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Mechanical properties and processing of ceramics and metals. Current interests include processing and properties of ceramic nanocomposites, the use of carbon nanotubes and graphene in ceramic composites, mechanical testing and stress measurement in ceramics at the microscale, high strain rate performance of ceramics for armour applications, "flash sintering" of ceramics, probing of stress and structure using neutrons and synchrotron radiation, improved metal forming for automobiles and mechanisms of superplastic deformation.


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Zapata-Solvas, E., Bonilla, S., Wilshaw, P.R. and Todd, R.I. (2013). ‘Preliminary investigation of flash sintering of SiC’, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33(13-14) 2811–2816. Binner, J., Ghosh, S., Huang, S., Vaidhyanathan, B., Wu, H., Brown, P., Dancer, C.E.J., Falco, S., Gerlach, R., Lopez Lopez, E., Petrinic, N. and Todd, R.I. (2013). “Bullet Proof” (Feature Article), Materials World 21(5) 26-29. Falco, S., Dancer, C.E.J., Todd, R.I. and Petrinic, N. (2013). ‘A new anisotropic constitutive model for ceramic materials failure’, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 33(10) 93-103. Fu, Z., Huang, L., Zhang, J. and Todd, R.I. (2012). ‘Ultra-fast densification of CNTs reinforced alumina based on combustion reaction and quick pressing’, Science China Technological Sciences 55, 484-489. Durrell, J.H., Dancer, C.E.J., Dennis, A., Shi, Y., Xu, Z., Campbell, A.M., Babu, N.H., Todd, R.I., Grovenor, C.R.M. and Cardwell, D.A. (2012). ‘A trapped field of >3 T in bulk MgB 2 fabricated by uniaxial hot pressing’, Superconductor Science and Technology 25(11) 112002. Yahya, N.A. and Todd, R.I. (2012). ‘Influence of C doping on the fracture mode and abrasive wear of Al2O3’, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32(16) 4003–4007. Dancer, C.E.J., Achintha, M., Salter, C.J., Fernie, J.A. and Todd, R.I. (2012). ‘Residual stress distribution in a functionally graded alumina–silicon carbide material’, Scripta Materialia 67(3) 281–284. Mukhopadhyay, A., Otieno, G., Chu, B.T.T., Wallwork, A., Green, M.L.H. and Todd, R.I (2011). ‘Thermal and electrical properties of aluminoborosilicate glass-ceramics containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes’, Scripta Mater. 65(5) 408-411. Dancer, C.E.J., Curtis, H.M., Bennett, S.M., Petrinic, N. and Todd, R.I. (2011). ‘High strain rate indentation-induced deformation in alumina ceramics measured by Cr3+ fluorescence mapping’, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 31(13) 2177–2187. Rust, M.A. and Todd, R.I. (2011). ‘Surface Studies of Superplasticity in Al5083: Confirmation of Diffusion Creep and Grain Neighbour Switching’, Acta Mater. 59(13) 5159-5170. Guo, S. and Todd, R.I. (2011). ‘Quantitative Optical Fluorescence Microprobe Measurements of Stresses around Indentations in Al2O3 and Al2O3/SiC Nanocomposites: The Influence of Depth Resolution and Specimen Translucency’, Acta Mater. 59(7) 2637-2647. Mukhopadhyay, A. and Todd, R. I. (2011). ‘Relationship between microstructure and abrasive wear resistance of Al2O3–FeAl2O4 nanocomposites produced via solid-state precipitation’, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 31(3) 339-350.
