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Professor Emptage joined the Department in 2000 from the National Institute for Medical Research, London. While there he worked with one of the founding fathers of the mammalian plasticity field, Tim Bliss, FRS. During this period he worked to develop novel optical methods for the imaging of synaptic activity in living neural tissue enabling the first optical quantal analysis of plasticity to be performed (Emptage et al Neuron 2003). The development and implementation of novel optical methodologies with which to study the nervous system has become a hallmark of the laboratory. Professor Emptage was a graduate student in the Department of Zoology, Cambridge where he worked with Professor Malcolm Burrows, FRS examining sensory-motor information processing in the locust. Following the completion of his PhD in 1991, Dr Emptage received a SERC-NATO fellowship which he held in the laboratory of Professor Tom Carew at Yale University, USA. It was during this period that he became interested in the cellular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.


The group is interested in synaptic transmission at excitatory synapses in the central nervous system of mammals. We wish to understand the way in which these synapses behave when functioning normally but also the way changes occur during memory formation or when the nervous system is impacted by diseases such as Schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s.


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Padamsey, Z and Emptage, N (2014) Two sides to long-term potentiation: a view towards reconciliation. Burlakov, VM, Emptage, N, Goriely, A, and Bressloff, PC (2012) Synaptic bistability due to nucleation and evaporation of receptor clusters. Stanton-Humphreys, MN, Taylor, RDT, McDougall, C, Hart, ML, Brown, CTA, Emptage, NJ, and Conway, SJ (2012) Wavelength-orthogonal photolysis of neurotransmitters in vitro. Padamsey, Z and Emptage, NJ (2011) Imaging synaptic plasticity. Jeans, A, Malins, R, Padamsey, Z, Reinhart, M, and Emptage, N (2011) Increased expression of dysbindin-1A leads to a selective deficit in NMDA receptor signaling in the hippocampus. McGuinness, L, Taylor, C, Taylor, RDT, Yau, C, Langenhan, T, Hart, ML, Christian, H, Tynan, PW, Donnelly, P, and Emptage, NJ (2010) Presynaptic NMDARs in the hippocampus facilitate transmitter release at theta frequency. Burlakov, VM, Taylor, R, Koerner, J, and Emptage, N (2010) Analysis of microscopic parameters of single-particle trajectories in neurons. Jen, A, Parkyn, CJ, Mootoosamy, RC, Ford, MJ, Warley, A, Liu, Q, Bu, G, Baskakov, IV, Moestrup, S, McGuinness, L, Emptage, N, and Morris, RJ (2010) Neuronal low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 binds and endocytoses prion fibrils via receptor cluster 4.
