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受教育经历: 1993年9月至1996年12月:复旦大学,遗传学,博士。 1984年9月至1987年10月:云南大学,植物学,硕士。 1980年9月至1984年7月:湖南师范大学,生物学,学士。 工作经历: 1996年12月至今:中山大学生命科学学院博士后、副教授、教授。 2004年6月至2005年3月:美国North Carolina State University访问学者(Research Associate)。 2003年5月至2004年5月:美国Rhodes College访问学者(Research Associate)。 1996年11月至1999年11月:香港大学研究助理(Researcher Assistant I)。 1987年10月至1993年8月:云南省农科院生物技术研究所助研。


1.黄曲霉毒素合成代谢调控的分子机制; 2.黄曲霉毒素生物控制技术研究。


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Zhao X, Zhi QQ, Li JY, Keller NP* and He ZM*. The Antioxidant Gallic Acid Inhibits Aflatoxin Formation in Aspergillus flavus by Modulating Transcription Factors FarB and CreA. Toxins, 10(7), 270. 2018 Zhao X, Spraker JE, Bok JW, Velk T, He ZM* and Keller NP*. A cellular fusion cascade regulated by LaeA is required for sclerotial development in Aspergillus flavus. Frontier in Microbiology, 8:1925, 2017 Zhi QQ, Li JY, Liu QY*, He ZM*. A cytosine methyltransferase homologue gene dmtA is involved in the sensitivity of Aspergillus flavus to environmental stress. Fungal Biology, 121:501-514, 2017 Zhao X, Spraker JE, Bok JW, Velk T, He ZM* and Keller NP*. A cellular fusion cascade regulated by LaeA is required for sclerotial development in Aspergillus flavus. Frontier in Microbiology, 8:1925, 2017 Tang M, Li XX, Li QZ, Zhou YC, PanW, Gao JY, Ye ZW, Weng SP, Liu QY*, He JG *, He ZM*, Conditional potency is a hallmark of viral protein-derived toxic peptides. Medical Hypotheses, 100:2-3, 2017 Tang M, Zhou YC, Gao JY, Peng JL, Wang Y, Zhao QR, Liao LH, Wang K, Pan MJ, Xing M, Pan W, Dai DL, Fu M, Yu L, Zhang CQ, Wang YC, Zhang Y, Xu L, Li J, Bao X, Piao WX, Lin SH, Lu KB, Zhang XL, Cao WG, Yang K, He ZM, Weng SP, Liu QY, He JG. Heat conjugation of antibacterial agents from amino acids and plant oil. Scientific Reports, 7: 10852, 2017 Gao G, Wang A, Gong BL, Li QQ, Liu YH, He ZM *, Li G* A novel metagenome-derived gene cluster from termite hindgut: Encoding phosphotransferase system components and high glucose tolerant glucosidase. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 84:24-31, 2016 Yan QH, Zhou JX, Li HZ, Zhi QQ, Zhou XP*, He ZM *. Coexistence of and interaction relationships between an aflatoxin-producing fungus and a bacterium. Fungal Biology, 119(7): 605-614, 2015 Chang PK, Wang B, He ZM, Yu J, Pan L. High Temperature, Differentiation, and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Decrease but Epigenetic and Antioxidative Agents Increase Aspergillus Ribosomal Protein Gene Expression. Austin Journal of Proteomics, Bioinformatics & Genomics, 1(1): 6. 2014 Zhi QQ, Xie YY, He ZM*. Genome Mining for Aflatoxin Biosynthesis. Fungal Genom Biol 3: 108. 2013 Lin JQ, Zhao XX, Zhi QQ, Zhao M*, He ZM *. Transcriptomic profiling of Aspergillus flavus in response to 5-Azacytidine. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 56: 78-86. 2013 Fu M, Zhang XX, Lai XQ, Wu XX, Feng F, Peng JL, Zhong HY, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhou QF, Wang SL, Chen L, He ZM, Gao Y, Ma XQ, He R, Liu QY. Generation of sequence variants via accelerated molecular evolution methods. Recent Patents on DNA and Gene Sequences, 7(2): 144-156. 2013 Li Z, Yuan P, Xing M, He Z, Dong C, Cao Y, Liu Q. Fatty Acid conjugation enhances the activities of antimicrobial peptides. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 3(1): 52-56. 2013 Lin JQ, Zhao XX, Wang CC, Xie Y, Li GH*, He ZM*. 5-Azacytidine inhibits aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus. Annals of Microbiology. 63(2):763-769. 2013 Liu SY, Lin JQ, Wu HL, Wang CC, Huang SJ, Luo YF, Sun JH, Zhou JX, Yan SJ, He JG*, Wang J*, He ZM*. Bisulfite sequencing reveals that Aspergillus flavus holds a hollow in DNA methylation. PLoS ONE, 7(1): e30349. 2012
