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Professor Potter studied chemistry at Oxford, completing his DPhil on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalysed phosphoryl transfer, developing the [16O,17O,18O] oxygen chiral phosphate approach. After postdoctoral positions at Oxford and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Experimentelle Medizin in Germany, as Royal Society European Exchange Fellow, he became Lecturer in Biological Chemistry at Leicester University, winning a Lister Institute Fellowship, and later moving to the Established Chair of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Bath as Head of Section. He has been a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator since 2013 and in 2015 was appointed Professor of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford.


All work concerns the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of active organic molecules at the interfaces of Chemistry & Biology, ultimately aimed at the dissection of biological mechanisms through chemical biological intervention and molecular biology or, at the interface of Chemistry & Medicine, through intelligent drug design & discovery with the aim of moving translationally from 'concept to clinic'. A unifying general theme is centred around cellular signalling processes and concerns both entities involved in endocrine signalling and its modulation in oncology and endocrinology, as well as the chemistry of signal transduction processes in particular, particularly those involving cyclitol and nucleotide-based second messengers signalling through the elevation of intracellular Ca2+. Synthetic chemistry is underpinned by biochemical assays, protein crystallography and by in silico computational design. Where possible, synthesized ligands are co-crystallized with relevant binding proteins for structure-based design in both broad areas. The work is highly collaborative and international.


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Watson, PJ, Millard, CJ, Riley, AM, Robertson, NS, Wright, LC, Godage, HY, Cowley, SM, Jamieson, AG, Potter, BVL, and Schwabe, JWR (2016) Insights into the activation mechanism of class I HDAC complexes by inositol phosphates. Mills, SJ, Silvander, C, Cozier, G, Tresaugues, L, Nordlund, P, and Potter, BVL (2016) Crystal Structures of Type-II Inositol Polyphosphate 5-Phosphatase INPP5B with Synthetic Inositol Polyphosphate Surrogates Reveal New Mechanistic Insights for the Inositol 5-Phosphatase Family. Thomas, MP, Mills, SJ, and Potter, BVL (2016) The "Other" Inositols and Their Phosphates: Synthesis, Biology, and Medicine (with Recent Advances in myo-Inositol Chemistry). Shen, Y, Upadhyayula, R, Cevallos, S, Messick, RJ, Hsia, T, Leese, MP, Jewett, DM, Ferrer-Torres, D, Roth, TM, Dohle, W, Potter, BVL, and Barald, KF (2015) Targeted NF1 cancer therapeutics with multiple modes of action: small molecule hormone-like agents resembling the natural anticancer metabolite, 2-methoxyoestradiol. Thomas, MP and Potter, BVL (2015) Discovery and Development of the Aryl O-Sulfamate Pharmacophore for Oncology and Women's Health. Wang, H, Godage, HY, Riley, AM, Weaver, JD, Shears, SB, and Potter, BVL (2014) Synthetic inositol phosphate analogs reveal that PPIP5K2 has a surface-mounted substrate capture site that is a target for drug discovery. Swarbrick, JM, Graeff, R, Garnham, C, Thomas, MP, Galione, A, and Potter, BVL (2014) 'Click cyclic ADP-ribose': a neutral second messenger mimic. Riley, AM, Windhorst, S, Lin, H, and Potter, BVL (2014) Cellular internalisation of an inositol phosphate visualised by using fluorescent InsP5. Swarbrick, JM, Graeff, R, Zhang, H, Thomas, MP, Hao, Q, and Potter, BVL (2014) Cyclic adenosine 5'-diphosphate ribose analogs without a "southern" ribose inhibit ADP-ribosyl cyclase-hydrolase CD38. Moreau, C, Kirchberger, T, Swarbrick, JM, Bartlett, SJ, Fliegert, R, Yorgan, T, Bauche, A, Harneit, A, Guse, AH, and Potter, BVL (2013) Structure-activity relationship of adenosine 5'-diphosphoribose at the transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) channel: rational design of antagonists. Riley, AM, Wang, H, Weaver, JD, Shears, SB, and Potter, BVL (2012) First synthetic analogues of diphosphoinositol polyphosphates: interaction with PP-InsP5 kinase. Mills, SJ, Persson, C, Cozier, G, Thomas, MP, Tresaugues, L, Erneux, C, Riley, AM, Nordlund, P, and Potter, BVL (2012) A synthetic polyphosphoinositide headgroup surrogate in complex with SHIP2 provides a rationale for drug discovery. Sureshan, KM, Riley, AM, Thomas, MP, Tovey, SC, Taylor, CW, and Potter, BVL (2012) Contribution of phosphates and adenine to the potency of adenophostins at the IP(3) receptor: synthesis of all possible bisphosphates of adenophostin A.
