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2000 年–2004 年 南京大学 物理系 本科 2008 年–2009 年 美国斯坦福大学 电子工程系 硕士 2004 年–2010 年 美国斯坦福大学 物理系 博士 2010 年1 月–2010 年8 月 美国斯坦福大学化学系 博士后研究员 2010 年–2011 年 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校材料系 博士后研究员 2011 年 至今 南京大学电子科学与工程学院/固体微结构国家重点实验室 教授 主要获奖 2008 年 获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 2010 年 获得美国材料学会“优秀博士生银奖” 2011 年 入选中组部首批“青年海外高层次人才计划” 2013 年 获得国家杰出青年科学基金 2014 年 获得“江苏青年五四奖章” 2014 年 获得中国侨界贡献奖(创新人才) 2014 年 入选教育部长江学者教授 2016 年 获得“中国青年五四奖章”


1.High performance MoS₂ field-effect transistors MoS₂ is considered as one of the most promising 2D semiconductors for electronic and optoelectronic device applications. Due to its atomic thickness, the projected monolayer MoS₂ field-effect transistor performance is better than Si MOSFET at the scaling limit, making it a promising candidate for CMOS extension. In our lab, we study the charge transport in MoS₂ and develop new strategies to engineer the sample quality towards high-performance transistors. 2.Graphene electronics Graphene has many attractive properties such as ultrahigh carrier mobility, wide band optical absorption and strong mechanical strength. Due to its 2D nature, graphene can be integrated into layered heterostructures that's not possible in bulk materials. Many devices including field-effect transistors, barristors, logic inverters and photovoltaic devices are demonstrated with heterostructures. We integrate graphene/oxide heterostructures to realize ultralow power resistive memory, which is one of the most promising candidates for next generation non-volatile memory. Compared to conventional metal/oxide/metal structures, graphene based devices show significant reduction of switching power up to ~10³ times. 3.Two-dimensional organic crystals Organic molecular crystals represent an important class of materials for electronic and photonic applications with light weight and low cost. However, achieving high-quality 2D organic crystals is still very challenging. For the first time, we realize the epitaxial growth of 2D organic crystals down to monolayer. Surprisingly, these few-layer organic crystals exhibit pristine quality that afford high-performance organic field-effect transistors. Our work unveils an exciting new class of two-dimensional molecular materials.


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Cheng Chang et al., 'Recent Progress on Two-Dimensional Materials', Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 37(12), 2108017 (2021) . Haomin Wang, Hui Shan Wang, Chuanxu Ma, Lingxiu Chen, Chengxin Jiang, Chen Chen, Xiaoming Xie, An-Ping Li and Xinran Wang, 'Graphene nanoribbons for quantum electronics', Nature Reviews Physics, 3, 791–802 (2021). Taotao Li, Wei Guo, Liang Ma, Weisheng Li, Zhihao Yu, Zhen Han, Si Gao, Lei Liu, Dongxu Fan, Zixuan Wang, Yang Yang, Weiyi Lin, Zhongzhong Luo, Xiaoqing Chen, Ningxuan Dai, Xuecou Tu, Danfeng Pan, Yagang Yao, Peng Wang, Yuefeng Nie, Jinlan Wang, Yi Shi and Xinran Wang, 'Epitaxial growth of wafer-scale molybdenum disulfide semiconductor single crystals on sapphire', Nature Nanotechnology, 16, 1201–1207 (2021). Wanqing Meng, Feifan Xu, Zhihao Yu, Tao Tao, Liangwei Shao, Lei Liu, Taotao Li, Kaichuan Wen, Jianpu Wang, Longbing He, Litao Sun, Weisheng Li, Hongkai Ning, Ningxuan Dai, Feng Qin, Xuecou Tu, Danfeng Pan, Shuzhuan He, Dabing Li, Youdou Zheng, Yanqing Lu, Bin Liu, Rong Zhang, Yi Shi, Xinran Wang, 'Three-dimensional monolithic micro-LED display driven by atomically thin transistor matrix', Nature Nanotechnology, 16, 1231–1236 (2021). Yifei Xu, Weisheng Li, Dongxu Fan, Yi Shi, Hao Qiu and Xinran Wang, 'A compact model for transition metal dichalcogenide field effect transistors with effects of interface traps', Science China Information Sciences, 64, 140408 (2021) . Zhongzhong Luo, Boyu Peng, Junpeng Zeng, Zhihao Yu, Ying Zhao, Jun Xie, Rongfang Lan, Zhong Ma, Lijia Pan, Ke Cao, Yang Lu, Daowei He, Hongkai Ning, Wanqing Meng, Yang Yang, Xiaoqing Chen, Weisheng Li, Jiawei Wang, Danfeng Pan, Xuecou Tu, Wenxing Huo, Xian Huang, Dongquan Shi, Ling Li, Ming Liu, Yi Shi, Xue Feng, Paddy K. L. Chan, and Xinran Wang, 'Sub-thermionic, ultra-high-gain organic transistors and circuits', Nature Communications, 12, 1928(2021). Zhihao Yu, Hongkai Ning, Chao-Ching Cheng, Weisheng Li, Lei Liu, Wanqing Meng, Zhongzhong Luo, Taotao Li, Songhua Cai, Peng Wang, Wen-Hao Chang, Chao-Hsin Chien, Yi Shi, Yong Xu, Lain-Jong Li, Xinran Wang, 'Reliability of Ultrathin High-κ Dielectrics on Chemical-vapor Deposited 2D Semiconductors', 2020 International Electron Devices Meeting(IEDM). A. Chaves, J. G. Azadani, Hussain Alsalman, D. R. da Costa, R. Frisenda, A. J. Chaves, Seung Hyun Song, Y. D. Kim, Daowei He, Jiadong Zhou, A. Castellanos-Gomez, F. M. Peeters, Zheng Liu, C. L. Hinkle, Sang-Hyun Oh, Peide D. Ye, Steven J. Koester, Young Hee Lee, Ph. Avouris, Xinran Wang & Tony Low, 'Bandgap engineering of two-dimensional semiconductor materials', npj 2D Materials and Applications, 4, 29(2020). 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