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2002年本科毕业于清华大学化学工程系化学工程与工艺专业。2007年毕业于新加坡国立大学生物工程系并获该专业博士学位。2007年至2010年于美国麻省理工学院(Harvard-MIT Health Science and Technology)和哈佛大学(Brigham &Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School)进行博士后研究。2010年9月起受聘于清华大学医学院生物医学工程系。


本人主要研究方向涉及生物材料、组织工程,干细胞,和微尺度技术。研究内容主要应用微尺度(微米/纳米)技术结合生物材料和细胞生物学为组织工程, 干细胞以及用于药物筛选和病理研究的体外模型提供工程手段和解决方法。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Liu L, You Z, Yu H, Zhou L, Zhao H, Yan X, Li D, Wang B, Zhu L, Xu Y, Xia T, Shi Y, Huang C, Hou W, Du, Y*, ‘Mechanotransduction-modulated fibrotic microniches reveal the contribution of angiogenesis in liver fibrosis’ Nature Materials 16(12):1252-1261(2017) 2. Jiang S, Li SC, Huang C, Chan BP, Du Y*. Physical Properties of Implanted Porous Bioscaffolds Regulate Skin Repair: Focusing on Mechanical and Structural Features Adv Healthc Mater. 2018 Jan 15. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201700894 3. Qi C, Li Y, Badger P, Yu H, You Z, Yan X, Liu W, Shi Y, Xia T, Dong J, Huang C, Du Y*, ‘Pathology-targeted cell delivery via injectable micro-scaffold capsule mediated by endogenous TGase’ Biomaterials 126:1-9 (2017) 4. Zhu L, Fan X, Wang B, Liu L, Yan X, Zhou L, Zeng Y, Poznansky MC, Wang L, Chen H, Du Y* ‘Biomechanically primed liver microtumor array as a high-throughput mechanopharmacological screening platform for stroma-reprogrammed combinatorial therapy’ Biomaterials 124:12-24 (2017) 5. Wang J, Chen F, Liu L, Qi C, Wang B, Yan X, Huang C, Hou W, Zhang M, Chen Y*, Du Y* Engineering EMT using 3D Micro-scaffold to Promote Hepatic Functions for Drug Hepatotoxicity Evaluation’ Biomaterials 91:11-22 (2016) 6. Fan X, Zhu L, Wang K, Wang B, Wu Y, Xie W, Huang C, Chan BP, Du Y* ‘Stiffness-Controlled Thermoresponsive Hydrogels for Cell Harvesting with Sustained Mechanical Memory’ Adv Healthc Mater. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201601152. (2017) 7. Wang B, Qin P, Zhao H, Xia T, Wang J, Liu L, Zhu L, Xu J, Huang C, Shi Y, Du Y* ‘Substrate stiffness orchestrates epithelial cellular heterogeneity with controlled proliferative pattern via E-cadherin/β-catenin mechanotransduction’ Acta Biomateria 41:169-80 (2016) 8. Zeng Y, Chen C, Liu W, Fu Q, Han Z, Li Y, Feng S, Li X, Qi C, Wu J, Wang D, Corbett C, Chan BP, Ruan D, Du Y*. Injectable Microcryogels Reinforced Alginate Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Leak-proof Delivery and Alleviation of Canine Disc Degeneration’ Biomaterials 59:53-65 (2015) 9. Zeng Y, Zeng Y, Zhu L, Han Q, Liu W, Mao X, Li Y, Yu N, Feng S, Fu Q, Wang X*, Du Y*, Zhao C* ‘Preformed Gelatin Microcryogels as Injectable Cell Carriers for Enhanced Skin Wound Healing’ Acta Biomateria 1;25:291-303 (2015) 10. Zeng Y, Feng S, Liu W, Fu Q, Li Y, Li Y, Ge Z, Du Y* ‘Syringe-based 3D Cell Culture and Pressure Loading System Assisted by a Programmable Syringe Pump’ Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.33509 11. Li X, Zhao H, Qi C, Xu F, Du Y* ‘Direct intercellular communications dominate the interaction between adipose-derived MSCs and Myofibroblasts against cardiac fibrosis’ Protein & Cell 6(10):735-45 (2015) 12. Zhao H, Zhou L, Zhang Q, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Chen H, Du Y* ‘Bi-content micro-collagen chip provides contractility-based biomechanical readout for phenotypic drug screening with expanded and profiled targets’ Lab Chip, DOI: 10.1039/C5LC00589B (2015) 13. Qi C, Yan X, Huang C, Melerzanov A, Du Y* ‘Biomaterials as carrier, barrier and reactor for cell-based regenerative medicine’ Protein & Cell DOI: 10.1007/s13238-015-0179-8 (2015) 14. Yan X, Wang J, Zhu L, Lowrey J, Zhang Y, Hou W, Dong J, Du Y* ‘A Ready-to-Use, Versatile, Multiplex-able Three-Dimensional Scaffold-Based Immunoassay Chip for High Throughput Hepatotoxicity Evaluation’ 15(12):2634-46 Lab Chip, (2015) 15. Li Y, Liu W, Liu F, Zeng Y, Zuo S, Feng S, Qi C, Wang B, Khademhosseini A, Bai J, Du Y* ‘Primed 3D Injectable Micro-Niches Enabling Low-dosage Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia’ PNAS 111(37):13511-6 (2014) 16. Yao R, Wang J, Li X, Da J, Hao Q, Kee K, Du Y.* ‘Hepatic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells as Micro-Scaled Multilayered Colonies Leading to Enhanced Homogeneity and Maturation’ Small (Cover)10(21):4311-23 (2014). 17. Liu W, Li Y, Feng S, Ning J, Chen H, Feng X, Du Y* ‘Magnetically Controllable 3D Microtissues based on Magnetic microcryogels’ Lab on Chip (cover) 4(15):2614-25 (2014) 18. Liu W, Li Y, Zeng Y, Zhang X, Wang J, Xie L, Li X, Du Y* ‘Microcryogels as injectable 3D cellular micro-niches for site-directed and augmented cell delivery’ Acta BioMaterialia 10(5):1864-75 (2014) 19. Zhao S; Shen Z; Wang J; Li, X; Zeng Y; Wang B; He Y; Du Y* ‘Glycerol-mediated Nanostructure Modification Leading to Improved Transparency of Porous Polymeric Scaffolds for High Performance 3D Cell Imaging’ Biomacromolecues 15(7):2521-31.(2014)
