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1999年中国石油大学(华东)理学学士; 2002年南开大学理学硕士; 2006年香港大学哲学博士; 2006-2007香港大学高级研究助理; 2007-2008美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校霍华德修斯医学研究所博士后; 2008年5月起中山大学生命科学学院“百人计划”副教授,博士生导师。




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[1] Ge, R., Lin, H., Xu, X., Sun, X., Lin, H.,* Zhu, S., Ji, B., Li, F., and Wu, H. (2004) Catalysis of phosphoryl transfer from adenosine-5’-triphosphate (ATP) by trinuclear ‘chelate’ complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem. 98, 917-924; [2] Sun, X., Sun, H., Ge, R., Richter, M., Woodworth, R. C., Mason, A. B., and He, Q.-Y.* (2004) The low pKa value of iron-binding ligand Tyr188 and its implication in iron release and anion binding of human transferrin. FEBS Lett. 573, 181-185; [3] Ge, R., Watt, R. M., Sun, X., Tanner, J. A., He, Q.-Y., Huang, J.-D.,* and Sun, H.* (2006) Expression and characterization of a histidine-rich protein, Hpn: potential for Ni2+ storage in Helicobacter pylori. Biochem. J. 393, 285-293; [4] Ge, R., Zhang, Y., Sun, X., Watt, R. M., He, Q.-Y., Huang, J.-D.,* Wilcox, D. E., and Sun, H.* (2006) Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal binding properties of the histidine-rich protein, Hpn. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 11330-11331; [5] Ge, R., Sun, X., Gu, Q., Watt, R. M., Wong, B. C.-Y., Xia, H. H., Huang, J.-D., He, Q.-Y.,* and Sun, H.* (2007) A proteomic approach for the identification of bismuth-binding proteins in Helicobacter pylori. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 12, 831-842; [6] Ge, R. and Sun, H.* (2007) Bioinorganic chemistry of bismuth and antimony: target sites for metallodrugs. Acc. Chem. Res. 40, 267-274; [7] Sun, X., Ge, R., Chiu, J.-F., Sun, H., and He, Q.-Y.* (2008) Identification of proteins related to nickel homeostasis in Helicobacter pylori by immobilized metal affinity chromatograph and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Metal-Based Drugs 2008: 289490; [8] Cun, S., Li, H., Ge, R., Lin, M. C. M., and Sun, H.* (2008) A histidine- and cysteine-rich metal binding domain at the C-terminus of GroES homologue from Helicobacter pylori: implication for nickel homeostasis and bismuth susceptibility. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 15142-15151; [9] Sun, X., Ge, R., Chiu, J.-F., Zu, Y., Sun, H., and He, Q.-Y.* (2008) Lipoprotein MtsA of MtsABC in Streptococcus pyogenes primarily binds ferrous ion with bicarbonate as a synergistic anion. FEBS Lett. 582, 1351-1354; [10] Ge, R., and Sun, H.* (2009) Metallomics: an integrated biometal science. Sci. China Ser. B­-Chem. 52, 2055-2070; [11] Ge, R., Sun, X., and He, Q.-Y.* (2009) Iron acquisition by Streptococcus species: an updated review. Front. Biol. China 4, 392-401; [12] 葛瑞光、陈卓、孙红哲*(2009)金属组学:研究生命体系中金属离子的前沿交叉学科。中国科学 B辑:化学,39,590-606; [13] Xia, H., Qi, Y., Ng, S. S., Chen, X., Chen, S., Fang, M., Li, D., Zhao, Y., Ge, R., Li, G., Chen, Y., He, M. L., Kung, H. F., Lai, L., and Lin M. C.* (2009) MicroRNA-15b regulates cell cycle progression by targeting cyclins in glioma cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 380, 205-210; [14] Xia, H., Qi, Y., Ng, S. S., Chen, X., Chen, S., Ge, R., Li, G., Chen, Y., He, M. L., Kung, H. F., Lai, L., and Lin M. C.* (2009) MircroRNA-146b inhibits glioma cell migration and invasion by targeting MMPs. Brain Res. 1269, 158-165; [15] Sun, X., Baker, H. M., Ge, R., Sun, H., He, Q.-Y.,* and Baker, E. N.* (2009) Crystal structure and metal binding properties of the lipoprotein MtsA, responsible for iron transport in Streptococcus pyogenes. Biochemistry 48, 6184-6190; [16] Sun, X., Ge, R., Cai, Z., Sun, H., and He, Q.-Y.* (2009) Iron depletion decreases proliferation and induces apoptosis in a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line, Caco2. J. Inorg. Biochem. 103, 1074-1081; [17] Ge, R., Chu, I. K., and Sun, H.* (2010) Nuclear-based metallomics in metal-based drugs. In Advanced nuclear analytical techniques for metallomics and metalloproteomics. Eds. Chen C., Chai, Z., and Gao, Y., Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK; pp 265~298; [18] Sun, X., Ge, F., Xiao, C. L., Yin, X. F., Ge, R., Zhang, L. H. and He, Q.-Y.* (2010) Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals the multiple roles of phosphorylation in pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia. J. Proteome Res. 9, 275-282; [19] Sun, X., Ge, R., Zhang, D., Sun, H. and He, Q.-Y.* (2010) Iron-containing lipoprotein SiaA in SiaABC, the primary heme transporter of Streptococcus pyogenes. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 15, 1265-1273;
