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Educational and Professional Qualifications 2000 Ph.D. (Chemical Biology/Bio-inorganic Chemistry)Nanjing University, PR China under supervision of Prof. TANG Wenxia 1994 B.Sc. (Chemistry) Xinjiang Normal University, PR China Professional Experiences Feb 04 - Dec 05 Postdoctoral Researcher Molecular Imaging Programs (MIPS), School of Medicine Stanford University, USA Jan 03 - Feb 04 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging University of California, Los Angeles, USA Dec 00 - Jan 03 Research Associate Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Awards 2019 - Full Professorship 2018 - Young Innovator Award in Nano-Biotechnology 2017 - Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK 2013 - COS, Research Collaboration Award, NTU 2011 - Lecturership Awarded by Chemistry Research Promotion Center National Science Council, Taiwan 2011 - Best Poster Award(Presented by graduate student Ms. Yang Yanmei)PERCH-CIC Congress VII, Thailand 2010 - Outstanding Overeas Chinese Graduate Student Award(For graduate student Ms. Liu Rongrong) 2009 - Best Poster Award (Presented by Y2 graduate student Ms. Yang Yanmei) 1st Nanotoday Conference 2009 Biopolis, Singapore 2007 - Lectureship Award 2nd International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia Pusan, South Korea


Our research interests are highly interdisciplinary at the interfaces of Chemical Biology, Fluorescent Imaging Probe Design, Bio-labeling, Nano-medicines, Pharmaceutical Chemistry as well as Food Analysis. Specific aims of ours are to integrate the knowledge of synthesis chemistry, chemical biology and optical imaging sensing techniques to design, develop and identify the "smart" small molecules, natural products, drug active peptides and/or their analogues to solve biological and medicinal problems. We are also interested in development of new functional nanomaterial hybrids as chemical biology tools for biosensing, imaging, enzyme detection, biocatalysis, drug/gene delivery or potential clinical diagnosis. (a) Biomedical Fluorescent Imaging / Chemcial Biology / Pharmaceutical Chemistry Development of novel and "smart" small molecule imaging probes (including design and preparation of small organic or polypeptide fluorophores, "photocaged or photoactive" systems, fluorescent labeled glycopeptides, nucleotides and/or fluorescent nanoparticles or functional oligo/polymers etc) for specific labeling of diseases related proteins on cell memebrane or inside cellular organelles, real-time imaging of the medical functions of bioactive molecules, screening of drug inhibitors or monitoring of drug reaction processes in living systems. (b) Nano-bio technology / Nano-theranostics Development of "smart" - sitimulus - respsonsive peptide or lipid conjugated metallic nanoparticles, semiconductor quantum dots, NIR light-mediated photoactive functional nanomaterials for tumor/bacterial localized sensing, targeted drug/nucleic acids delivery, molecular imaging and precision biomedicine.


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A Nitroreductase-activatable Metabolic Reporter for Covalent Labeling of Pathological Hopoxic Cells in Tumorigenesis . Z. Wang*, J. Lau, S. Liu, Z. Gong, X. Liu, B. G. Xing*, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2024, 64 Enzyme in Synergy: Bacteria Specific Molecular Probe for Locoregional Imaging Urinary Tract Infection in vivo. E. Yan, G. Kwek, X. An, C. Sun, S. Liu, S. Q. Ng, S. Lingesh,L. Jiang, G. Liu*, B. G. Xing*, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2024, 64. Enzyme-repsonsive Fluorescent Labeling Strategy for in vivo Gut Bacterial Imaging. W. Lang, D. Shu, S. Liu, C. Sun, H. Liu, Q. Huang, G. Mao, S. Yang*, B. G. Xing*, J. Org. Chem.; Special Issue: Next Generation Organic Chemistry for Labeling & Imaging, Accepted. 2024. Nanoparticles-mediated Ion Channels Manipulation: From Their Membrane Interactions to Bioapplications. Q. Huang, W. Zhu, X. Gao, X. Liu, Z. Zhang*, B. G. Xing*, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, as Guest editor in Special Theme, Functional Inorganic Nanomaterials for Theranotic Applications, Article 114763, 2023. Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for the Remote Eradication of Bacteria. E. Yan, G. Kwek, S. Q. Ng, S. Lingesh, B. G. Xing*, ChemPlusChem., 2023, 88, e202300009. Doi:/epdf/10.1002/cplu.202300009, Special Issue: Phototherapy. Recent Advances of Material-decorated Photosynthetic Microorganisms & Their Aspects in Biomedical Applications. S. Liu, H. Yang, M. Ho, B. G. Xing*, Adv. Opt. Mat., Special Theme: Optical Bioimaging & Therapy, 2023. NIR-II Photothermal & Colorimetric Synergistic Sesning for Intelligient Onsite Dietary Myrosinase Profiling. L. Qiao, W. Lang, C. Sun, Y. Huang, P. Wu, C. Cai*, B. G. Xing*, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 3856 Hypoxia Deactivates Epigenetic Feedbacks via Enzyme-derived Clickling Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras. T. Do, J. Lau, C. Sun, S. liu, K. Kha, S. Lim, Y. Oon, Y. Kwan, J. Ma, Y. Mu, X. Liu, T. J. Carney, X. Wang*, B. G. Xing*, Science Advances, 2022, 8 (50), abq2216. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abq2216 , Highlighted in "BioArtMED", "爱学术导航ixsdh“, Recommended by Faculty Opinions et al. Detection of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species By Upconversion Nanoparticles-Based Near-Infrared Nanoprobes: Recent Progress and Perspectvies. X. Yu, W. Ouyang, H. Qiu, Z. Zhang*, Z. Wang*, B. G. Xing*, Chem. Eur. J. In press (invited review), 2022. Rhodamine Fluorophores for STED Super-Resolusion Biological Imgaing. F. Chen, W. Liu, H. Li, T. Deng, B. G. Xing*, F. liu*, Analysis & Sensing, 2022, 2, e202100066. Tumour Enzyme Affinity Mediated Peptide Molecular Crowding for Targeted Disruption of Hyperactivated Glucose Uptake. G. Kwek, S. Lingesh, S. Chowdhury, B. G. Xing*. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 1350. Special Issue: Multimolecular Crowding in Biosystem Diazapentabenzocorannulenium: A Hydrophilic /Biophilic Cationic Buckybowl for Mitrochondria Imgaing. Q. Li, Y. Hamamoto, G. Kwek, B. G. Xing*, Y. Li, S. Ito*, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2021, 61,e202112638 Small-molecule Fluorescence Probes: Big Future for Specific Bacterial labeling and infection Detection. Z. Wang*, B. G. Xing*. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 155, "Feature Article" in Chemical Biology & Bacterial Imaging A Metabolic Labeling Way to In situ Fabricate Bacterial FRET Platform for Innate Immune Defence Molecule, Z. Zhang*, Q. Han, J. Lau, Z. Wang, M. Hu, H. Qiu, T. D. Cong, B. G. Xing*. Senors & Actuators: B. Chem. 2022, 350, 130913 Cyanine-Dyad Molecular Probe for Simutaneous Profliling of Multiple Radical Species Evolution in Bacterial Infection. Z. Wang,^ T. Do Cong,^ W. Zhong, J. Lau, G. Kwek, M. B. Chan-Park, B. G. Xing*, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2021, 60, 16900 , Selected as "Very Important Paper, VIP", Highlighted in "Angew Chem. Wechat Platform", and "X-Mol". . Recomposition and Storage of Sunlight with Intelligent Phosphors for Enhanced Photosynthesis. Z. Zhang, Q. Han, S. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Hu, M. Szeto, R. Lau, B. G. Xing*. Dalton Transactions, RSC., 2021, 50, 11025 . Continuous-wave Near-IR STED Microscopy using Downshifting Lanthanide Nanoparticles. L. Liang, Z. Feng, Q. Zhang, T. Do. Cong, Y. Wang, X. Qin, Z. Yi, M. Ang, L. Zhou, H. Feng, B. G. Xing, M. Gu,* X. Li,* X. G. Liu.* Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, Accepted. Scratching The Surface of Unventured Possibilities with in situ Self-assembly: Protease Activated Developments for Imaging and Therapy. G. Kwek, T. Cong, X. Lu, J. Lin, B. G. Xing*,ACS Applied Bio Mater. 2021, 4,2192 Near-infrared Light Brightens Bacterial Disinfecton: Recent Progress and Perspectives. Q. Y. Han, J. Lau, D. Thang, Z. Zhang*, B. G. Xing*, ACS Applied Bio Mater. 2021, 4, 3937 Lanthanide-doped Upconversion Nanoparticles Meet the Needs for Cutting-edge Bioapplications: Recent Progress and Perspectives". Z. Zhang*, Q. Y. Han, J. W. Lau, B. G. Xing*. ACS Materials Lett. 2020, 2, 1516., Invited Perspective , ACS ML Highlight . Luminescent Molecules Towards Precise Cellular Event Regulation. M. Hu, Q. Han, L. Lyu, Y. Tong, S. Dong, Z. Loh, B. G. Xing*, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 10231-10234. Extra-Specific Manifestation of Nanoheater's Position Effect on Distinctive Cellular Photothermal Response. D. C. Thang, Z. Wang, M. Hu, Q. Y. Han, B. G. Xing*, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 5836. , Highlighted in "Nanoer". Near-Infrared Photo-controlled Therapeutic Release Via Upconversion Nanocomposites. Z. Wang, D. C. Thang, X. Zhao, X. Xie, Z. Wang, J. Lin, B. G. Xing*, J. Control. Release. 2020, 324, 104. Near-Infrared Multipurpose Lanthanide-Imaging Nanoprobes. Z. Wang, B. G. Xing*, Chem. Asian J. 2020, 14, 2076 , Invited Review for Anniversary of SNIC. Metallic Nanoparticles Enabled Screening of Drug-of-abuse, an Approach to Forensic Analysis. M. Hu, Q. Y. Han, B. G. Xing*, ChemBioChem, 2020, 21. 2512. , [Inside Cover]. 近红外上转化转换纳米器在光遗传学调控中的应用. Z. Wang, M. Hu, B. G. Xing*. 无机化学学报, (Inorganic. Chim. Acta), 2020, 6, 969 Invited Review, Special Issue in 100 Yrs Anniversary of School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, NanJing Univ. NIR Nanoprobe Facilitated Cross-referencing Manifestation of Local Disease Biology for Dynamic Therapeutic Response Assessment. Z. Wang, X. Ai, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Wu, R. Haindl, E. K. L. Yeow, W. Drexler, M. Gao, B. G. Xing.*, Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 803. , Highlighted by "Nanoer". Redox-Activatable and Acid-Enhanced Nanotheranostics for Second Near-infrared Photoacoustic Tomography and Combined Photothermal Tumor Therapy. Z. Wang, Z. Xu, P. K. Upputuri, Y. Jiang, J. Lau, M. Pramanik, K. Pu*, B. G. Xing.* ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 5816 , Highlighted by "Nanoer". Precise Cell Behaviors Manipulations Through Light-Responsive Nano-regulators: Recent Advance and Perspective. D.C.Thang, Z.Wang, X.Lu, B.G.Xing.* Theranostics. 2019, 9, 3308 Multispectral Optoaccoustic Imaging of Dynamic Redox Correlation and Pathophysiological Progression Utilizing Upconversion Nanoprobes. X. Z. Ai, Z. M. Wang, H. Cheong, Y. Wang, R. C. Zhang, J. Lin, Y. J. Zheng, Y. M. Gao*, B. G. Xing*. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1087.
