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Synthesis, purification, characterization and functionalization of endohedral fullerenes and their derivatives for quantum nano-electronic applications. Fullerenes are a new class of carbon-based materials. Due to their unusual molecular structure, fullerenes have been shown to possess attractive chemical, physical, magnetic, and electronic properties and are finding an increasing number of applications. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the fullerenes is that due to their cage-like structure they can trap atoms inside their empty "shell". The first of the so-called endohedral fullerenes were lanthanum containing fullerene cages, produced by vaporisation of lanthanum-doped graphite rods. To date, group-3 metals (Sc, Y), lanthanides (Ce, Gd, Pr, Ho, etc), group-2 metals (Ca, Sr, Ba), group-15 elements (N, P) and noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) have all been encapsulated in fullerenes.


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del Carmen Gimenez-Lopez, M., Gardener, J., Shaw, A.Q., Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, A., Porfyrakis, K., Balmer, C., Dantelle, G., Hatdjipanayi M., Crossley, A., Champness, N.R., Castell, M.R., Briggs, G.A.D. and Khlobystov, N.A., 'Endohedral metallofullerenes in self-assembled monolayers', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, (2010), 123 – 131. Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, A., Porfyrakis, K., Briggs G.A.D., and Sundqvist, B., 'Investigations of N@C60 and N@C70 stability under high pressure and high temperature conditions', Status Solidi B, 246, (11–12), (2009), 2767–2770. Dantelle, G., Tiwari, A., Rahman, R., Plant, S.R., Porfyrakis, K., Mortier, M., Taylor, R.A., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Optical properties of Er3+ in fullerenes and in β-PbF2 single-crystals', Materials, 32, (2009), 251-256. Plant, S.R., Cheong Ng, T., Warner, J.H., Dantelle, G., Ardavan, A., Briggs, G.A.D. and Porfyrakis, K., 'A bimetallic endohedral fullerene: PrSc@C80', Communications, (2009), 4082-4084. Plant, S.R., Dantelle, G., Ito, Y., Cheong Ng, T., Ardavan, A., Shinohara, H., Briggs, G.A.D., and Porfyrakis, K., 'Acuminated fluorescence of Er3+ centres in endohedral fullerenes by inclusion of a carbide cluster', Physics Letters, 476, (1-3), (2009) 41-45. Norenberg, C., Leigh, D.F., Cattaneo, D., Porfyrakis, D., Li Bassi, A., Casari, C.S., Passoni, M., Owen, J.H.G., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Self-assembly and electronic effects of Er3N@C80 and Sc3N@C80 on Au(111) and Ag/Si(111) surfaces', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 100, (2008), 052080. Tiwari, A., Dantelle, G., Porfyrakis, K., Watt, A.A.R., Ardavan, A., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Magnetic properties of ErSc2N@C80, Er2ScN@C80 and Er3N@C80 fullerenes', Chemical Physics Letters, 466, (4-6), (2008) 155-158. Cantone, A.L., Buitelaar, M.R., Smith, C.G., Anderson, D., Jones, G.A.C., Chorley, S.J., Casiraghi, C., Ferrari, A.C., Shinohara, H., Ardavan, A., Warner, J.H., Watt, A.A.R., Porfyrakis, K., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Electronic transport characterization of Sc@C82 single walled carbon nanotube peapods', Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 8, (2008) 083717. Tiwari, A., Dantelle, G., Porfyrakis, K., Ardavan, A., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Temperature-dependent photoluminescence study of ErSc2N@C80 and Er2ScN@C80 fullerenes', Physica Status Solidi B, 245, 10, (2008) 1998-2001. Silly, F., Shaw, A.Q., Porfyrakis, K., Warner, J.H., Watt, A.A.R., Castell, M.R., Umemoto, H., Akachi, T., Shinohara, H., and Briggs, G.A.D., 'Grating of single Lu@C82 molecules using supramolecular network', Chemical Communications, (2008) 4616-4618. Morley, G.W., Porfyrakis, K., Ardavan, A., and van Tol, J., 'Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with simultaneous excitation of electronic and nuclear transitions', Applied Magnetic Resonance,34, (2008) 347-353.
