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My main research interest in the development and application of atomistic simulation methods for real materials. My strategy is to combine the predictive capability of the quantum theory of real materials with the power of high-performance computing, in order to investigate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of third-generation solar cells and superconductors. My research group is currently active in the following areas: Photovoltaics Solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells Hybrid organic/inorganic solar cells Superconductors Graphane Diamond Iron pnictides Cuprates Electronic structure methods Electron-phonon interaction Many-body perturbation theory


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Savini, G., Ferrari, A. C., Giustino, F. (2010) 'First-principles prediction of doped graphane as a high-temperature electron-phonon superconductor' Physical Review Letters 105 037002. Schaffry, M., Filidou, V., Karlen, S. D., Gauger, E. M., Benjamin, S. C., Anderson, H. L., Ardavan, A., Briggs, G. A. D., Maeda, K., Henbest, K. B., Giustino, F., Morton, J. J. L., Lovett, B. W. (2010) 'Entangling remote nuclear spins linked by a chromophore' Physical Review Letters 104 200501. Giustino, F., Cohen, M. L., Louie, S. G. (2010) 'GW method with the self-consistent Sternheimer equation' Physical Review B 81 115105. Park, C.-H., Giustino, F., Spataru, C. D., Cohen, M. L., Louie, S. G. (2009) 'Angle-resolved photoemission spectra of graphene from first-principles calculations' Nano Letters 9 4234. Noffsinger, J., Giustino, F., Louie, S.G. and Cohen, M.L. (2009). 'Role of fluorine in the iron pnictides: phonon softening and effective hole doping' Physical Review Letters 102 147003. Noffsinger, J., Giustino, F., Louie, S.G. and Cohen, M.L. (2009). 'Origin of Superconductivity in boron-doped silicon carbide from first principles' Physical Review B 79 104511. Park, C.-H., Giustino, F., Spataru, C.D., Cohen, M.L. and Louie, S.G. (2009). 'First-principles study of electron linewidths in graphene' Physical Review Letters 102 076803.
