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Nalabothula, N., L. Xi, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Widom, J.P. Wang, J.N. Reeve, T.J. Santangelo, and Y.N. Fondufe-Mittendorf. 2013. Archaeal nucleosome positioning in vivo and in vitro is directed by primary sequence motifs. BMC Genomics. 14:391. Pan, M., T.J. Santangelo, L. Cubonova, Z. Li, H. Metangmo, J. Ladner, J. Hurwitz, J.N. Reeve, and Z. Kelman. 2013. Thermococcus kodakarensis has two functional PCNA homologues but only one is essential for viability. Extremophiles 17:453-61. Cubonova, L., T. Richardson, B.W. Burkhart, Z. Kelman, B.A. Connolly, J.N. Reeve, and T.J. Santangelo. 2013. Archaeal DNA polymerase D but not DNA polymerase B is required for genome replication in Thermococcus kodakarensis. J. Bacteriol. 195:2322-8. Cubonova, L., M. Katano, T. Kanai, H. Atomi, J.N. Reeve, and T.J. Santangelo. 2012. An archaeal histone is required for transformation of Thermococcus kodakarensis. J. Bacteriol. 194:6864-74. Hileman, T.H., and T.J. Santangelo. 2012. Genetic techniques for Thermococcus kodakarensis. Frontiers in Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology 3:195. Raina. M., S. Elgamal, T.J. Santangelo, and M. Ibba. 2012. Association of a multi-synthetase complex with translating ribosomes in the archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis. FEBS Letters 586:2232-2238. Pan, M., T.J. Santangelo, Z. Li, J.N. Reeve, and Z. Kelman. 2011. Thermococcus kodakarensis encodes three MCM homologs but only one is essential. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:9671-80. Santangelo, T.J., L. Cubonova, and J.N. Reeve. 2011. Deletion of alternative pathways for reductantrecycling in Thermococcus kodakarensis increases hydrogen production. Mol Microbiol. 81:897-911. Li, Z, M. Pan, T.J. Santangelo, W. Chemnitz, W. Yuan, J.L. Edwards, J. Hurwitz, J.N. Reeve, and Z. Kelman. 2011. A novel DNA nulcease is stimulated by association with the GINS complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:6114-23. Li, Z.*, T.J. Santangelo*, Cubonova, L., J.N. Reeve and Z. Kelman. 2010. Affinity Purification of an Archaeal DNA Replication Protein Network. mBio 1:e00221-10. *Co-first authors Santangelo, T.J. and J.N. Reeve. 2010. Deletion of Switch 3 results in an archaeal RNA polymerase that is defective in transcript elongation. J Biol Chem 285:23908-15. Santangelo, T.J., L. Cubonova, and J.N. Reeve. 2010. Thermococcus kodakarensis genetics: TK1827-encoded beta-glycosidase, new positive-selection protocol, and targeted and repetitive deletion technology. Appl Environ Microbiol 76:1044-52 Santangelo, T.J., L. Cubonova, L., K.M. Skinner, and J.N. Reeve. 2009. Archaeal intrinsic termination in vivo. J Bacteriol 191:7102-8 Dev, K., T. J. Santangelo, S. Rothenburg, D. Neculai, M. Dey, F. Sicheri, T.E. Dever, J.N. Reeve, and A.G. Hinnebusch. 2009. Archaeal aIF2B interacts with eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF2alpha and eIF2Balpha: Implications for aIF2B function and eIF2B regulation. J Mol Bio 392:701-22. Hirata, A., T. Kanai, T. J. Santangelo, M. Tajiri, K. Manabe, J. N. Reeve, T. Imanaka, and K. S. Murakami. 2008. Archaeal RNA polymerase subunits E and F are not required for transcription in vitro, but a Thermococcus kodakarensis mutant lacking subunit F is temperature-sensitive. Mol Microbiol. 70:623-33. Santangelo, T. J., L. Cubonova, and J. N. Reeve. 2008. Shuttle vector expression in Thermococcus kodakaraensis: contributions of cis elements to protein synthesis in a hyperthermophilic archaeon. Appl Environ Microbiol 74:3099-104. Santangelo, T. J., L. Cubonova, R. Matsumi, H. Atomi, T. Imanaka, and J. N. Reeve. 2008. Polarity in archaeal operon transcription in Thermococcus kodakaraensis. J Bacteriol 190:2244-8. Davydova, E. K., T. J. Santangelo, and L. B. Rothman-Denes. 2007. Bacteriophage N4 virion RNA polymerase interaction with its promoter DNA hairpin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:7033-8. Santangelo, T. J., L. Cubonova, C. L. James, and J. N. Reeve. 2007. TFB1 or TFB2 is sufficient for Thermococcus kodakaraensis viability and for basal transcription in vitro. J Mol Biol 367:344-57. French, S. L., T. J. Santangelo, A. L. Beyer, and J. N. Reeve. 2007. Transcription and translation are coupled in Archaea. Mol Biol Evol 24:893-5.
