zhang,* Pengyi Zhang*. Graphene-assisted photothermal effect promoting catalytic activity of layered MnO2 for gaseous formaldehyde oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 239:77-85 Shaopeng Rong, Pengyi Zhang*, Yajie Yang, Lin Zhu, Jinlong Wang, Fang Liu. MnO2 framework for instantaneous mineralization of carcinogenic airborne formaldehyde at room temperature. ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7(2), 1057?1067 Jinlong Wang, Gaoke Zhang, Pengyi Zhang*. Layered birnessite-type MnO2 with surface pits for enhanced catalytic activity for formaldehyde oxidation. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 5719–5725 Jinlong Wang, Jinge Li, Chuanjia Jiang, Peng Zhou, Pengyi Zhang? , Jiaguo Yu*. The effect of manganese vacancy in birnessite-type MnO2 on room-temperature oxidation of formaldehyde in air. Applied Catalysis B, 2017, 204: 147–155 Lin Zhu, Jinlong Wang, Shaopeng Rong, Haiyan Wang*, Pengyi Zhang*. Cerium modified birnessite-type MnO2 for gaseous formaldehyde oxidation at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B, 2017, 211: 212–221 Chuanjia Jiang, Dandan Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Jinge Li, Juan Wang, Jiaguo Yu*. Formaldehyde and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from particleboard: Identification of odorous compounds and effects of heat treatment. Building and Environment. 2017, 117:118-126 Jingbo Jia, Pengyi Zhang*, Long Chen. Catalytic decomposition of gaseous ozone over manganese dioxides with different crystal structures. Applied Catalysis B. 2016, 189: 210–218. Shaopeng Rong, Pengyi Zhang*, Jinlong Wang, Fang Liu, Yajie Yang, Guoliang Yang, Song Liu. Ultrathin manganese dioxide nanosheets for formaldehyde removal and regeneration performance. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 306:1172-1179 Jinlong Wang, Pengyi Zhang*, Jinge Li, Chuanjia Jiang, Rizwangul.Yunus, Jeonghyun Kim. Room-temperature oxidation of formaldehyde by layered manganese oxide: effect of water. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (20):12372–12379 Tongzhou Xu, Hong Zheng*, Pengyi Zhang*, Wei Lin, Yumiko Sekiguchi. Hydrothermal preparation of nanoporous TiO2 films with exposed {001} facets and superior photocatalytic activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(37): 19115-19122 Ling Jin, Pengyi Zhang*. Photochemical decomposition of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in an anoxic alkaline solution by 185 nm vacuum ultraviolet irradiation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 280: 241–247 Ling Jin, Pengyi Zhang*, Tian Shao, Shiliang Zhao. Ferric ion mediated photodecomposition of aqueous perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) under UV irradiation and its mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 271:9-15. Jeonghyun Kim, Pengyi Zhang*, Jinge Li, Jinlong Wang, Pingfeng Fu. Photocatalytic degradation of gaseous toluene and ozone under UV254+185 nm irradiation using a Pd-deposited TiO2 film. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 252:337-345 Zhenmin Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Tian shao, Jinlong Wang, Ling Jin and Xiaoyun Li. Different nanostructured In2O3 for photocatalytic decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 260:40-46 Zhenmin Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Tian Shao, Jinlong Wang, Ling Jin. Synthesis of In2O3-graphene nanocomposite and their photocatalytic performance towards perfluorooctanoic acid degradation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2013, 271:111-116 Tian Shao, Pengyi Zhang*, Ling Jin, Zhenmin Li. Photocatalytic decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid in pure water and sewage water by nanostructured gallium oxide. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2013, 142-143:654-661 Xiaoyun Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Zhenmin Li, Junjie Cao, Tian Shao. Efficient photocatalytic decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by indium oxide and its mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(10):5528-5534 Zhenmin Li, Pengyi Zhang*, Tian shao, and Xiaoyun Li. In2O3 nanoporous nanospheres: a highly efficient photocatalyst for decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid. Applied Catalysis B, 2012, 125: 350-357. Pingfeng Fu, Pengyi Zhang*, Jia Lia. Photocatalytic degradation of low concentration formaldehyde and simultaneous elimination of ozone by-product using palladium modified TiO2 films under UV254+185nm irradiation. Applied Catalysis B, 2011, 105(1-2): 220-228 Yuan Wang, Pengyi Zhang. Photocatalytic decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by TiO2 in the presence of oxalic acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192:1869-1875 Pingfeng Fu, Pengyi Zhang*. Uniform dispersion of Au nanoparticles on TiO2 film via electrostatic self-assembly for photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2010, 96(1-2):176-184 Yuan Wang, Pengyi Zhang*, Gang Pan, Hao Chen. Ferric ion mediated photochemical decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by 254nm UV light. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008, 160(1):181-186 Jing Chen, Pengyi Zhang*, Jian Liu. Photodegradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by 185 nm vacuum ultraviolet light. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2007, 19(4):387-390 Pengyi Zhang, Juan Liu and Zhongliang Zhang. VUV photocatalytic degradation of toluene in the gas phase. Chemistry Letters. 2004, 33(10): 1242-1243 Zhang Pengyi, Liang Fuyan, Yu Gang, Chen Qing, Zhu Wanpeng. A comparative study on decomposition of gaseous toluene by O3/UV, TiO2/UV and O3/TiO2/UV. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2003, 156 (1-3): 189-194 张彭义,余刚,蒋展鹏. 挥发性有机物和臭味的生物过滤处理. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2000, 1(1):1-7 张彭义,余刚,蒋展鹏。半导体光催化剂及其改性技术进展,环境科学进展,1997,5(3):1-10


学术兼职 第六届全国教育装备标准化技术委员会委员(2021-2026) 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会 理事 中国质量检验协会空气净化设备专业委员会专家组委员 教育部、国家自然基金委及多个省的项目/人才评审专家 第四、五届环境系学术委员会委员 美国化学会会员 美国土木工程师学会期刊Journal of Environmental Engineering副编辑(2017-今) 社会兼职 清华大学环境质量检测中心常务副主任(2007-2015)
