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2011年获香港城市大学博士学位,2011年至2016年先后任美国加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)和圣地亚哥分校(UC San Diego)博士后研究员,分别师从美国工程院院士Enrique J. Lavernia教授和美国陶瓷学会会士 Jian Luo教授。2008年起一直从事透射电子显微学相关的研究,主要研究方向为:运用高分辨透射电子显微镜 (HRTEM) 和球差矫正扫描透射电子显微镜 (Aberration-corrected STEM) 对材料的析出相、界面相进行原子尺度表征,材料强度和材料热稳定性。 工作经历: 2014.10 至 2016.09,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,纳米工程系,博士后(导师:Jian Luo教授) 2011.10 至 2014.09,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,化工与材料科学系,博士后(导师:Enrique J. Lavernia教授) 2010.09 至 2011.03,美国密歇根大学,材料科学与工程系,富布莱特访问学者(美国国务院资助) 2007.10 至 2008.05,香港城市大学,物理与材料科学系,助理研究员 教育背景: 2008.06 至 2011.07,香港城市大学,物理与材料科学系,博士研究生(导师:Paul K. Chu教授) 2004.09 至 2007.06,东南大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕士研究生(导师:储成林教授) 2000.09 至 2004.06,南昌航空工业学院,材料科学与工程系,本科生(导师:王家宣教授) 2001.09 至 2003.11,南昌航空工业学院,外语系,辅修英语专业(导师:丁丽军教授)


1. 金属和陶瓷材料界面微结构和宏观性能相关性 2. 材料界面热力学 3. 材料界面相图的构建 4. 材料强度、塑性和热稳定性机理 5. 运用高分辨透射电镜 (HRTEM)、球差矫正扫描透射电镜 (AC STEM)、电子能量损失谱 (EELS) 和双束电镜 (dual beam FIB/SEM) 对材料在多尺度下进行结构和成分的表征


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19. T. Hu, S. Yang (contributed equally), N. Zhou, Y. Zhang, J. Luo, Role of disordered bipolar complexions on the sulfur embrittlement of nickel general grain boundaries, Nature Communications, (2018) 9: 2764 18. S. Fu, H. Liu, N. Qi, B. Wang, Y. Jiang, Z. Chen*, T. Hu*, D. Yi*, On the Electrostatic Potential Assisted Nucleation and Growth of Precipitates in Al-Cu Alloy, Scripta Materialia, 150 (2018) 13-17. 17. N. Zhou, T. Hu (contributed equally), J. Huang, J. Luo, Stabilization of nanocrystalline alloys at high temperatures via utilizing high-entropy grain boundary complexions, Scripta Materialia, 124 (2016) 160-163. 16. T. Hu, K. Ma, T.D. Topping, A.K. Mukherjee, J.M. Schoenung, E.J. Lavernia, Disordered dislocation configuration in submicron Al crystals subjected to plane strain bending, Scripta Materialia, 113 (2016) 35-38. 15. T. Hu, L. Jiang, H. Yang, K. Ma, T.D. Topping, J. Yee, M. Li, A. K. Mukherjee, J.M. Schoenung, E.J. Lavernia, Stabilized plasticity in ultrahigh strength, submicron Al crystals, Acta Materialia, 94 (2015) 46-58. 14. T. Hu, K. Ma, T.D. Topping, B. Saller, A. Yousefiani, J.M. Schoenung, E.J. Lavernia, Improving Tensile Ductility and Uniform Elongation of High-Strength Ultrafine Grained Al Alloys by Lowering Grain Boundary Misorientation Angle, Scripta Materialia, 78-79 (2014) 25-28. 13. T. Hu, K. Ma, T.D. Topping, J.M. Schoenung, E.J. Lavernia, Precipitation Phenomena in an Ultrafine Grained Al Alloy, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 2163-2178. 12. T. Hu, L. Chen, S. Wu, C. Chu, L. Wang, K.W. Yeung, P.K. Chu, Graded Phase Structure in the Surface Layer of NiTi Alloy Processed by Surface Severe Plastic Deformation, Scripta Materialia, 64 (2011) 1011-1014. 11. T. Hu, C. Chu, S. Wu, C. Wen, T. Hung, K.W. Yeung, P.K. Chu, Microstructural Evolution in NiTi Alloy Subjected to Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment and Mechanism, Intermetallics, 19 (2011) 1136-1142 10. T. Hu, C. Chu, J. Lu, P.K. Chu, Surface Hardening of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Induced by the Nanostructured Layer after Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (2011) 10954-10957. 9. T. Hu, Y. Xin, S. Wu, C. Chu, J. Lu, L. Guan, H. Chen, T. Hung, K.W. Yeung, P.K. Chu, Corrosion Behavior on Orthopedic NiTi Alloy with Nanocrystalline/Amorphous Surface, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (2011) 102-107. 8. T. Hu, C. Wen, G. Sun, S. Wu, C. Chu, Z. Wu, G. Li, J. Lu, K.W. Yeung, P.K. Chu, Wear Resistance of NiTi Alloy after Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2010) 506-510. 7. T. Hu, C. Chu, Y. Xin, S. Wu, K.W. Yeung, P.K. Chu, Corrosion Products and Mechanism on NiTi Shape Memory Alloy in Physiological Environment, Journal of Materials Research, 25 (2010) 350-358. 6. T. Hu, C. Wen, J. Lu, S. Wu, Y. Xin. W. Zhang, C. Chu, J.C. Chung, K.W. Yeung, D.T. Kwok, P.K. Chu, Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment Induced Phase Transformation Behavior in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482 (2009) 298-301. 5. L. Jiang, T. Hu, H. Yang, D. Zhang, T. Topping, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung, Deformation of a ceramic/metal interface at the nanoscale, Nanoscale, 8 (2016) 10541–10547 4. K. Ma, T. Hu, H. Yang, T. Topping, A. Yousefiani, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung, Coupling of Dislocations and Precipitates: Impact on the Mechanical Behavior of Ultrafine Grained Al-Zn-Mg Alloys, Acta Materialia, 103 (2016) 153-164. 3. X. Zhang, T. Hu, J.F. Rufner, T. LaGrange, G.H. Campbell, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung, K. van Benthem, Metal/ceramic interface structures and segregation behavior in aluminum-based composites, Acta Materialia, 95 (2015) 254-263. 2. L. Jiang, H. Wen, H. Yang, T. Hu, T. Topping, D. Zhang, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung, Influence of length-scales on spatial distribution and interfacial characteristics of B4C in a nanostructured Al matrix, Acta Materialia, 89 (2015) 327-343. 1. K. Ma, H. Wen, T. Hu, T.D. Topping, D. Isheim, D.N. Seidman, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung, Mechanical behavior and strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grain precipitation-strengthened aluminum alloy, Acta Materialia, 62 (2014) 141-155.
