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1998年毕业于山东大学,2003年获中国科学院物理研究所博士学位。2003-2005年在德国明斯特大学(University of Münster)从事博士后研究;2005年被聘为德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)纳米技术研究所客座科学家。2007-2013年为德国明斯特大学研究员。2013年加入中山大学。


凝聚态物理。从事低维与表面物理研究,目前的研究课题: 1、表面纳米结构及其电子学性质的原子尺度调控。 2、新型光电材料的表面界面研究。 3、新型光伏器件的界面调控。


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M. Z. Liu, M. X. Liu, L. M. She, Z. Q. Zha, J. L. Pan, S. C. Li, T. Li, Y. Y. He, Z. Y. Cai, J. B. Wang, Y. Zheng, X. H. Qiu*, and D. Y. Zhong*, Graphene-like nanoribbons periodically embedded with four- and eight-membered rings. Nature Communications (In press. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14924). L. M. She§, M. Z. Liu§, and D. Y. Zhong*, Atomic Structures of CH3NH3PbI3 (001) Surfaces. ACS Nano 10 (1), 1126-1131 (2016). X. Z. Zhou, X. L. Li, Y. Liu, F. Huang, D. Y. Zhong*, Interface electronic properties of co-evaporated MAPbI3 on ZnO(0001): In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy study. Applied Physics Letters 108 (12), 121601 (2016). Z. Y. Cai, L. M. She, L. Q. Wu, D. Y. Zhong*, On-Surface Synthesis of Linear Polyphenyl Wires Guided by Surface Steric Effect. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 6619-6624 (2016). Z. Y. Cai§, M. Z. Liu§, L. M. She, X. L. Li, J. Lee, D. -X. Yao, H. M. Zhang, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, D. Y. Zhong*, Linear Alkane C–C Bond Chemistry Mediated by Metal Surfaces. Chemphyschem 16, 1356-1360 (2015). D. Y. Zhong§, T. Bloemker§, C. Mueck-Lichtenfeld, H. M. Zhang, G. Kehr, G. Erker*, H. Fuchs, and L. F. Chi*, Thymine and Adenine Tetrads Formed on Anisotropic Metal. Small 10 (2), 265-270 (2014). S. Linden*, D. Y. Zhong, A. Timmer, N. Aghdassi, J. H. Franke, H. Zhang, X. Feng, K. Muellen, H. Fuchs, L. Chi, and H. Zacharias, Electronic Structure of Spatially Aligned Graphene Nanoribbons on Au(788). Physics Review Letters 108 (21), 216801 (2012) D. Y. Zhong, L. F. Chi, H. M. Guo, D. X. Shi, and H. Fuchs*, Molecular Cloisonné: Multicomponent Organic Alternating Nanostructures at Vicinal Surfaces with Tunable Length Scales. Small 8 (4), 535-540 (2012). D. Y. Zhong, F. L. Sousa, A. Mueller*, L. F. Chi*, and H. Fuchs*, A Nanosized Molybdenum Oxide Wheel with a Unique Electronic-Necklace Structure: STM Study with Submolecular Resolution. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 50 (31), 7018-7021 (2011). D. Y. Zhong, J. H. Franke, S. K. Podiyanachari, T. Bloemker, H. M. Zhang, G. Kehr, G. Erker*, H. Fuchs*, and L. F. Chi*, Linear Alkane Polymerization on a Gold Surface. Science 334 (6053), 213-216 (2011). D. Y. Zhong, H. M. Zhang, and L. F. Chi, Surface-supported nanostructures directed by atomic- and molecular-level templates. in Nanostructured surfaces, edited by L. F. Chi (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010). D. Y. Zhong, K. Wedeking, T. Bloemker, G. Erker, H. Fuchs, and L. F. Chi*, Multilevel Supramolecular Architectures Self-Assembled on Metal Surfaces. Acs Nano 4 (4), 1997-2002 (2010). D. Y. Zhong, J. Franke, T. Bloemker, G. Erker, L. F. Chi*, and H. Fuchs, Manipulating Surface Diffusion Ability of Single Molecules by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Nano Letters 9 (1), 132-136 (2009). D. Y. Zhong, T. Bloemker, K. Wedeking, L. F. Chi*, G. Erker*, and H. Fuchs, Surface-Mounted Molecular Rotors with Variable Functional Groups and Rotation Radii. Nano Letters 9 (12), 4387-4391 (2009). D. Y. Zhong, M. Hirtz, W. C. Wang, R. F. Dou, L. F. Chi,* and H. Fuchs, Kinetics of island formation in organic film growth. Physical Review B 77 (11), 113404 (2008).
