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赵枭,男,八零后,山西人。2010年7月毕业于四川大学建筑与环境学院,获工学学士学位;同年赴美国奥本大学工学院攻读博士学位,2015年8月获Ph.D.(土木工程系环境工程专业);2015年8月至2017年10月于清华大学环境学院开展博士后研究工作。2017年入选中国农业大学“优秀人才”,任副教授。 现担任“卓越期刊计划”SCI期刊《Chinese Chemical Letters》(中国化学快报,影响因子6.78)青年编委;《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》(环境科学与工程前沿,影响因子4.36)首届青年编委。目前主持国家自然科学青年基金一项,主持一项博士后面上项目已结题。读博期间曾参与美国海洋能源署,美国环保署EPA-Star项目多项。 近年来围绕“零价铁修复污染场地和地下水”、“海湾漏油”、“光催化”、“二氧化碳捕集”、“生物质气化”和“化学链燃烧”等方向展开研究。近五年主要学术成果包括一作SCI共10篇,通讯作者SCI共8篇。其中ESI高引文章2篇,封面文章1篇;影响因子 IF > 5的共有13篇,其中有4篇IF > 10,有1篇IF > 30。近五年所有SCI论文引用(基于Google Scholar)= 2300+,个人H-Index = 24。 教育经历 2010.08.01-2015.08.01,博士,美国奥本大学,土木工程 2006.09.01-2010.06.01,硕士,四川大学,环境工程 工作经历 2017.11.01,水利与土木工程学院 2015.08.01-2017.10.01,清华大学环境学院博士后


环境纳米材料研发(纳米零价铁,钛酸纳米管,钛系光催化材料),应用于土壤和地下水修复以及水污染处理工艺 农业场地的重金属、有机物污染物治理 饮用水中阴离子污染物(氟、砷)的去除 海湾漏油有关的石油组分(多环芳烃PAHs,烷烃alkanes)的迁移、降解、吸附和解吸行为,以及归趋的研究 绿色能源技术,包括二氧化碳捕集技术和生物质能源开发


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Xiao Zhao*, Ying Li, Kenneth C. Carroll, Fangfang Li, Liuchao Qiu, Zailin Huo. (2021). “Mesoporous goethite for rapid and high-capacity fluoride removal from drinking water”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4):105278, (IF=5.909) 介孔针铁矿快速高效去除饮用水中的氟化物 Keyu Fa, En Xie*, Xiao Zhao*, Chaozi Wang. (2021). “Natural water input deposit little atmospheric carbon into groundwater in a desert”. CATENA, 199:105097, (IF=5.198) 自然水输入将少量大气碳沉积到沙漠地下水中 En Xie, Xiaohui Zhao*, Kun Li, Panwei Zhang, Xiuhua Zhou, Xiao Zhao*. (2021). “Microbial community structure in the river sediments from upstream of Guanting Reservoir: Potential impacts of reclaimed water recharge”. Science of The Total Environment, 766: 142609. (IF = 7.963) 再生水对官厅水库上游底泥中微生物群落结构的影响 Xiao Zhao*, Wen Liu, Zhengqing Cai, Jie Fu, Jun Duan, Dongye Zhao*, M Bozack, Yucheng Feng. (2020). “Reductive immobilization of uranium by stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles: Effects of stabilizers, water chemistry and long-term stability”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 604, 125315. (IF = 4.539) 使用稳定纳米零价铁还原固定铀:稳定剂的作用、水化学和长周期稳定性测试 Zhengqing Cai#, Xiao Zhao#, Jun Duan#, Dongye Zhao*, Zhi Dang, Zhang Lin. (2020). “Remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with organic chemicals using stabilized nanoparticles: Lessons from the past two decades”. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 14, 84. (IF = 4.357) 使用稳定纳米材料修复土壤和地下水的有机物:过去二十年的经验教训 En Xie#, Fangfang Li, Chaozi Wang, Wei Shi, Chen Huang, Keyu Fa*, Xiao Zhao*, Dayi Zhang. (2020). “Roles of sulfur compounds in growth and alkaline phosphatase activities of Microcystis aeruginosa under phosphorus deficiency stress”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 21533–21541. (IF = 4.223) 铜绿微囊藻在磷缺乏条件下含硫物质对于碱性磷酸酶活性的影响 Fuguo Qiu#, Huadong Lv, Xiao Zhao*, Dongye Zhao*. (2019). “Impact of an extreme winter storm event on the coagulation/flocculation processes in a prototype surface water treatment plant: causes and mitigating measures”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(15), 2808. (IF = 3.39) 一次紧急冬季降雨对于典型水处理厂的混凝/絮凝工艺的影响:事件发生和应对措施 Ming Zhao#, Xiaomin Cui, Guozhao Ji, Hui Zhou, Arun K Vuppaladadiyam, Xiao Zhao*. (2019). “Alkaline thermal treatment of cellulosic biomass for H2 production using Ca-based bi-functional materials”.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,7: 1202?1209. (IF = 8.198) 钙基双功能材料用于碱热反应处理纤维素生物质产氢 Ming Zhao#, Xu He, Guozhao Ji, Yinqiang Song, Xiao Zhao*. (2018). “Zirconia incorporated calcium looping absorbents with superior sintering resistance for carbon dioxide capture from in-situ or ex-situ Processes”. Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2(12): 2733-2741. (IF = 6.367) 氧化锆组分用于提高钙循环碳捕集剂的抗烧结能力 ing Zhao#, Yinqiang Song, Guozhao Ji, Xiao Zhao*. (2018). “Demonstration of polymorphic spacing strategy against sintering: synthesis of stabilized calcium looping absorbents for high-temperature CO2 sorption”. Energy & Fuels, 32(4): 5443-5452. (IF = 3.605) 多相稳定剂用于增强钙循环碳捕集剂的高温表现 iao Zhao#, Penghui Du, Zhengqing Cai, Ting Wang, Jie Fu*, Wen Liu*. (2018). “Photocatalysis of bisphenol A by an easy-settling titania/titanate composite: Effects of water chemistry factors, degradation pathway and theoretical calculation”. Environmental Pollution, 232: 580-590. (IF = 8.071) 采用易沉降分离的二氧化钛/钛酸混合物实现双酚A的高效光降解 ---------------------------------------------------------------------加入农大前----------------------------------------------------------------- Xiao Zhao#, Guozhao Ji, Wen Liu, Xu He, Edward J. Anthony, Ming Zhao*. (2018). “Mesoporous MgO promoted with NaNO3/NaNO2 for rapid and high-capacity CO2 capture at moderate temperatures”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 332: 216-226. (IF = 13.273) 硝酸钠/亚硝酸钠增强型介孔MgO用于中温段快速高效吸收CO2 Xiao Zhao#, Hui Zhou#, Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Ah-Hyung A. Park*, Paul S. Fennell, Laihong Shen and Liang-Shih Fan. (2017). “Biomass-based chemical looping technologies: the good, the bad and the future”. Energy & Environmental Science, 10, 1885-1910. (IF = 38.532,封面文章,ESI高被引论文) 基于生物质为燃料的化学链技术,优势、劣势和未来 Xiao Zhao#, Zhengqing Cai, Ting Wang, S.E. O’Reilly, Wen Liu*, Dongye Zhao*. (2016). “A new type of cobalt-deposited titanate nanotubes for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene”. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 187: 134-143. (IF = 19.503) 一种新型钴掺杂的钛酸纳米管对于菲的光催化降解 Xiao Zhao#, Wen Liu#, Zhengqing Cai, Bing Han, Tianwei Qian, Dongye Zhao*. (2016). “An overview of preparation and applications of stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles for soil and groundwater remediation”. Water Research, 100: 245-266. (IF = 11.236,ESI高被引论文 & 热点论文) 综述:稳定纳米零价铁的制备与其在土壤、地下水治理中的应用 Xiao Zhao#, Wen Liu, Jie Fu, Zhengqing Cai, S.E. O’Reilly, Dongye Zhao*. (2016). “Dispersion, sorption and photodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in dispersant-seawater-sediment systems”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109: 1, 526-538. (IF = 5.553) 分散的石油污染物在海岸体系中(分散剂-海水-底泥)的分散、吸附和光降解 Wen Liu#, Shuting Tian#, Xiao Zhao#, Wenbo Xie, Yanyan Gong, Dongye Zhao*. (2015). “Application of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of metal-contaminated soil and groundwater: A critical review”. Current Pollution Reports, 1(4), 280-291. (IF = 6.373) 应用稳定纳米材料用于原位处理重金属污染的土壤和地下水:评论综述 Xiao Zhao#, Yanyan Gong, S.E. O’Reilly, Dongye Zhao*. (2015). “Effects of oil dispersant on solubilization, sorption and desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment-seawater systems”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92: 1–2, 160–169. (IF = 5.553) 石油分散剂对于多环芳烃的溶解、吸附和解吸行为的影响
