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Although I joined the School of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow in 2003, I already felt quite at home - this may have been due to the fact that I had already spent 7 years here - as an undergraduate and a postgraduate student. I graduated in 1985 with BSc (Hons) Chemistry and then worked towards my PhD, entitled "Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Genetically Engineered Enzymes" under the supervision of Dr. Alan Cooper (now Professor Cooper). Prior to graduating again in 1989, I had started working for Ciba-Geigy Pigments as a senior research chemist. My tasks at Ciba-Geigy involved the development of new azo and phthalocyanine products for the paint, ink and plastics industries and with process modifications of a chemical nature. I worked with Ciba-Geigy for 4 years and then moved to the University of Strathclyde as a part-time Academic Demonstrator in the 2nd and 3rd Year physical chemistry and forensic and analytical undergraduate teaching labs. I worked at Strathclyde University for almost 10 years before joining the University of Glasgow in my present post.
