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Dr. James McCormack received his undergraduate pharmacy degree at the University of British Columbia in 1982 and completed a hospital pharmacy residency program at Lion's Gate Hospital in North Vancouver in 1984. He received his doctorate in pharmacy (PharmD) in 1986 from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. He has had extensive experience, both locally and internationally, talking to health professionals and consumers about the rational use of medication. Dr. McCormack has presented over 400 seminars on drug therapy over the last 25 years, focusing on shared-informed decision-making using evidence based information and rational therapeutic principles. In addition, he has published over 100 articles, mainly in the area of rational drug therapy, and served as an editor for two internationally recognized textbooks on rational drug therapy. He is also the co-host of a very popular weekly podcast called the Best Science (BS) Medicine podcast, which can be found at therapeuticseducation.org and the iTunes store.


Dr. McCormack's research interests include knowledge translation and critical appraisal.


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Representations of the health value of vitamin D supplementation in newspapers: media content analysis., Caulfield, Timothy, Clark Marianne I., McCormack James P., Rachul Christen, and Field Catherine J. , BMJ Open, 2014, Volume 4, Issue 12, p.e006395, (2014) Televised medical talk shows--what they recommend and the evidence to support their recommendations: a prospective observational study., Korownyk, Christina, Kolber Michael R., McCormack James, Lam Vanessa, Overbo Kate, Cotton Candra, Finley Caitlin, Turgeon Ricky D., Garrison Scott, Lindblad Adrienne J., et al. , BMJ, 2014, Volume 349, p.g7346, (2014) How confidence intervals become confusion intervals., McCormack, James, Vandermeer Ben, and G Allan Michael , BMC Med Res Methodol, 2013, Volume 13, p.134, (2013) Agreement among cardiovascular disease risk calculators., G Allan, Michael, Nouri Faeze, Korownyk Christina, Kolber Michael R., Vandermeer Ben, and McCormack James , Circulation, 2013 May 14, Volume 127, Issue 19, p.1948-56, (2013) A prescription for improving antibiotic prescribing in primary care., McCormack, James, and G Allan Michael , BMJ, 2012, Volume 344, p.d7955, (2012)
