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B.Sc. & M.Sc, Kyungnam University, Korea, 1999; Ph.D., Mississippi State University, USA, 2003; Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida, USA, 2007; Research Associate, Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, USA, 2009


Food Microbiology and Safety

I am interested in bacterial stress response to elucidate the foodborne pathogen's ability to survive in unfavorable environment, in post-harvesting control and preservation technologies to minimize microbial risk in foods, and in the development and the improvement of rapid methods to detect foodborne pathogens in foods. The overall goal of research projects is to improve microbiological safety of foods. Bacterial stress adaptive response Recent research indicates continuous adaptation and development of resistance by pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics and to various food-related stresses, such as low pH, heat, and chemical preservatives. Stress-adapted bacterial pathogens could increase their virulence and, accordingly, decrease their oral infectious dose. Thus, my research focus on how long stress adapted pathogens can survive in high risk foods such as RTE (ready-to-eat) foods and fresh produce which do not have an intervention step for eliminating pathogens before consumption, and whether these survivors develop acid resistance in a simulated dynamic gastrointestinal model. This research also involves biochemical analysis to understand physiological alteration of pathogens during developing resistance to food-related stresses. Intervention and preservation technologies for enhancing food safety Raw foods intended for consumption may be exposed to pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and viruses from animal excreta, water, infected workers, or food processing facilities with poor sanitation. Therefore, methods that effectively and reliably reduce or eliminate pathogenic bacteria on raw or processed foods are needed. My research project is conducted to develop, improve, and evaluate physical, chemical, and biological intervention technologies to enhance the quality and safety of foods. Improvement of molecular-based detection of foodborne pathogen in foods The rapid and accurate identification of bacterial pathogens from food samples is important, both for food quality assurance and to trace outbreaks of bacterial pathogens within the food supply. Therefore the purpose of this project is to develop or improve rapid detection tools using molecular and immunological methods. This project also develops appropriate microbiological media for the recovery of environmentally stressed or injured microorganism from foods to shorten enrichment time.


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Yuk, H. G., D. J. Geveke, H. Q. Zhang, and T. Z. Jin. 2009. Comparison of aluminum thermal-death-time disks with a pilot-scale pasteurizer on thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 in apple cider. Food Control. 20:1053-1057. Yuk, H. G., D. J. Geveke, and H. Q. Zhang. 2009. Inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 in buffered peptone water using pilot-plant scale supercritical carbon dioxide system. Food Control. 20:847-851. Yuk, H. G., S. C. Jo, H. K. Seo, S. M. Park, and S. C. Lee. 2008. Effect of storage in juice with or without pulp and/or calcium lactate on the subsequent survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in simulated gastric fluid.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 123:198-203. Jo, S. C., A. R. Rim, H. J. Park, H. G. Yuk, and S. C. Lee. 2007. Combined treatment with silver ions and organic acid enhances growth-inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Food Control. 18:1235-1240. Warren, B. R., H. G. Yuk, and K. R. Schneider. 2007. Survival of Shigella sonnei on smooth tomato surface, in potato salad and in raw ground beef. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 116:400-404. Yuk, H. G., M. Y. Yoo, J. W. Yoon, D. L. Marshall, and D. H. Oh. 2007. Effect of combined ozone and organic acid treatment for control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on enoki mushroom. Food Control. 18:548-553. Warren, B. R., H. G. Yuk, and K. R. Schneider. 2007. Detection of Salmonella spp. by flow-through immunocapture real-time PCR in selected foods within eight hours. Journal of Food Protection. 70:1002-1006. Yuk, H. G., B. R. Warren, and K. R. Schneider. 2007. Infiltration and survival of Salmonella spp. on tomato surfaces labeled using a low energy carbon dioxide laser device. HortTechnology. 17:67-71. Warren, B. R., H. G. Yuk, and K. R. Schneider. 2006. Detection of Shigella sonnei in selected foods by flow-through immunocapture followed by real-time polymerase chain reaction or isolation on MacConkey agar.Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 14: 309-324. Yuk, H. G., B. R. Warren, and K. R. Schneider. 2006. Preliminary evaluation of flow-through immunocapture followed by real-time PCR for the detection of Salmonella serovars on tomato surfaces within 8 hours. Journal of Food Protection.. 69:2253-2257. Yuk, H. G., and K. R. Schneider. 2006. Acid adaptation of Salmonella spp. in juice stored under refrigerated and room temperature enhances acid resistance in simulated gastric fluid. Food Microbiology. 23:694-700. Yuk, H. G., M. Y. Yoo, J. W. Yoon, K. D. Moon, D. L. Marshall, and D. H. Oh. 2006. Effect of combined ozone and organic acid treatment for control of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on lettuce.Journal of Food Science. 71:M83-87. Yuk, H. G., J. A. Bartz, and K. R. Schneider. 2006. The effectiveness of sanitizer treatments in eliminating Salmonella spp. on smooth surface, stem scar, and wound of bell pepper, cucumber, and strawberry. Journal of Food Science. 71:M95-99. Yuk, H. G. and D. L. Marshall. 2006. Effect of trisodium phosphate adaptation on changes in membrane lipid composition, verotoxin secretion, and acid resistance of E. coli O157:H7 in simulated gastric fluid.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 106:39-44. Yuk, H. G., J. A. Bartz, and K. R. Schneider. 2005. The effectiveness of individual or combined sanitizer treatments in elimination of Salmonella spp. on smooth surface, stem scar, and wounds of tomatoes. Journal of Food Science. 70:M409-M414. Yuk, H. G. and D. L. Marshall. 2005. Influence of acetic, citric, and lactic acid on Escherichia coli O157:H7 membrane lipid composition, verotoxin secretion, and acid resistance in simulated gastric fluid. Journal of Food Protection. 68:673-679 Yuk, H. G. and D. L. Marshall. 2004. Escherichia coli O157:H7 pH adaptation changes membrane lipid composition, verotoxin secretion, and acid resistance in stimulated gastric fluid. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70:3500-3505 Yuk, H. G. and D. L. Marshall. 2003. Heat adaptation alters Escherichia coli O157:H7 membrane lipid composition and verotoxin production. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 69:5155-5119. Lee, S. C., H. G. Yuk, D. H. Lee, K. E. Lee, Y. I. Hwang, and R. D. Ludescher. 2002. Stabilization of retinol through incorporation into liposomes. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 35:358-363. Yuk, H. G., J. H. Choi, Y. J. Cho, J. U. Ha, Y. I. Hwang, and S. C. Lee. 1999. Investigation of reactive condition to extract pectin with exo-polygalacturonase from pear pomace. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology. 31:68-73.
