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Harish joined the faculty of University of Oxford in January 2013. Just prior to joining Oxford, he was a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Exeter. He was also at IBM Research - Zurich (2006-2009) and at Yale University (2009-2010). An avid cricket and outdoors fan, he does research on nanomechanical devices, data storage and nanomanufacturing in his spare time. He also servces as the Founding Director and Chief Scientific Officer of Bodle Technologies Limited.


The manufacturing and applications of nanoscale devices, particularly in the development of energy efficient nanoscale manufacturing, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and novel non-von-Neumann computing using phase change materials.


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M. Kumar and H. Bhaskaran,“Ultrasensitive Room-Temperature Piezoresistive Transduction in Graphene-based Nanoelectromechanical Systems,” Nano Letters, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00129 (2015). S. Wang, Y. Rong, Y. Fan, M. Pacios, H. Bhaskaran, K. He and JH. Warner, “Shape Evolution of Monolayer MoS2 Cystals Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Chemistry of Materials, 26 (22) pp 6371-6379 (2014). D.S. Engstrom, B. Porter, M. Pacios and H. Bhaskaran, “Additive nanomanufacturing – A review,” Journal of Materials Research, available on CJO August 2014. doi:10.1557/jmr.2014.159 (2014). P. Hosseini, CD Wright and H. Bhaskaran, “An optoelectronic framework enabled by low-dimensional phase change films,” Nature 511, 206–211 (2014). C. Rios, P. Hosseini, CD. Wright, H. Bhaskaran and WHP. Pernice, “On-chip Photonic Memory Elements employing Phase-Change Materials,” Advanced Materials, doi: 10.1002/adma.201304476 (2014). BF. Porter, L. Abelmann and H. Bhaskaran, “Design parameters for voltage controllable directed assembly of single nanoparticles,” Nanotechnology 24 405304, 2013. C. Rios, P. Hosseini, CD. Wright, H. Bhaskaran and WHP. Pernice, Tunable Nanophotonic circuits based on phase change materials,” Proceedings of European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, 2013. (Invited) CD. Wright, Y-Y. Au, MM. Aziz, H. Bhaskaran, R. Cobley, G. Rodriguez-Hernandez, P. Hosseini, WHP. Pernice and L. Wang, “Novel applications possibilities for phase change materials and devices,” Proceedings of European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, 2013. (Invited) G. Rodriguez-Hernandez, P. Hosseini, Yat-Yin Au, WHP Pernice, CD Wright and H. Bhaskaran, “Mixed-Mode Electro Optical Properties of Ge2Sb2Te5,” International Symposium on Optical Memory ISOM2013, Incheon, Korea (Invited). D. Garcia-Sanchez, KY Fong, H. Bhaskaran, S. Lamoreaux and HX Tang, “Casimir microscope based upon metallized high Q SiN nanomembrane resonator,” Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 015115 (2013). WHP. Pernice and H. Bhaskaran, “Photonic non-volatile memories using phase change materials,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 011243 2012 Cover Page Article. Also highlighted in Nature Photonics "Non-volatile storage" January 2013 D. Garcia-Sanchez, K. Fong, H.Bhaskaran, S. Lamoreaux and HX Tang, “Casimir Force and surface potential measurements between a nanomembrane resonator and a millimeter sphere,” Physical Review Letters 109, 027202 2012. Editor’s Suggestion, See Also: “Drumming to the beat of vacuum” – APS Physics Spotlight Synopsis. A. Sebastian, N. Shamsudhin, H. Rothuizen, U. Drechsler, W. Koelmans, H. Bhaskaran, JJ. Quenzer, B. Wagner and M. Despont, “Design and Fabrication of micro-cantilevers for multi-frequency atomic force microscopy,” IBM Research Report RZ3832, Z1209-001 (2012).
