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Arif, S., Murat, S., Almudi, I., Nunes, M. D.S., Bortolamiol-Becet, D., McGregor, N. S., Currie, J. M.S., Hughes, H., Ronshaugen, M., Sucena, E., Lai, E. C., Schlötterer, C., McGregor, A. P. (2013). Evolution of mir-92a Underlies Natural Morphological Variation in Drosophila melanogaster, Current Biology;23(6) DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2013.02.018 Hilbrant, M., Damen, W. G. M. and McGregor, A. P. (2012). Evolutionary crossroads in developmental biology: the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Development 139, 2655-2662. Posnien, N.*, Hopfen, C.*, Hilbrant, M., Ramos-Womack, M., Murat, S., Schönauer, A., Herbert, S. L., Nunes, M. D. S., Arif, S., Breuker, C. J., Schlötterer, C., Mitteroecker, P. and McGregor, A. P. (2012). Evolution of eye morphology and rhodopsin expression in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup. PLoS One 7, e37346. *Contributed equally. Pechmann, M., Khadjeh, S., Turetzek, N., McGregor, A.P., Damen, W.G.M. and Prpic, N-M. (2011). Novel Function of distal-less as a gap gene during spider segmentation. PLoS Genetics 7, e1002342 Frankel, N., Erezyilmaz, D.F., McGregor, A.P., Wang, S., Payre, F., and Stern, D.L. (2011). Morphological evolution caused by many subtle-effect substitutions in regulatory DNA, Nature;474(7353) DOI:10.1038/nature10200 Janssen, R., Le Gouar, M., Pechmann, M., Poulin, F., Bolognesi, R., Schwager, E. E., Hopfen, C., Colbourne, J. K., Budd, G. E., Brown, S. J., Prpic, N. M., Kosiol, C., Vervoort, M., Damen, W. G. M., Balavoine, G. and McGregor, A. P. (2010). Conservation, loss, and redeployment of Wnt ligands in protostomes: implications for understanding the evolution of segment formation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 374.
