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叶新新,教授、博士生导师,2012年中科院南京土壤研究所获土壤学博士学位。现任安徽农业大学资源与环境学院副院长,自然资源部江淮耕地资源保护与生态修复重点实验室主任、安徽省绿色磷肥智能创制与高效利用工程研究中心主任,中国植物营养与肥料学会理事、中国土壤学会理事、安徽省现代农业产业岗位专家。主要从事新型肥料研发与科学施肥、养分资源高效利用与管理和农田面源污染防治与绿色生产等方面的研究工作。主持国家重点研发课题、子课题和国家基金以及省部级课题等项目10余项,发表科研论文70余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇;授权国家发明专利9项;制定发布国家标准和安徽省地方标准3项,合作出版学术专著2部,获安徽省科技进步二等奖、第二届植物营养与肥料科学技术二等奖和全国农牧渔业丰收三等奖各1项,获国家级教学成果二等奖、安徽省教学成果一等奖各1项。 主讲课程 主讲本科生课程《植物营养学》、《植物营养研究方法》、《土壤肥力学》、《环境质量与农产品安全》、《施肥法原理》等 主讲研究生课程《高级植物营养学》、《高级植物营养研究方法》、《农产品安全生产与技术》等 获奖情况 2019安徽省科学技技进步奖,小麦-玉米秸秆还田快腐与养分高效利用关键技术及应用,S2019JLJB0457, 二等奖(排名第7) 在安徽省第九届大学生GIS技能大赛中,指导作品《一种安徽省典型城市PM2.5空间分布以及预测模型》荣获地理设计组一等奖,被评为“优秀指导教师




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Ye XX, Hu HX, Li HY, Xiong QZ, Gao HJ*. Combined nitrogen fertilizer and wheat straw increases the cadmium phytoextraction efficiency of Tagetes patula, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 170: 210-217, 2019. Ye XX, Ye Y, Chai RS, Li JL, Ma C, Li HY, Xiong QZ, Gao HJ. The influence of a year-round tillage and residue management model on soil N fractions in a wheat-maize cropping system in central China. Scientific Reports, 9:4767, 2019. Ye XX, Ma JJ, Wei JL, Sun K, Xiong QZ. Comparison of the bioavailability of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in a B[a]P-contaminated soil using the different addition approaches. Scientific Reports, 9:3848, 2019. Ye XX, Wang GZ*, Zhang YX, Zhao HJ. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in root cells:reducing the mobility and toxicity of Pb in rice. Environmental Science: Nano, 5: 398-407, 2018. Ye XX, Li HY, Zhang LG, Chai RS, Tu RF, Gao HJ*. Amendment damages the function of continuous flooding in decreasing Cd and Pb uptake by rice in acid paddy soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 147:708–714, 2018. Ye XX, Li HY, Wang QY, Chai RS, Ma C, Gao HJ*,Mao JD. Influence of aspartic acid and lysine on the uptake of -- GOld nanoparticles in rice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 148: 418–425, 2018. Li HY, Guo XS, Ye XX*. Screening hydroxyapatite for cadmium and leadimmobilization in aqueous solution and contaminated soil: The role of surfacearea. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 52: 141–150, 2017. Dong AL, Ye XX*, Li HY, Zhang YX, Wang GZ*. Micro/nanostructuredhydroxyapatite structurally enhances the immobilization for Cu and Cd incontaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16: 2030–2040, 2016. Li HY, Ye XX*, Geng ZG, Zhou HJ, Guo XS, Zhang YX, Zhao HJ, Wang GZ*. The influence of biochar type on long-term stabilization for Cd and Cu incontaminated paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304: 40–48, 2016. Li HY, Ye XX*, Guo XS, Geng ZG, Wang GZ*. Effects of surface ligandson the uptake and transport of -- GOld nanoparticles in rice and tomato. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 314: 188–196, 2016. Ye XX*, Kang SH, Wang HM, Li HY, Zhang YX, Wang GZ*. Modified naturaldiatomite and its enhanced immobilization of lead, copper and cadmium insimulated contaminated soils. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 289: 210–218, 2015. Ye XX, Li HY, Ma YB, Wu L, Sun B*. The bioaccumulation of Cd in ricegrains in paddy soils as affected and predicted by soil properties. Journal ofSoils and Sediments, 14: 1407–1416, 2014. Ye XX, Sun B*, Yin YL. Variation of arsenic concentration betweensoil types and rice genotypes and the selection of cultivars for reducingarsenic in the diet. Chemosphere,87: 384–389,2012. Ye XX, Ma YB, Sun B*. The influence of soil type and genotype oncadmium bioavailability and uptake by rice and implication for foodsafety. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24: 1647–1654, 2012. 叶新新, 王冰清, 刘少君, 等. 耕作方式和秸秆还田对砂姜黑土碳库及玉米小麦产量的影响. 农业工程学报, 35(14) , 112-118, 2019. 叶新新, 孙波*. 品种和土壤对水稻镉吸收的影响及镉生物有效性预测模型研究进展. 土壤, 44: 360–365, 2012. 叶新新, 周艳丽, 孙波*. 适于轻度Cd、As污染土壤种植的水稻品种筛选. 农业环境科学学报, 31: 1082–1088,2012. 叶新新, 常江*, 刘春盛. 油菜叶片氮吸收量与其产量预测关系的研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 36(1):144–148, 2009.
