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B.S. University of Chicago; Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh; Postdoctoral research at Columbia University and MIT


DNA Nanotechnology, Macromolecular Design and Topology, Biophysical Chemistry of Recombinational Intermediates, DNA-Based Computation, and Crystallography

More than 30 years ago, Ned Seeman founded the field of Structural DNA Nanotechnology. This area of chemistry uses the information inherent in DNA for structural purposes. Branched DNA molecules that can be designed to self-assemble from synthetic strands are central to this effort. Cohesive ends allow them to assemble to produce polyhedra and nanotubes. In addition, DNA motifs have been used to produce 2D lattices that are characterized by atomic force microscopy. 3D lattices built the same way are studied by x-ray crystallography. The goal is to use DNA to scaffold other species, such as biological macromolecules and nanoelectronic components. This program has led to a variety of nanomechanical devices, including a translator, walkers, nanorobots and a nanomechanical assembly line. Other research involves DNA-based computation and self-replicating systems. A different program in the lab is concerned with characterizing intermediates in genetic recombination, particularly the recognition of homology, by the techniques of molecular biophysics.


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H. Gu, J. Chao, S.J. Xiao & N.C. Seeman, Dynamic Patterning Programmed by DNA Tiles Captured on a DNA Origami Substrate, Nature Nanotech. 4, 245-249, (2009). N. Jonoska, N.C. Seeman & G. Wu, On the Existence of Reporter Strands in DNA-Based Graph Structures, Theor. Computer Sci. 410, 1448-1460 (2009). M. Leunissen, R. Dreyfus, R. Sha, T. Wang, N.C. Seeman, D.J. Pine, & P.M. Chaikin, Towards Self-Replicating Materials of DNA-Functionalized Colloids, Soft Matter DOI: 10.1039/b817679e (2009). T. Omabegho, R. Sha & N.C. Seeman, A Bipedal DNA Brownian Motor with Coordinated Legs, Science 324, 67-71 (2009). N.C. Seeman, Synthetic Single-Stranded DNA Topology, Applications of Knot Theory, D. Buck & E. Flapan, Eds, Am. Math. Soc. Proc. Symp. Applied. Math. 66 121-153 (2009). C. Liu, N. Jonoska & N.C. Seeman, Reciprocal DNA Nanomechanical Devices Controlled by the Same Set Strands, NanoLetters 9, 2641-2647 (2009). C.H. Spink, L. Ding, Q. Yang, R.D. Sheardy & N.C. Seeman, Thermodynamics of Forming a Parallel Holliday Crossover, Biophys. J. 97, 528-538 (2009). R. Wang, W. Liu & N.C. Seeman, Prototyping Nanorod Control: A DNA Double Helix Sheathed within a DNA 6-Helix Bundle, Chem. &. Biol. 16, 862-867 (2009). J. Zheng, J.J. Birktoft, Y. Chen, T. Wang, R. Sha, P.E. Constantinou, S.L. Ginell, C. Mao, & N.C. Seeman, From Molecular to Macroscopic via the Rational Design of a Self-Assembled 3D DNA Crystal, Nature 461, 74-77 (2009). G. Wu, N. Jonoska & N.C. Seeman, Construction of a DNA Nano-Object Directly Demonstrates Computation, Biosystems 98, 80-84 (2009). H. Gu, W. Yang & N.C. Seeman, A DNA Scissors Device Used to Measure MutS Binding to DNA Mis-Pairs, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 4352-4357 (2010). H. Gu, J. Chao, S.J. Xiao & N.C. Seeman, A Proximity-Based Programmable DNA Nanoscale Assembly Line, Nature 465, 202-205 (2010). N.C. Seeman, Frontiers of science award lecture sponsored by Cosmetics and Toiletries, DNA: Not Merely the Secret of Life, J. Cosmetic Science 61, 62-63 (2010). N.C. Seeman, Structural DNA Nanotechnology: Growing Along with NanoLetters, NanoLetters 10, 1971-1978 (2010). N.C. Seeman, Nanomaterials Based on DNA, Ann. Rev. Biochem. 79, 65-87 (2010). X. Wang, X. Zhang, C. Mao & N.C. Seeman, Double-Stranded DNA Homology Produces a Physical Signature, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 107, 12547-12552 (2010). R. Wang, A. Kuzuya, W. Liu & N.C. Seeman, Blunt-Ended DNA Stacking Interactions in a 3-Helix Motif, Chem. Comm. 46, 4905 - 4907 (2010). T. Wang, R. Sha, J.J. Birktoft, J. Zheng, C. Mao & N.C. Seeman, A DNA Crystal Designed to Contain Two Molecules per Asymmetric Unit, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 15471-15473 (2010). W. Liu, H. Zhong, R. Wang & N.C. Seeman, Crystalline Two-Dimensional DNA Origami Arrays, Angew. Chemie 50, 264-267 (2011). H.K.K. Subramanian, B. Chakraborty, R. Sha & N.C. Seeman, The Label-Free Unambiguous Detection and Symbolic Display of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on DNA Origami, NanoLett. 11, 910-913 (2011).
