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The design, synthesis, characterization and understanding of novel nanostructured materials. I am interested in the unique properties that arise in materials when they are made very small. The current focus is on 2D materials, such as graphene, BN, and metal sulphides. Integrating other semiconductor nanocrystals (Si, Ge, PbS, PbSe, CdS, CdSe, ZnS, and TiO2) that are produced using solution phase chemistry with 2D crystals is also researched. Synthesis of graphene using achieved by chemical vapour deposition methods. The characterization of the nanomaterials is performed primarily using high resolution transmission electron microscopy, optical spectroscopy, electron diffraction and electronic measurements. Devices are fabricated using photo and electron lithography techniques. Applications involve quantum information processing, nanoelectronics, spintronics, opto-electronics, and catalysis.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

A. W. Robertson, G-D. Lee, K. He, C. Gong, Q. Chen, E. Yoon, A. I. Kirkland, J. H. Warner, Atomic Structure of Sub-Nanometer Pores in Graphene, ACS Nano, Accepted in Press (2015) C. Gong, A. W. Robertson, K. He, G-D. Lee, E. Yoon, C. Allen, A. I. Kirkland, J. H. Warner, Thermally Induced Dynamics of Dislocations in Graphene at Atomic Resolution, ACS Nano, 9, 10066-10075 (2015) A. W. Robertson, G-D. Lee, K. He, Y. Fan, C. S. Allen, S. Lee, H. Kim, E. Yoon, H. Zheng, A. I. Kirkland, J. H. Warner. Partial Dislocations in Graphene and Their Atomic Level Migration Dynamics. Nano Letters, 15, 5950-5955 (2015) J. S. Kim, J. H. Warner, A. W. Robertson, A. I. Kirkland, Formation of Klein Edge Doublets from Graphene Monolayers, ACS Nano, 9, 8916-8922 (2015) Q. Chen, A. W. Robertson, K. He, C. Gong, E. Yoon, G-D. Lee, J. H. Warner, Atomic Level Distributed Strain within Graphene Divacancies from Bond Rotations, ACS Nano, 9, 8599-8608 (2015) Q. Chen, A-L. Koh, A. W. Robertson, K. He, S. Lee, E. Yoon, G-D. Lee, R. Sinclair, J. H. Warner, Rotating Anisotropic Crystalline Silicon Nanoclusters in Graphene, ACS Nano, 9, 9497-9506 (2015) K. He, A. W. Robertson, C. Gong, C. S. Allen, Q. Xu, H. Zandbergen, A. I. Kirkland, J. H. Warner, Controlled Formation of Closed-Edge Nanopores in Graphene, Nanoscale, 7, 11602-11610 (2015) S. Wang, X. Wang, J. H. Warner, All Chemical Vapour Deposition Growth of MoS2:h-BN Vertical van der Waals Heterostructures, ACS Nano 9, 5246-5254, (2015) K. He, A. W. Robertson, Y. Fan, C. S. Allen, Y-C. Lin, K. Suenaga, A. I. Kirkland, J. H. Warner, Temperature Dependence of the Reconstruction of Zig-Zag Edges in Graphene, ACS Nano, 9, 4786-4795, (2015) Y. Rong, K. He, M. Pacios, A. W. Robertson, H. Bhaskaran, J. H. Warner, Controlled Preferential Oxidation of Grain Boundaries in Monolayer Tungsten Disulfide for Direct Optical Imaging, ACS Nano, 9, 3695-3703, (2015) Z. He, Y. Sheng, Y. Rong, G-D, Lee, J. Li, J. H. Warner, Layer-Dependent Modulation of Tungsten Disulfide Photoluminescence by Lateral Electric Fields, ACS Nano, 9, 2740, (2015) C. Gong, K. He, A. W. Robertson, E. Yoon, G-D. Lee, J. H. Warner, Spatially Dependent Lattice Deformations for Dislocations at the Edges of Graphene, ACS Nano, 9, 656-662, (2015) Y. Rong, J. H. Warner, Wired Up: Interconnecting Two-Dimensional Materials with One-Dimensional Atomic Chains, ACS Nano, Perspective Article, 8, 11907-11912 (2014).
