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Landscape ecology, pollination, genetic conservation, land management

The global decline of pollinators, linked to the loss of native ecosystems, constitutes a serious threat to ecosystem function and human food security. There is a dearth of empirical research combining data about landscape, pollinator movement, and pollen flow, and yet this information is essential for effective management and conservation plans. I use direct insect tracking technologies to improve our understanding of movement patterns of pollinators in relation to the spatial distribution of resources. The aim is to provide guidance that will help to protect pollinators, the plants they pollinate, and pollination services in human-modified landscapes.


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Arnold F, Sepulveda CA, J San Martin, D Boshier, P. Penailillo, T Lander, P Garrido, S Harris & W Hawthorne (2010) Propuesta de una estrategia de conservación para los bosques nativos de la subregión costera del Maule. Darwin Maule. Lander T.A., A. Monro. 2015. Conservation of Brosimum alicastrum, an underutilized crop and keystone forest tree species; a potential win-win for conservation and development in Latin America. Biodiversity and Conservation http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10531-015-0913-9 Lander T.A., J.N. Candau , A. Chalon, A. Roig, C. Gidoin, D. Fallour, S. Oddou-Muratorio, E.K. Klein, M.A. Auger-Rozenberg, T. Boivin. 2014. Reconstruction of the invasion of a seed chalcid wasp in south-eastern France using air flow trajectories and Bayesian analysis of genetic data. Ecology and Evolution 4(24): 4609-4625 Bolliger J., T. Lander, N. Balkenhol. 2014. Landscape genetics since 2003: status, challenges and future directions. Landscape Ecology 29: 361-366 Lander T.A., E.K. Klein, S. Stoeckel, B. Musch, S. Oddou-Muratorio. 2013. Interpreting realized pollen flow in terms of pollinator travel paths and land-use resistance in heterogeneous landscapes. Landscape Ecology 28: 1769-1783 Lander T.A., B. Dadonaite, A. Monro. 2013. Microwave drying of plant material for herbarium specimens and genetic analysis. TAXON 62:790-797 Lander, T.A., D. Bebber, T..L. Choy, S.A. Harris and D.H. Boshier. 2011. The Circe Principle explains how resource-rich land can waylay pollinators in fragmented landscapes. Current Biology 21: 1302-7 Lander, T.A., S. Oddou-Muratorio, H. Prouillet-Leplat, E.K. Klein. 2011. Reconstruction of a beech population bottleneck using archival demographic information and Bayesian analysis of genetic data. Molecular Ecology 20: 5182–5196
