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Bacterial plant pathology

Our research focuses on plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions, with a particular emphasis on bacterial diseases of plants and mushrooms. We aim to understand how the microenvironment inside host organisms affects disease development, and how environmental factors such as soil mineral nutrients and pollutants can tip the balance between disease resistance and susceptibility. We also study how the metabolic and regulatory networks and biosynthetic capabilities of plant-associated microorganisms contribute to disease development, and how knowledge of host-microbe interactions can be exploited for biotechnological applications and disease control. Our interdisciplinary research programme uses a wide variety of techniques ranging from microbiology, metabolomics, modelling and molecular genetics to imaging and informatics. We collaborate with researchers in the departments of Plant Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics and Zoology at Oxford, and with researchers across a wide range of organisations including UWE (Dr. Dawn Arnold), University of Reading (Dr. Robert Jackson), ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (Dr. Luke Clifton and Prof. Jeff Penfold), Kingston University (Dr. Ali Ryan and Dr. Edith Sim), University of Bath (Dr. Christian Yates) and in Europe and the USA (Dr. Anja Hörger, Prof. Alan Collmer and Prof. Joyce Loper) to investigate plant-pathogen interactions, virulence mechanisms and stress tolerance in pathogenic microorganisms, and to develop novel experimental techniques.


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Song Y, Kaster A-K, Vollmers J, Song Y, Davison PA, Frentrup M, Preston GM, Thompson IP, Murrell JC, Yin H, Hunter CN, Huang WE. 2016. Single-cell genomics based on Raman sorting reveals novel carotenoid-containing bacteria in the Red Sea. Microbial Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12420 Wang, Y., Song, Y., Tao, Y., Muhamadali, H., Goodacre, R., Zhou, N.-Y., Preston, G.M., Xu, J., Huang, W. (2016) Reverse and multiple stable isotope probing to study bacterial metabolism and interactions at the single cell level. Analytical Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01602 Che Omar S., Bentley M.A., Morieri G., Preston G.M., Gurr S.J. (2016) Validation of reference genes for robust qRT-PCR gene expression analysis in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. PLoS ONE 11: e0160637. Mehrabi, Z., McMillan, V.E., Clark, I.M., Canning G., Hammond-Kosack, K.E., Preston, G., Hirsch, P.R., Mauchline, T.H. (2016) Pseudomonas spp. diversity is negatively associated with suppression of the wheat take-all pathogen. Scientific Reports. 6, 29905 Neale H.C., Laister R., Payne J., Preston G., Jackson R.W., Arnold D.L. (2016). A low frequency persistent reservoir of a genomic island in a pathogen population ensures island survival and improves pathogen fitness in a susceptible host. Environmental Microbiology. Online Early. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13482 Fones H.N., McCurrach H., Mithani A., Smith J.A.C., Preston G.M. (2016) Local adaptation is associated with zinc tolerance in Pseudomonas endophytes of the metal-hyperaccumulator plant Noccaea caerulescens. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 283: 2016.0648 O'Leary, B. M., Neale, H. C., Geilfus, C. -M., Jackson, R. W., Arnold, D. L., and Preston, G. M. (2016) Early changes in apoplast composition associated with defence and disease in interactions between Phaseolus vulgaris and the halo blight pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Plant, Cell and Environment. 39: 2172-84. Qi; Q., Toll-Riera, M.; Heilbron, K.; Preston, G.; MacLean, R. (2016) The genomic basis of adaptation to the fitness cost of rifampicin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Online Early DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2452 Jiménez-Guerrero I., Pérez-Montaño F., Monreal J.A., Preston G.M., Fones H., Vioque B., Ollero F.J., Lopez-Baena F.J. (2015) The Sinorhizobium (Ensifer) fredii HH103 Type 3 secretion system suppresses early defense responses to effectively nodulate soybean. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 28, 790-9
