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Professor Galione was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and received a BA in Natural Sciences (Part 2 Pharmacology) in 1985. Remaining at Cambridge University he obtained his PhD in 1989 having worked on the role of calcium oscillations in cell activation in Michael Berridge's laboratory. After a short spell at UCL working on mammalian fertilisation with Michael Whitaker, he went to Johns Hopkins University as a Harkness Fellow studying the role of calcium signals in early development. Returning to the UK in 1991, he joined the Department of Pharmacology. He has been successively a Beit Memorial Fellow, Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow and Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow in Basic Biomedical Research. He was also Hayward Junior Research Fellow at Oriel College and Staines Medical Fellow at Exeter College. He was elected to a Tutorial Fellowship at New College in 1998 in conjunction with a proleptic University appointment. He was appointed to a titular Professor of Pharmacology in 2002, and in 2006 was elected to the Professorship of Pharmacology. Since joining the Department, Professor Galione's principal research interest has been the regulation of intracellular calcium signalling by cyclic ADP-ribose and NAADP, emerging intracellular messengers for calcium mobilisation. This work has led to the identification of new biochemical pathways controlling calcium signals that regulate processes as diverse as fertilisation, secretion, contractility and neuronal excitability using a multidisciplinary approach based on confocal microscopy, video-imaging, electrophysiology, flash photolysis, microsomal calcium flux measurements and molecular and biochemical techniques. A new focus of his work is the study of the physiological roles of the family of the endolysosomal two-pore channels (TPCs) as the intracellular targets for NAADP and their role in calcium signalling.


Professor Galione's principal research interest has been the regulation of intracellular calcium signalling by cyclic ADP-ribose and NAADP, emerging intracellular messengers for calcium mobilisation. This work has led to the identification of new biochemical pathways controlling calcium signals that regulate processes as diverse as fertilisation, secretion, contractility and neuronal excitability using a multidisciplinary approach based on confocal microscopy, video-imaging, electrophysiology, flash photolysis, microsomal calcium flux measurements and molecular and biochemical techniques. A new focus of his work is the study of the physiological roles of the family of the endolysosomal two-pore channels (TPCs) as the intracellular targets for NAADP and their role in calcium signalling.


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Morgan, AJ, Parrington, J, and Galione, A (2012) The luminal Ca(2+) chelator, TPEN, inhibits NAADP-induced Ca(2+) release. Walseth, TF, Lin-Moshier, Y, Jain, P, Ruas, M, Parrington, J, Galione, A, Marchant, JS, and Slama, JT (2012) Photoaffinity labeling of high affinity nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-binding proteins in sea urchin egg. Lewis, AM, Aley, PK, Roomi, A, Thomas, JM, Masgrau, R, Garnham, C, Shipman, K, Paramore, C, Bloor-Young, D, Sanders, LEL, Terrar, DA, Galione, A, and Churchill, GC (2012) ß-Adrenergic receptor signaling increases NAADP and cADPR levels in the heart. Collins, TP, Bayliss, R, Churchill, GC, Galione, A, and Terrar, DA (2011) NAADP influences excitation-contraction coupling by releasing calcium from lysosomes in atrial myocytes. Esposito, B, Gambara, G, Lewis, AM, Palombi, F, D'Alessio, A, Taylor, LX, Genazzani, AA, Ziparo, E, Galione, A, Churchill, GC, and Filippini, A (2011) NAADP links histamine H1 receptors to secretion of von Willebrand factor in human endothelial cells. Kashir, J, Jones, C, Lee, HC, Rietdorf, K, Nikiforaki, D, Durrans, C, Ruas, M, Tee, ST, Heindryckx, B, Galione, A, De Sutter, P, Fissore, RA, Parrington, J, and Coward, K (2011) Loss of activity mutations in phospholipase C zeta (PLCzeta) abolishes calcium oscillatory ability of human recombinant protein in mouse oocytes. Keddie, NS, Ye, Y, Aslam, T, Luyten, T, Bello, D, Garnham, C, Bultynck, G, Galione, A, and Conway, SJ (2011) Development of inositol-based antagonists for the D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor.
