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To define how specific cell types contribute to the timing of neuronal population activity in the CA3 area of the hippocampus. To establish the identity of GABAergic neurons in the CA1 and CA3 areas and determine their in vivo firing patterns relative to theta, gamma and 100-200 Hz network oscillations and pyramidal cell activity. To test the hypothesis that disinhibition, i.e. the phasic inhibition, or deactivation of key GABAergic neurons in the CA3 area is a condition of the synchronous pyramidal cell discharge in CA3 assembly activity that generates sharp waves in the CA1 area. To explain how behaviour specific changes in interneuron firing contribute to pyramidal assembly activity. To explain the role of identified neurons in well-defined and behaviourally significant cortical network events.

Rhythmicity provides flexibility by resetting the frequency, amplitude and phase of population activity for encoding and delivering information in support of behavioural needs. Importantly, firing of single and groups of neurons can change systematically relative to the population rhythm and reflect temporal coding of information. One of the most studied and widespread cortical oscillations is rhythmic slow activity in the theta frequency range, typically 4-12 Hz in the temporal cortex of rodents. Theta oscillations modulate higher frequency gamma (30-120 Hz) oscillations associated with cognitive processes in both rodents and humans. Such cross-frequency coupling is a basic principle of brain function as changes in coupling strength indicate dynamic changes in neuronal network activity underlying behaviour, cognitive states such as navigation, decision-making and memory performance.


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Unal, G, Joshi, A, Viney, TJ, Kis, V, and Somogyi, P (2015) Synaptic Targets of Medial Septal Projections in the Hippocampus and Extrahippocampal Cortices of the Mouse. Valero, M, Cid, E, Averkin, RG, Aguilar, J, Sanchez-Aguilera, A, Viney, TJ, Gomez-Dominguez, D, Bellistri, E, and de la Prida, LM (2015) Determinants of different deep and superficial CA1 pyramidal cell dynamics during sharp-wave ripples. Varga, C, Tamas, G, Barzo, P, Olah, S, and Somogyi, P (2015) Molecular and Electrophysiological Characterization of GABAergic Interneurons Expressing the Transcription Factor COUP-TFII in the Adult Human Temporal Cortex. Somogyi, P, Katona, L, Klausberger, T, Lasztoczi, B, and Viney, TJ (2014) Temporal redistribution of inhibition over neuronal subcellular domains underlies state-dependent rhythmic change of excitability in the hippocampus. Katona, L, Lapray, D, Viney, TJ, Oulhaj, A, Borhegyi, Z, Micklem, BR, Klausberger, T, and Somogyi, P (2014) Sleep and movement differentiates actions of two types of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic interneuron in rat hippocampus. Viney, TJ, Lasztoczi, B, Katona, L, Crump, MG, Tukker, JJ, Klausberger, T, and Somogyi, P (2013) Network state-dependent inhibition of identified hippocampal CA3 axo-axonic cells in vivo.
