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徐信业教授现在是华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室教授,博士生导师。他目前还担任上海市激光学会理事兼激光工程与技术专业委员会主任,也是中国计量测试学会时间频率专业委员会委员,中国仪器仪表学会量子传感与精密测量仪器分会第一届理事会常务理事, 载人航天工程空间科学与应用领域微重力基础物理专家组成员,2010、2016和2020年原子物理国际大会(ICAP)程序委员会委员。他曾于2007年至2015年担任华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室副主任。他还获得上海市优秀学术带头人计划等资助。他于1997年在中科院上海光机所获得理学光学博士学位。他于1998年赴韩国首尔国立大学物理学开展中韩合作课题“激光引导冷原子实验”的研究工作;于2000年赴美国国家标准与技术研究所和科罗拉多大学的天体物理联合研究所(JILA)从事锶原子光钟的研究;于2003年到美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学物理系开展铯喷泉原子钟的研究。徐信业教授于2006年回国,来到华东师范大学物理系和精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室从事冷原子精密光谱和精密测量等研究,主要开展冷镱原子光钟和原子陀螺等研究,建立了冷镱原子光钟和原子陀螺等实验平台。现已在华东师范大学研制了具有国际先进水平的冷镱原子光钟;于2020年完成了冷镱原子光钟绝对频率值的测量工作,其测量结果被国际计量委员会接受,这也是我国冷镱原子光钟首次向国际计量组织成功报数。主持承担多项国家重点基础研究计划项目的课题,以及国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目等。所取得的科研成果已分别发表在Nature、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A等学术期刊上。 教育经历 1994/09-1997/06,中科院上海光机所,中科院量子光学重点实验室,博士 1988/09-1991/06,杭州大学,电子工程系,硕士 1980/09-1984/06,杭州大学,物理系,本科 工作经历 2006/04-至今,华东师范大学,精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室,教授 2003/07-2006/03,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,物理系,博士后 2000/11-2003/06,美国国家标准与技术研究所与科罗拉多大学联合研究所(JILA),博士后 1998/04-2000/10,韩国首尔国立大学,物理系,博士后 1997/07-1998/03,中科院上海光机所,量子光学重点实验室,助理研究员 1984/07-1994/08,杭州大学,物理系,助教、讲师 荣誉及奖励 1993年度获浙江省科技进步三等奖,第五完成人 2012年获上海市优秀学术带头人计划 2020年上海市激光学会五十周年个人贡献奖




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Chang-Yue Sun, Di Ai, Taoyun Jin, Tao Zhang, Chengquan Peng, Qichao Qi, and Xinye Xu*, “Photoassociation spectroscopy of lattice-trapped 171Yb atoms near the 1S0 3P1(f=1/2) intercombinationline”, Phys. Rev. A,109(2),022232(2024) Hao Qiao, Di Ai, Chang-Yue Sun, Cheng-Quan Peng, Qi-Chao Qi, Cheng-Cheng Zhao, Limeng Luo, TaoyunJin, Tao Zhang, Min Zhou, and Xin-Ye Xu*,“Investigation of the 6s6p3P0 4f135d6s2(J =2) Clock Transition in 171Yb Atoms”,Phys. Rev. X,14(1), 011023 (2024) Chengquan Peng, Hao Qiao, Shuang Zhang, Limeng Luo, Min Zhou, and Xinye Xu*, “Precise Laser Frequency Measurement of Weak Power With Submegahertz Linewidth”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Vol.72, 7005906 (2023) Limeng Luo, Di Ai, Hao Qiao, Chengquan Peng, Changyue Sun, Qichao Qi, Taoyun Jin, Min Zhou, and Xinye Xu*, “Evaluation of systematic frequency shift and uncertainty of an optical clock based on Bayesian hierarchical model”, Opt. Commun.,Vol.545, 129745 (2023) Di Ai, Taoyun. Jin, Tao Zhang, Limeng Luo, Luhua Liu, Min Zhou, and Xinye Xu*, “Absolute frequency measurement of 6s6p3P0 5d6s3D1transition based on ultracold ytterbium atoms”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol.107, No.6, 063107(2023) Hao Qiao,Luhua Liu, Min Zhou,Limeng Luo and Xin-Ye Xu*, “Investigation of the 6s6p3P2-6s7s3S1transition of ytterbium atoms with modulation-transfer spectroscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett.,Vol.122, No.23, 224002 (2023) Taoyun Jin, Tao Zhang, Limeng Luo, Luhua Liu, Min Zhou, Xinye Xu*,“Multiple strategies for evaluating the uncertainty of blackbody radiation frequency shift in an optical clock”, Measurement, Vol.216, 112946 (2023) Hao Qiao, Chang-Yue Sun, Cheng-Quan Peng, Qi-Chao Qi, Cheng-Cheng Zhao, Min Zhou, Xin-Ye Xu*, “Frequency measurement of 6s6p3P0,2–6s7s3S1transitions in ultracold 171Yb atoms referenced to local optical clock”, Results in Physics, Vol. 48, 106439 (2023) Mengmeng Wei, Wenbin Yu, Min Zhou, Wei Huang, Yuanxing Liu, and Xinye Xu*, “Three Techniques for Measuring the Transverse Relaxation Time of Cesium Atoms”, AIP Advances, Vol.13, No.3, 035327 (2023) ShuangZhang, HaoQiao1, Di Ai,Min Zhou* and Xinye Xu*, “Frequency stabilization of multiple wavelength lasers based on a broadband spectrum”, Laser Phys. Lett.,Vol.19,No.7,095701(2022) Shuang Zhang, Hao Qiao, Tao Zhang, Min Zhou*and Xinye Xu*,“All-Fiber Wideband Supercontinuum Generation in Short Hybrid Highly Nonlinear Fibers With a Femtosecond Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser”, Frontiers in Physics, Vol.10, 915266 (2022) Yu-Yan Fang, Tian-Yi Jiang, Xin-Ye Xu* and Jin-Ming Liu*,“Uncertainty relation and quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model”,Frontiers in Physics, Vol.10, 874802 (2022) Tian-Yi Jiang, Yu-Yan Fang, Ying-Hong Li, Xin-Ye Xu, and Jin-Ming Liu, “Dynamics of quantum correlation and entropic uncertainty in spin-1/2 alternating transverse Ising model”, Ann. Phys.,534,2100352 (2022) Yifan Xing, Yuanling Huang,Fengyi Yuan,Xinye Xu, Jiaxiang Wang, “Relativistic stability of positronium atoms in a linearly polarized high frequency super-intense laser field”, Results in Physics, Vol.26,104348 (2021) Xinxin Peng, Yinmin Zhou, Lianhua Li, Zhengyi Xu, Min Zhou, and Xinye Xu*, “High precision measurement of light polarization using a Cs atomic magnetometer configuration”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 54, 105401(2021) LI Lian-hua, XU Zheng-yi, PENG Xin-xin, ZHOU Yin-min, QIU Xu-yang, WEI Meng-meng, ZHOU Min, XU Xin-ye*, “Experimental optimization of nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscope based on three-axis atomic magnetometer”, Navigation Positioning &Timing, Vol.8, No.4, 141 (2021) (in Chinese) Zhang Sheng, Luo Limeng, Ai Di, Qiao Hao, Zhou Min, Xu Xinye*, “Study on Permanent Magnet Zeeman Slower for Laser Cooling of Ytterbium Atoms”, Applied Laser, Vol.41, No.2, 374 (2021) (in Chinese) Limeng Luo, Hao Qiao, Di Ai, Min Zhou*, Shuang Zhang, Sheng Zhang, Changyue Sun, Qichao Qi, Chengquan Peng, Taoyun Jin, Wei Fang, Zhiqiang Yang, Tianchu Li, Kun Liang* and Xinye Xu*, “Absolute frequency measurement of an Yb optical clock at the 10-16level using international atomic time”, Metrologia, Vol. 57, No. 6, 065017 (2020) Di Ai, Hao Qiao, Shuang Zhang, Li-Meng Luo, Chang-Yue Sun, Sheng Zhang, Cheng-Quan Peng, Qi-Chao Qi, Tao-Yun Jin, Min Zhou, and Xin-Ye Xu*, “Study of Optical Clocks Based on Ultracold 171Yb Atoms”,Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 29, No. 9, 090601 (2020) Min Zhou, Sheng Zhang, Limeng Luo, Xinye Xu*, “Characterization of ytterbium resonance lines at 649 nm with modulation transfer spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol.101, No.6, 062506 (2020) Xuyang Qiu, Zhengyi Xu, Xinxin Peng, Lianhua Li, Yinmin Zhou, Mengmeng Wei, Min Zhou, Xinye Xu*, “Three-axis atomic magnetometer for nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscopes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.116, 034001(2020) LOU Ge, QI Qi-chao, ZHOU Min, XU Xin-ye*, “Simulation analysis of the influence of the magnetic field on the stability of 171Yb optical lattice clocks”, Navigation Positioning &Timing, Vol.7, No.2, 139-144 (2020) (in Chinese) Zhang Meng-ya, Qiao Hao, Zhang Shuang, Peng Cheng-quan, Sun Chang-yue,QiQi-chao,Zhou Min,XuXin-ye*, “Application of the three-dimensional optical lattice in ytterbium optical clocks”, Navigation Positioning &Timing, Vol.7,No.1, 86-91 (2020) (in Chinese) Z.Y. Xu, X.X. Peng, L.H. Li, Y.M. Zhou, X.Y. Qiu, D.W. Zhang, M. Zhou and X.Y. Xu*, “Modulation transfer spectroscopy for frequency stabilization of 852-nm DBR diode lasers”, Laser Phys., 30(2), 02571 (2020) Zhengyi Xu, Xinxin Peng, Lianhua Li, Yinmin Zhou, Xuyang Qiu, Min Zhou, Xinye Xu*, “Preliminary stabilization of three dimensional magnetic fields in a nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscopes”, Navigation Positioning &Timing, Vol.6, No.3, 114-119,(2019) (in Chinese) Min Zhou, Di Ai, Limeng Luo, Qiao Hao, Shuang Zhang, Xinye Xu*, “Progress of cold ytterbium optical clocks”, Navigation Positioning &Timing,Vol.6, No.1, 1-6 (2019) (in Chinese) Shangyan Li, Min Zhou, Xinye Xu*, “Analysis of atomic beam collimation by laser cooling”, Scientific Reports, 8, 9971 (2018) Qi Gao, Min Zhou, Chengyin Han, Shangyan Li, Shuang Zhang, Yuan Yao, Bo Li, Hao Qiao, Di Ai, Ge Lou, Mengya Zhang, Yanyi Jiang, Zhiyi Bi, Longsheng Ma, Xinye Xu*, “Systematic evaluation of a 171Yb optical clockby synchronous comparison between two lattice systems”, Scientific Reports,8, 8022 (2018) Chengyin Han, Min Zhou, Xiaohang Zhang, Qi Gao, Yilin Xu, Shangyan Li, Shuang Zhang, Xinye Xu*, “Carrier thermometry of cold ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice clock”, Scientific Reports, 8, 7927 (2018) Chengyin Han, Min Zhou, Qi Gao, Shangyan Li, Shuang Zhang, Hao Qiao, Di Ai, Mengya Zhang, Ge Lou, Limeng Luo and Xinye Xu*, “Frequency stabilization of multiple lasers on a single medium-finesse cavity”, Laser Phys. Lett.,Vol.12, No.2, 025501 (2018) Y. Cai, J. Roslund, G. Ferrini, F. Arzani, X. Xu, C. Fabre and N. Treps, “Multimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combs”, Nature Communications, Vol.8, No.15645, 1 (2017) Xiaohang Zhang and Xinye Xu*, “Development of adjustable permanent magnet Zeeman slowers for optical lattice clocks”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.26, No.5, 053701(2017) Dawei Zhang, Zhengyi Xu, Min Zhou, and Xinye Xu*, “Parameter analysis for a nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscope based on 133Cs-129Xe/131Xe”, Chin. Phys. B,Vol.26, No.2, 023201 (2017) Min Zhou and Xinye Xu*, “Study of Ytterbium Optical Lattice Clocks in China”, AAPPS Bulletin, Vol.26, No.6, 10 (2016) (invited) Yilin Xu and Xinye Xu*, “Analysis of the blackbody-radiation shift in an ytterbium optical lattice clock”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.25, No.10, 103202 (2016) Xiaohang Zhang, and Xinye Xu*, “Optimized design of a permanent Zeeman slower for an ytterbium optical lattice clock”, Laser Phys., Vol.26, No.7, 075501 (2016) Min Zhou, XinyeXu*, “Advances in the precision spectroscopy of cold ytterbium atoms”, Physics, Vol. 45, No.7, 431 (2016)(in Chinese) ZHOU Min, ZHANG Xiao-hang, CHEN Ning, GAO Qi, HAN Cheng-yin, YAO yuan, XU Peng, XU Yi-lin, LI Shang-yan, MA Long-sheng, XU Xin-ye*, “Optimization of clock-transition spectrum of a cold ytterbium optical clock and its frequency stability measurement”,Acta Metrological Sinica, Vol. 36, No. 6A, 1(2015)(in Chinese) Huaqiu Liang, Jinming Liu, Shangshen Feng, Jigen Chen, and Xinye Xu, “Effects of noises on joint remote state preparation via a GHZ-class channel”, Quantum Inf. Process., 14, 3857 (2015) Jinfang Li, Jinming Liu and Xinye Xu, “Deterministic joint remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state in noisy environments”, Quantum Inf. Process., 14, 3465 (2015) Yin Cai, Jingliang Feng, Hailong Wang, Giulia Ferrini, Xinye Xu, Jietai Jing, and Nicolas Treps, “Quantum-network generation based on four-wave mixing”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol.91, No.1, 013843 (2015) Xiaohang Zhang, Min Zhou, Ning Chen, Qi Gao, Chengyin Han, Yuan Yao, Peng Xu, Shangyan Li, Yilin Xu, Yanyi Jiang, Zhiyi Bi, Longsheng Ma and Xinye Xu*, “Study on the clock-transition spectrum of cold 171Yb ytterbium atoms”, Laser Phys. Lett., Vol.12, No.2, 025501 (2015) Ning Chen and Xinye Xu*, “Analysis of inhomogeneous-excitation frequency shifts of ytterbium optical lattice clocks”, Laser Phys. Lett., Vol.12, No.1, 015501 (2015) Yu Huang and Xinye Xu*, “Multi-wavelength fiber lasers operated in stretched-pulse mode-locked regimes with a very compact configuration”, Laser Phys. Lett., Vol.11, No.12, 125101 (2014) Y. Ma, J. Wang, X. Xu, W. Qi, J. Liu and S. Kais, “Entanglement dynamics of two two-level atoms interacting nonsymmetrically with a single-mode quantized field”, Indian J. Phys., Vol.88, No.12, 1271 (2014) Yongjun Ma, Jiaxiang Wang, Xinye Xu, Qi Wei, Sabre Kais, “Quantum Phase Transition in One-dimensional Commensurate Frenkel-Kontorova Model”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol.83, No.12, 124603 (2014) Yongjun Ma, Jiaxiang Wang, XinyeXu, Qi Wei, Sabre Kais, “A density-matrix renormalization group study of one-dimensional incommensurate quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol.83, No.9, 094605 (2014) Yongjun Ma, Jiaxiang Wang, Xinye Xu, Qi Wei, Sabre Kais, “Error Analysis of the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm for a Chain of Harmonic Oscillator”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol. 31, No.6, 060501 (2014) Min Zhou and Xinye Xu*, “Theoretical study on isotope separation of an ytterbium atomic beam by laser deflection”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.23, No.1, 013202 (2014) Min Zhou, Liangyu Huang and Xinye Xu*, “Development of a frequency-stabilized 555.8-nm laser”,Chin. Opt. Lett., Vol.11, No.12, 121402 (2013) Min Zhou, Ning Chen, Xiaohang Zhang, Liangyu Huang, MaofeiYao, Jie Tian, Qi Gao, Hailing Jiang, Haiyao Tang, and Xinye Xu*, “Experiments on trapping ytterbium atoms in optical lattices”,Chin. Phys. B, Vol.22, No.10, 103701(2013) Ning Chen, Min Zhou, Haiqin Chen, Su Fang, Liangyu Huang, Xiaohang Zhang, Qi Gao, Yanyi Jiang, Zhiyi Bi, Longsheng Ma, and Xinye Xu*, “The Clock-Transition Spectrum of 171Yb Atoms in a one-dimensional Optical Lattice”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.22, No.9, 090601 (2013) Qinghong Zhou, Maofei Yao, Zhihong Zhou, and Xinye Xu* “Experimental study on injection-locked Ti:sapphire lasers”, Chin. Opt. Lett.,Vol.9, No.12, 121401 (2011) Guohui Li and Xinye Xu* “Thermally induced dephasing of high power second harmonic generation in MgO:LiNbO3 waveguides” Chin. Opt. Lett.,Vol.9, No.12, 121901 (2011) Qinghong Zhou Linfang Chen and Xinye Xu* “Numerical modeling of thermal effects in a high-power injection-locked cw Ti:sapphire laser”, Opt. Commun. 284 4207 (2011) Guohui Li and Xinye Xu* “Raman Sideband Cooling of Two-Valence-Electron Fermionic Atoms” Chin. Phys. Lett. 28(6) 063203(2011) Qinghong Zhou Linfang Chen and Xinye Xu* “Numerical analysis of the output power of the injection-locked cw Ti:sapphire lasers” Opt. Commun. 284 3378 (2011) Guohui Li, Hailing Jiang and Xinye Xu*, “Second harmonic generation in inhomogeneous MgO: LiNbO3 waveguides”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.20, No.6, (2011) Wenli Wang and Xinye Xu*, “Modulation transfer spectroscopy of ytterbium atoms in a hollow cathode lamp”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 28(3), 033202(2011) Wenli Wang, Jie Ye, Hailing Jiang, Zhiyi Bi, Longsheng Ma and Xinye Xu*, “Frequency stabilization of a 399-nm laser by modulation transfer spectroscopy in an ytterbium hollow cathode lamp”Chin. Phys. B, Vol.20, No.1, 013201 (2011) Wenli Wang and Xinye Xu*, “A novel method to measure the isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings of all ytterbium isotopes for a 399-nm transition”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19, No.12, 32701 (2010) Guohui Li, Jie Ye and Xinye Xu*, “Theoretical analysis of the second-harmonic light power in a biaxial crystal”, Chin. Opt. Lett.,Vol.8, No.7, 693(2010) Y. Jiang, S. Fang, Z. Bi, X. Xu, L. Ma, “Nd:YAG lasers at 1064 nm with 1-Hz linewidth”, Appl. Phys. B, 98, 61-67 (2010) Xinye Xu*, Wenli Wang , Qinghong Zhou, Guohui Li, Hailing Jiang, LinfangChen, Jie Ye, Zhihong Zhou, Yin Cai, Haiyao Tang, Min Zhou, “Laser cooling and trapping of ytterbium atoms”, Front. Phys. China, Vol.4, No.2, 160 (2009) Hailing Jiang, Guohui Li,and Xinye Xu*, “Highly efficient single-pass second harmonic generation in a periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 waveguide pumped by a fiber laser at 1111.6 nm”, Opt. Express, Vol. 17, No. 18, 16073 (2009) Yanyi Jiang, Zhiyi Bi, Xinye Xu and Longsheng Ma, “Two-hertz-linewidth Nd:YAG lasers at 1064 nm stabilized to vertically mounted ultra-stable cavities”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.17, No.6, 2152 (2008) Russell Hart, Xinye Xu, Ronald Legere, & Kurt Gibble, “A Quantum Scattering interferometer”,Nature, Vol.446, 892 (2007) T. Loftus, Xinye Xu, T. Ido, M. Boyd, J. L. Hall, A. Gallagher, and J. Ye, “Ultracold Atomic Strontium: From Unconventional Laser Cooling andFuture Optical Standards to Photon-free Anisotropic Many Body Physics”, Laser Spectroscopy XVI, P. Hannaford, A.I. Sidorov, H-A. Bachor and K.G. Baldwin (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp.34 (2004) Xinye Xu, Thomas H. Loftus, Josh W. Dunn, Chris H. Greene, John L. Hall, Alan Gallagher, and Jun Ye, “Single-stage sub-Doppler Cooling of alkaline earth atoms in a magneto-optical trap”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.90, No.19, 193002 (2003) Xinye Xu, Thomas H. Loftus, John L. Hall, Alan Gallagher, and Jun Ye,“Cooling and trapping of atomic strontium”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.20,No.5, 968 (2003). (Invited) Xinye Xu, Thomas H. Loftus, Matthew J. Smith, John L. Hall, Alan Gallagher, and Jun Ye, “Dynamics in a two-level atom magneto-optical trap”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 66, No.7, 011401R (2002) (Rapid Communications) Heungryoul Noh, Xinye Xu, and Wonho Jhe,“Manipulation of cold atoms in hollow laser beams”, Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and optical Physics, Vol.48, 153 (2002) Xinye Xu, Kihwan Kim and Wonho Jhe, “Efficient optical guiding of trapped cold atoms by a hollow laser beam”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol.63, No.6, 063401 (2001) Kihwan Kim, Heung-Ryoul Noh, Young-Hee Yeon, Xinye Xu and Wonho Jhe, Namic Kwon, “Optical guiding of atomic fountain by a hollow laserbeam”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., Vol.39, No. 5, 877 (2001) Xinye Xu, Yuzhu Wang and W. Jhe, “Theory of atom guidance in a hollow laser beam: dressed atom approach”,J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1039 (2000) Xinye Xu, Kihwan Kim and Wonho Jhe, “Guiding and Trapping of Cold Rb Atoms with a Hollow Laser Beam”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., Vol.37, No. 5, 661 (2000) Xinye Xu, V. G. Minogin, Kwanil Lee, Yuzhu Wang and WonhoJhe, “Guiding cold atoms in a hollow laser beam”, Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 60, No.6, 4796 (1999) Kwanil Lee, Jong-An Kim, Kihwan Kim, Changyeon Won, Seunghyup Yoo, Unyob Shim, Xinye Xu, and Wonho Jhe, Kyunghwan Oh and UnChul Park, “Cold Atoms in Hollow Optical Systems”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., Vol. 35, No.3, 115(1999) Xinye Xu, Yunsheng Huo, Shanyu Zhou and Yuzhu Wang, “Study of a Doppler Atomic Interferometer”,J. Korean Phys. Soc., Vol. 32, No. 3, 398(1998) Yuzhu Wang, Xinye Xu, W.B. Wang, Shanyu Zhou, “Doppler Atomic Interferometer”, Laser Spectroscopy XIII, Z. J. Wang, Z. M. Zhang, and Y. Z. Wang, Eds., World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 242 (1998). (Invited) Xinye Xu, Yunsheng Huo, Fosheng Li, Shanyu Zhou and Yuzhu Wang, “Theoretical Analyses and Experimental Demonstration of Coherent Splitting of Atomic Wave Packets”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.B6, No.6, 1062 (1997) Xinye Xu and Yuzhu Wang, “Theoretical Analyses of a Doppler-type Atomic Interferometer”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol. 46, No.6, 1062 (1997)(in Chines


2007-2015年,华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室副主任 2007年-至今,中国计量测试学会时间频率专业委员会委员 2009年-至今,中科院上海光机所量子光学重点实验室客座教授及学术委员会委员 2010年,原子物理国际大会(ICAP'2010)程序委员会委员 2012年-至今,上海市激光学会理事、激光技术与工程专业委员会主任 2012年,上海市优秀学术带头人 2016年,原子物理国际大会(ICAP'2016)程序委员会委员 2016年-至今,国家质检总局时间频率计量基准重点实验室学术委员会委员 2018年-至今,中科院原子频标重点实验室学术委员会委员 2018年-至今,《导航定位与授时》编辑委员会委员 2019年-至今,中国仪器仪表学会量子传感与精密测量仪器分会第一届理事会常务理事 2019年-至今,载人航天工程空间科学与应用领域微重力基础物理专家组成员 2020年,原子物理国际大会(ICAP'2020)程序委员会委员
