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Leader of the Photonic Nanomaterials Group (PNG) in which research is focused on optical and electronic properties of solid state nanostructures for applications such as optoelectronics devices, quantum information processing and photovoltaics. At present the Group’s research involves two such systems - semiconductor nanocrystals and colour centres in diamond which we investigate using luminescence-based optical techniques.


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P. R. Dolan, G. M. Hughes, F. Grazioso, B. R. Patton, and J. M. Smith, Femtoliter tunable optical cavity arrays, Optics Lett. (in press). F. Grazioso, B. R. Patton, and J. M. Smith, A high stability beam-scanning confocal optical microscope for low temperature operation, Review of Scientific Instruments 81, (2010). C. A. Cattley, A. Stavrinadis, R. Beal, J. Moghal, A. G. Cook, P. S. Grant, J. M. Smith, H. E. Assender, and A. A. R. Watt, Colloidal synthesis of lead oxide nanocrystals for photovoltaics, Chem. Comm. 46, 2802 (2010). R. M. Beal, A. Stavrinadis, J. H. Warner, J. M. Smith, H. E. Assender, and A. A. R. Watt, The molecular structure of polymer-fullerene composite solar cells and its influence on device performance, Macromolecules 43, 2343 (2010). A. Stavrinadis, J. M. Smith, C. A. Cattley, A. G. Cook, P. S. Grant, and A. A. R. Watt, SnS/PbS nanocrystal heterojunction photovoltaics, Nanotechnology 21, 185202 (2010). A. Stavrinadis, S. Xu, J. H. Warner, J. Hutchison, J. M .Smith and A. A. R. Watt, Superstructures of PbS nanocrystals in a conjugated polymer and the aligning role of oxidation, Nanotechnology 20, 445608 (2009). D. J. Keeble, E. A. Thomsen, A. Stavrinadis, I. D. W. Samuel, J. M. Smith, and A. A. R. Watt, Paramagnetic point defects and charge carriers in PbS and CdS nanocrystal polymer composites, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 17306 (2009). S. C. Benjamin, B. W. Lovett, and J. M. Smith, Prospects for measurement based quantum computing using solid state spins, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 3, 556 (2009). P. K. Santra, R. Viswanatha, S. Daniels, N. L. Pickett, J. M Smith, P. O'Brien and D. D. Sarma, Investigation of the internal heterostructure of highly luminescent quantum dot - quantum well nanocrystals, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 470 (2009). B. A. Fairchild, P. Olivero, A. D. Greentree, F. Waldermann, R. A. Taylor, J. M. Smith, S. Rubanov, S. Huntington, B. Gibson, D. N. Jamieson, and S. Prawer, Fabrication of ultra thin membranes from single crystal diamond for photonic and NEMS applications, Advanced Materials 20, 4793 (2008). A. Stavrinadis, R. Beal, J. M. Smith, H. E. Assender, and A. A. R. Watt, Direct formation of PbS nanorods in a conjugated polymer, Advanced Materials 20, 3105 (2008). S. H. Kim, P. H. Sher, Y. B. Hahn, and J. M. Smith, Luminescence from single CdSe nanocrystals embedded in ZnO thin films using atomic layer deposition, Nanotechnology 19, 365202 (2008). P. A. Dalgarno, J. M .Smith, J. MacFarlane, B. D. Gerardot, K. Karrai, A. Badolato, P. M. Petroff, and R. J. Warburton, Coulomb interactions in single charged self-assembled quantum dots: Radiative lifetime and recombination energy, Phys. Rev. B 77, 245311 (2008). P. A. Dalgarno, M. Ediger, B. D. Gerardot, J. M. Smith, S. Seidl, M. Kroner, K. Karrai, P. M. Petroff, A. O. Govorov, and R. J. Warburton, Optically induced hybridization of a quantum dot state with a filled continuum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 176801 (2008). P. H. Sher, J. M. Smith, P. A. Dalgarno, R. J. Warburton, X. Chen, P. J. Dobson, S. M. Daniels, N. L. Pickett, and P. O'Brien, Power law carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanocrystals at nanosecond time scales, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 101111 (2008).
