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教育背景 1991年09月—1995年06月:北京师范大学生物系—-学士 1995年09月—2001年01月:浙江大学环境与资源学院(硕博联读)――博士 (1998年8月—2000年9月:国际水稻研究所论文博士) 工作履历 2001年03月-2003年05月:清华大学环境科学与工程系博士后流动站――博士后 2003年06月-2006年10月:清华大学环境科学与工程系――助理研究员 2006年10月-2015年10月:清华大学环境科学与工程系――副研究员 2015年10月至今:清华大学环境学院――长聘副教授 (2015年1月—2016年7月:汉堡工业大学——德国洪堡基金高级访问学者)


固体废物生物处理与资源化 固废处理设施甲烷氧化微生物高效检测技术及甲烷厌氧氧化与反硝化过程微生物群落调控技术研究;填埋场原位注气稳定化过程C、N、S元素转化和微生物作用解析;填埋场呼吸覆盖层技术及甲烷好氧氧化过程微生物机理研究;有机废物堆肥化过程强化腐殖化和兼性微生物功能解析。 生物质废物能源转化技术 餐厨废物厌氧碳链延长制取中链羧酸有机物非生物协同催化关键技术探索;纤维素超临界-亚临界水解预处理与燃料乙醇发酵蛋白质组学研究。 固废处理设施恶臭污染特征及控制技术 固废处理设施恶臭物质迁移扩散模型分析和人体健康风险评价;固废处理设施恶臭物质低温等离子处理及技术集成; 固体废物管理和生命周期评价 基于物质流分析的有机废物生物精炼过程二次污染溯源;基于LCA模型的废物管理全过程环境影响评价。


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Sai Xu, Chen Cai, Jianhua Guo, Wenjing Lu, Zhiguo Yuan, Shihu Hu. Different clusters of Candidatus ‘Methanoperedens nitroreducens’-like archaea as revealed by high-throughput sequencing with new primers[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8. Muhammad Farooq Mustafa, Xindi Fu, Yanjun Liu, Yawar Abbas, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal in non-thermal plasma double dielectric barrier discharge reactor[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 347:317-324. Yanjun Liu, Wenjing Lu, Wafa Dastyar, Yanting Liu, Hanwen Guo, Xindi Fu, Hao Li, Ruihong Meng, Ming Zhao, Hongtao Wang. Fugitive halocarbon emissions from working face of municipal solid waste landfills in China.[J]. Waste Manag, 2017, 70. Li Chao, Ivo Achu Nges, Wenjing Lu, Haoyu Wang. Assessment of the degradation efficiency of full-scale biogas plants: A comparative study of degradation indicators[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 244(Pt 1):304. Hanwen Guo, Wenjing Lu. Characteristics of volatile compound emission and odor pollution from municipal solid waste treating/disposal facilities of a city in Eastern China[J]. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017:1-9. Sai Xu, Wenjing Lu, Muhammad Farooq Mustafa, Luis Miguel Caicedo , Hanwen Guo , Xindi Fu, Hongtao Wang. Co-existence of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation Bacteria and Denitrifying Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Bacteria in Sewage Sludge: Community Diversity and Seasonal Dynamics[J]. Microbial Ecology, 2017:1-9. Luis Miguel Caicedo, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Djavan De Clercq, Yanjun Liu, Sai Xu, Zhe Ni. Effect of initial bulk density on high-solids anaerobic digestion of MSW: General mechanism.[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 233(2017):332-341. Yanjun Liu, Yanting Liu, Hao Li, Xindi Fu, Hanwen Guo, Ruihong Meng, Wenjing Lu, Ming Zhao, Hongtao Wang. Health risk impacts analysis of fugitive aromatic compounds emissions from the working face of a municipal solid waste landfill in China[J]. Environment International, 2016, 97:15-27. Sai Xu, Wenjing Lu, Yanting Liu, Zhongyuan Ming, Yanjun Liu, Ruihong Meng, Hongtao Wang. Structure and diversity of bacterial communities in two large sanitary landfills in China as revealed by high-throughput sequencing (MiSeq).[J]. Waste Management, 2016, 63:41. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Volatile trace compounds released from municipal solid waste at the transfer stage: Evaluation of environmental impacts and odour pollution[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300:695-701. Wenjing Lu, Duan Zhenhan, Li Dong, Miguel Luis, Caicedo Jimenez, Yanjun Liu, Guo Hanwen, Hongtao Wang. Characterization of odor emission on the working face of landfill and establishing of odorous compounds index[J]. Waste Management, 2015, 42:74-81. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Anders Damgaard, Yu Zhang, Hongtao Wang. Assessment of co-composting of sludge and woodchips in the perspective of environmental impacts (EASETECH).[J]. Waste Management, 2015, 42:55-60. Zifang Chi, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Spatial patterns of methane oxidation and methanotrophic diversity in landfill cover soils of southern China.[J]. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015, 25(4):423-430. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Zhenhan Duan. Evaluation index system of odor pollution for municipal solid waste treatment facilities[J]. China Environmental Science, 2014, 34(7):1804-1810. Zhenhan Duan, Wenjing Lu, Dong Li, Hongtao Wang. Temporal variation of trace compound emission on the working surface of a landfill in Beijing, China[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 88:230-238.
