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Dr. Mingxu You is the principal investigator of the lab. He joined the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in September 2016. He is now also a faculty member of Institute for Applied Life Sciences, Chemistry-Biology Interface Program, Molecular & Cellular Biology Graduate Program, Center for Biological Physics, Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences, and Center for Autonomous Materials at UMass. Mingxu grew up in Heilongjiang, China. He received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Peking University in 2008, and his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of Florida in 2012. During his doctoral study under the direction of Prof. Weihong Tan, Mingxu focused on developing DNA-based devices for cancer diagnosis, targeted drug delivery, and cell membrane biophysical studies. Prior to join UMass, he pursued his postdoctoral research with Prof. Samie R. Jaffrey at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, interested in developing RNA-based fluorescent sensors for imaging metabolites and signaling molecules in live cells. Dr. You has co-authored over 70 journal articles and 3 book chapters. Most of his work has been published in top journals including Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, PNAS, JACS, Angewandte Chemie, Nano Lett, ACS Nano, Anal Chem, and Chem Sci. His work has been highly recognized with over 5,000 citations. In addition, he has given over 30 invited seminars in top universities and research institutes in the U.S. and China. Awards 2021 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award 2021 Nanoscale, Emerging Investigator 2021 ChemComm, Emerging Investigator 2020 Vebleo Fellow Award 2020 Frontiers in Chemistry, Rising Star 2019 NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) 2019 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow 2019 NSF CAREER Award 2019 Analytical Methods, Emerging Investigator 2019 Supramolecular Chemistry, Emerging Supramolecular Chemist in North America 2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad 2012 Eastman Chemical Company Analytical Chemistry Fellowship 2012 Procter & Gamble Research Excellence Award 2012 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship, Honorable Mention 2011 Bates & Laitinen Graduate Fellowship, University of Florida 2011 Crow Award for Excellence in Scientific Publication, University of Florida 2011 Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida 2011 Symposium, Miami, FL 2010 Crow Award for Excellence in Scientific Publication, University of Florida 2007 Guanghua Scholarship for Excellent Undergraduates, Peking University


(1) Biosensors and Bioimaging Spinach1Microscopy becomes a central tool to study the spatial and temporal dynamics of cellular components. Our research focus is to engineer imaging probes to quantify and track the synthesis, function, and degradation pathways of metabolites, signaling molecules, antibiotics, and other small molecules in live cells. These imaging probes will be constructed based on our knowledge about conditional self-assembly of nucleic acid nanostructures and integrated circuits. (2) Cell Membrane Biophysics We recently developed an efficient lipid-based approach to immobilize designer DNA probes outside of live cell membranes. With this approach, we are developing novel DNA probes that can measure transient membrane lipid encounter events and other biophysical events at cell membranes, such as cellular mechanotransduction. (3) DNA/RNA Nanotechnology DNA/RNA nanotechnology has succeeded in constructing precisely-defined nanostructures and nanodevices in vitro. Nucleic acid tools are great choice to study biology, especially considering their programmability of sequence-specific self-assembly and innate biocompatibility. Our research focuses on the construction of genetically encoded RNA nanostructures in live cells. We are interested in discovering novel molecular mechanisms for precise conditional self-assembly of these nucleic acid nanostructures. (4) SELEX Aptamer is single-stranded DNA or RNA that can specifically recognize a target of interest. Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) is a high-throughput technique to generate these functional nucleic acids. Our research interest is to identify aptamers and catalytic RNAs that function inside live cells. These identified RNAs or DNAs will be further applied to construct artificial biological devices and pathways that does not exist in Nature. (5) Photo-controlled Devices (2)Light can be used to externally manipulate the functions of nanodevices with both spatial and temporal precision. The use of light to control intracellular structure and function of proteins is generally termed optogenetics. We are interested in developing optogenetically controlled RNA devices by taking advantage of photoswitchable chromophores.


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A.P.K.K. Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, & M. You*. (2022) “A catalytic hairpin assembly-based approach for RNA imaging in living cells”. In press. [Invited book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology book series, Springer] Y. Bagheri#, A. A. Ali#, P. Keshri, J. Chambers, A. Gershenson*, & M. You*. (2021) “Imaging membrane order and dynamic interactions in living cells with a DNA Zipper probe”. Angew Chem Int Ed, in press. Y. Bagheri#, A. A. Ali#, P. Keshri, J. Chambers, A. Gershenson*, & M. You*. (2021) “Live-cell imaging of membrane dynamic interactions and lipid domains with a DNA Zipper probe”. submitted. Z. Sun, R. Wu, B. Zhao, P. Chien*, & M. You*. (2021) “Live-cell imaging of (p)ppGpp with RNA-based fluorescent sensors”. Angew Chem Int Ed, in press. [Preprint on bioRxiv] R. Wu, R. Zheng, & M. You*. (2021) “ROAD paved for the custom design of genetically encoded RNA nanodevices”. Trends in Chemistry, 3, 691-693. [Invited Spotlight] Z. Xiong#, K. Ren#, M. Donnelly, M. You*, & G. Xu*. (2021) “Spectrally filtered photodiode pairs for on-chip ratiometric aptasensing of cytokine dynamics”. Sensors Actuators B: Chem, 345, 130330. Q. Yu, R. Zheng, M. Narayanan, & M. You*. (2021) “Rational design of allosteric fluorogenic RNA sensors for cellular imaging”. RNA Scaffolds, 141-152. [Invited book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology book series, Springer] P. Keshri#, B. Zhao#*, T. Xie, Y. Bagheri, J. Chambers, Y. Sun, & M. You*. (2021) “Quantitative and multiplexed fluorescence lifetime imaging of intercellular tensile forces”. Angew Chem Int Ed, 60, 15548-15555. [recognized as a Very Important Paper] Q. Yu#, K. Ren#, & M. You*. (2021) “Genetically encoded RNA nanodevices for cellular imaging and regulation”. Nanoscale, 13, 7988-8003. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Emerging Investigators] Q. Tian, Y. Bagheri, P. Keshri, R. Wu, K. Ren, Q. Yu, B. Zhao, & M. You*. (2021) “Efficient and selective DNA modification on bacterial membranes”. Chem Sci, 12, 2629-2634. Y. Bagheri#, A. A. Ali#, & M. You*. (2020) “Current methods for detecting cell membrane transient interactions”. Front Chem, 8, 603259. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Rising Stars] K. Ren, P. Keshri, R. Wu, Z. Sun, Q. Yu, Q. Tian, B. Zhao, Y. Bagheri, Y. Xie^, & M. You*. (2020) “A genetically encoded RNA photosensitizer for targeted cell regulation”. Angew Chem Int Ed, 59, 218986-21990. B. Zhao, N. Li, T. Xie, Y. Bagheri, C. Liang, P. Keshri, Y. Sun*, & M. You*. (2020) “Quantifying tensile forces at cell-cell junctions with a DNA-based fluorescent probe”. Chem Sci, 11, 8558-8566. [Preprint on bioRxiv] F. Shafiei, K. McAuliffe^, Y. Bagheri, Z. Sun, Q. Yu, R. Wu*, & M. You*. (2020) “Paper-based fluorogenic RNA aptamer sensors for label-free detection of small molecules”. Anal Methods, 12, 2674-2681. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Emerging Investigators] R. Wu, A.P.K.K. Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, K. Ren, Z. Sun, Q. Tian, B. Zhao, Y. Bagheri, D. Lutati^, P. Keshri, & M. You*. (2020) “Ratiometric fluorogenic RNA-based sensors for imaging live-cell dynamics of small molecules”. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 2633-2642. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Nucleic Acids: Chemistry, Nanotechnology, and Bioapplications] K. Ren, R. Wu, A.P.K.K. Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, Q. Yu, B. Zhao, Y. Xie^, Y. Bagheri, Q. Tian, & M. You*. (2020) “In situ genetically cascaded amplification for imaging RNA subcellular locations”. J Am Chem Soc, 142, 2968-2974. B. Zhao, Q. Tian, Y. Bagheri, & M. You*. (2020) “Lipid-oligonucleotide conjugates for simple and efficient cell membrane engineering and bioanalysis”. Curr Opin Biomed Eng, 13, 76-83. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Biomaterials: Biosensors] Y. Bagheri, S. Chedid^, F. Shafiei, B. Zhao*, & M. You*. (2019) “Quantitative assessment of the dynamic modification of lipid-DNA probes on live cell membranes”. Chem Sci, 10, 11030-11040. [2019 Chemical Science HOT Article] R. Wu, A.P.K.K. Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, F. Shafiei, B. Zhao, Y. Bagheri, Q. Yu, K. McAuliffe^, K. Ren, & M. You*. (2019) “Genetically encoded ratiometric RNA-based sensors for quantitative imaging of small molecules in living cells”. Angew Chem Int Ed, 58, 18271-18275. Y. Bagheri#, F. Shafiei#, S. Chedid^, B. Zhao, & M. You*. (2019) “Lipid-DNA conjugates for cell membrane modification, analysis, and regulation”. Supramol Chem, 31, 532-544. [Invited contribution in the special issue of Emerging Supramolecular Chemists in North America]
