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长期从事量子光学、原子分子物理的实验和理论研究,主要在量子光源(包括量子压缩态、量子纠缠态等非经典光场)产生及其在量子信息处理和量子精密测量中的应用方面做了一系列的研究工作。论文发表在Physical Review Letters、Nature Communications、Optica、PNAS、Physical Review Applied、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Letters、Physical Review A、Optics Express、New Journal of Physics、Nature Physics等国际重要学术期刊上。 近五年来,在本领域学术期刊上发表的50篇通讯作者论文,包括Physical Review Letters (12篇),Nature Communications (1篇), Optica, PNAS, Physical Review Applied,Physical Review A, Physical Review B,Optics Letters,Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express等。 先后主持包括国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金委“精密测量物理”重大研究计划重点支持项目、上海市教育委员会科研创新计划自然科学重大项目、上海市优秀学术带头人项目、国家自然科学基金委面上项目、上海市科委以及上海市教委等多项国家及省部级科研项目。 指导的研究生先后共有12人次获得“研究生国家奖学金”,6人次获得“上海市优秀毕业生”,3人次获得“王大珩高校学生光学奖”。 受邀担任2018年国际量子通讯测量和计算大会Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC)的程序委员会(Program Committee). 教育经历 1999-9至2004-7, 山西大学, 光学, 博士, 导师: 彭堃墀 院士,谢常德 教授 1995-9至1999-7, 山西大学, 物理学, 学士 工作经历 2008-4至今, 华东师范大学, 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室, 教授 2006-9至2008-4, 美国马里兰大学 物理系与联合量子所, 博士后, 合作导师: Luis Orozco 教授 2004-8至2006-8, 美国弗吉尼亚大学 物理系, 博士后, 合作导师: Olivier Pfister教授 荣誉及奖励 入选多项人才项目资助和奖励,包括: 上海市优秀学术带头人 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划 教育部“全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖” 上海市“东方学者跟踪计划” 上海市“东方学者” 上海市“曙光学者” 上海市“浦江人才” “闵行领军人才” “华东师范大学优秀学术贡献奖” “华东师范大学科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖” “华东师范大学科学技术奖青年科学奖(A类)” “华东师范大学研究生教育优秀导师奖”




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Shengshuai Liu, Yinghui Lv, Xutong Wang, Jiabin Wang, Yanbo Lou*, and Jietai Jing*, “Deterministic all-optical quantum teleportation of four degrees of freedom”, Physical Review Letters (2024) 出版中 (共同通讯) Yanbo Lou, Yinghui Lv, Jiabin Wang, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexed Deterministic All-Optical Quantum Erasure-Correcting Code”, Physical Review Letters 132, 040601 (2024) (共同通讯) Kai Zhang*, Yu Guo, and Jietai Jing*, “Reconfigurable Hexapartite Cluster States by Four-Wave Mixing Processes with a Spatially Structured Pump”, Advanced Quantum Technologies 7, 2300160 (2024) (共同通讯) Yanfen Zhou, Wei Wang, Tingting Song, Xutong Wang, Qiqi Zhu, Kai Zhang, Shengshuai Liu*,and Jietai Jing*, “Ultra-Large-Scale Deterministic Entanglement Containing 2*20400 Optical Modes Based on Time-Delayed Quantum Interferometer”, Physical Review Letters 130, 060801 (2023) (共同通讯) Sheng Yu, Kai Zhang, Yanbo Lou, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Entanglement of Six Orbital Angular Momentum Modes with Reconfigurable Topological Charges”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2201005 (2023) (共同通讯) Yingxuan Chen, Qiqi Zhu, Xutong Wang, Yanbo Lou*, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Deterministic all-optical quantum state sharing”, Advanced Photonics 5, 026006 (2023) (共同通讯) Yanbo Lou, Yingxuan Chen, Jiabin Wang, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Quantum squeezing enhancement based on phase-sensitive cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 66, 250311 (2023) (共同通讯) Yanbo Lou, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Beating the 3 dB quantum squeezing enhancement limit of two-mode phase-sensitive amplifier by multi-beam interference”, Quantum Science and Technology 8, 045027 (2023) (共同通讯) Huanrong He, Yanbo Lou, Xiaoyin Xu, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental measurement of quadrature squeezing in quadripartite entanglement”, Optics Letters 48, 1375 (2023) (共同通讯) Qiwu Hu, Xutong Wang, Rui Zhang, Yuan Ren, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Enhancing and flattening multiplexed quantum entanglement by utilizing perfect vortex modes”, Optics Letters 48, 1782 (2023) (共同通讯) Xutong Wang and Jietai Jing*, “Self-healing of Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky steering after an obstruction”, Optics Letters 48, 191 (2023) (唯一通讯) Huanrong He, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Enhancement of quadripartite quantum correlation via phase-sensitive cascaded four- wave mixing process”, Physical Review A 107, 023702 (2023) (共同通讯) Hailong Wang*, Zehua Chen, Zhongxing Fu, Yunpeng Shi, Xiong Zhang, Chunliu Zhao, Shangzhong Jin, and Jietai Jing*, “Phase-insensitive amplifier gain estimation at Cramér-Rao bound for two-mode squeezed state of light”, Optics Express 31, 13552 (2023) (共同通讯) Jiabin Wang, Yanbo Lou, Huanrong He, Shengshuai Liu*, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental Realization of Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexed Four-Beam Quadrature Squeezing”, Fundamental Research (2023) (共同通讯) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, Yinxuan Chen, and Jietai Jing*, “All-optical Entanglement Swapping”, Physical Review Letters 128, 060503 (2022)(通讯作者) Xutong Wang, Jing Fu, Shengshuai Liu, Yao Wei and Jietai Jing*, “Self-healing of multipartite entanglement in optical quantum networks”, Optica 9, 663 (2022)(通讯作者) Yuan Ren, Xutong Wang, Yanbo Lou, Shengshuai Liu, Yinyin Zhong, and Jietai Jing*, “Violation of high-dimensional Bell inequality using narrowband orbital-angular-momentum entanglement from warm atomic vapor”, Physical Review A 105, 013721 (2022)(通讯作者) Yuan Ren, Xutong Wang, Yinghui Lv, Davide Bacco*, and Jietai Jing*, “Distribution of Multiplexed Continuous-Variable Entanglement for Quantum Networks”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100586 (2022) (共同通讯) Kun Zhang, Yinghui Lv, Yu Guo, Jietai Jing*, and Wu-Ming Liu*, “Enhancing the precision of a phase measurement through phase-sensitive non-Gaussianity”, Physical Review A 105, 042607 (2022) (共同通讯) Qiwu Hu, Yuan Ren, Xutong Wang, Xiao-Min Hu, and Jietai Jing*, “Path-orbital-angular-momentum high-dimensional hyperentangled photons from a warm atomic ensemble”, Physical Review A 105, 062422 (2022) (唯一通讯) Kun Zhang, Jietai Jing*, Nicolas Treps, and Mattia Walschaers*, “Maximal entanglement increase with single-photon subtraction”, Quantum 6, 704 (2022) (共同通讯) Xutong Wang and Jietai Jing*, “Deterministic Entanglement of Large-Scale Hermite-Gaussian Modes”, Physical Review Applied 18, 024057 (2022) (唯一通讯) Kai Zhang, Shengshuai Liu, Yingxuan Chen, Xutong Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “Optical quantum states based on hot atomic ensembles and their applications”, Photonics Insights 1, R06 (2022) (唯一通讯) Xutong Wang, Sheng Yu, Shengshuai Liu, Kai Zhang, Yanbo Lou, Wei Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “Deterministic generation of large-scale hyperentanglement in three degrees of freedom”, Advanced Photonics Nexus 1, 016002 (2022) (唯一通讯) Sheng Yu, Huanzhang Liu, and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of octapartite entanglement by connecting two symmetric cascaded four-wave mixing processes with one linear beam splitter”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 39, 619 (2022) (唯一通讯) Anqi Dong, Kai Zhang, and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of Twelve-partite Entanglement from Two Symmetric Four-Wave Mixing Processes”, Optics Communications 521, 128470 (2022) (唯一通讯) Hailong Wang, Yajuan Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Chunliu Zhao, Shangzhong Jin, and Jietai Jing*, “Multi-Way Noiseless Signal Amplification in a Symmetrical Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing Process”, Photonics 9, 229 (2022) (唯一通讯) Yinxuan Chen, Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, and Jietai Jing*, “Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexed Quantum Dense Coding”, Physical Review Letters 127, 093601 (2021)(通讯作者) Yanbo Lou, Shengshuai Liu, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental demonstration of a multifunctional all-optical quantum state transfer machine”, Physical Review Letters 126, 210507 (2021)(通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, Yinxuan Chen and Jietai Jing*, “All-optical Optimal N-to-M Quantum Cloning of Coherent States”, Physical Review Letters 126, 060503 (2021)(通讯作者) Konstantin Dorfman*, Shengshuai Liua, Yanbo Loua, Tianxiang Wei, Jietai Jing*, Frank Schlawin, and Shaul Mukamel, “Multidimensional four-wave mixing signals detected by quantum squeezed light”, PNAS 118, e2105601118 (2021)(通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, and Jietai Jing*, “Orbital angular momentum multiplexed deterministic all-optical quantum teleportation”, Nature Communications 11, 3875 (2020)(通讯作者) Wei Wang, Kai Zhang, and Jietai Jing*, “Large-Scale Quantum Network over 66 Orbital Angular Momentum Optical Modes”, Physical Review Letters125, 140501 (2020)(通讯作者) Sijin Li, Xiaozhou Pan, Yuan Ren, Huanzhang Liu, Sheng Yu, and Jietai Jing*,“Deterministic generation of orbital-angular-momentum multiplexed tripartite entanglement”, Physical Review Letters 124, 083605 (2020)(通讯作者) Kai Zhang, Wei Wang, Shengshuai Liu, Xiaozhou Pan, Jinjian Du, Yanbo Lou, Sheng Yu, Shuchao Lv, Nicolas Treps*, Claude Fabre*, and Jietai Jing*,“Reconfigurable hexapartite entanglement by spatially multiplexed four-wave mixing processes”, Physical Review Letters 124, 090501 (2020)(通讯作者) Yinyin Zhong, and Jietai Jing*, “Enhancement of tripartite quantum correlation by coherent feedback control”, Physical Review A101, 023813 (2020)(通讯作者) Hailong Wang, Kai Zhang, Nicolas Treps, Claude Fabre, and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of hexapartite entanglement in a four-wave-mixing process with a spatially structured pump: Theoretical study”, Physical Review A102, 022417 (2020)(通讯作者) Hailong Wang*, Kai Zhang, Zhihao Ni and Jietai Jing*, “Enhancement of quantum correlations using correlation injection scheme in a cascaded four-wave mixing processes”,Optics Express 28, 10633 (2020)(通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, and Jietai Jing*, “Interference-Induced Quantum Squeezing Enhancement in a Two-beam Phase-Sensitive Amplifier”, Physical Review Letters 123, 113602 (2019)(通讯作者) Xiaozhou Pan, Sheng Yu, Yanfen Zhou, Kun Zhang, Kai Zhang, Shuchao Lv, Sijin Li, Wei Wang, and Jietai Jing*,“Orbital-Angular-Momentum Multiplexed Continuous-Variable Entanglement from Four-Wave Mixing in Hot Atomic Vapor”, Physical Review Letters 123, 070506 (2019)(通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental characterization of multiple quantum correlated beams in two-beam pumped cascaded four-wave mixing process”, Optics Express 27, 37999 (2019)(通讯作者) Jun Xin, Xiao-Ming Lu, Hailong Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “Preserving quantum entanglement from parametric amplifications with a correlation modulation scheme”, Physical Review A99, 013813 (2019)(通讯作者) Jun Xin*, Xiao-Ming Lu, Guolong Li, and Jietai Jing,“Generation of quadripartite unlockable bound entanglement from cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Physical Review A99, 053840 (2019) Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, Jun Xin* and Jietai Jing*, “Quantum Enhancement of Phase Sensitivity for the Bright-Seeded SU(1,1) Interferometer with Direct Intensity Detection”, Physical Review Applied10, 064046 (2018)(通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Hailong Wang and Jietai Jing*, “Two-beam pumped cascaded four-wave-mixing process for producing multiple-beam quantum correlation”, Physical Review A 97, 043846 (2018)(通讯作者) Xiaozhou Pan, Hui Chen, Tianxiang Wei, Jun Zhang*, Alberto M. Marino, Nicolas Treps, Ryan T. Glasser, and Jietai Jing*,“Experimental realization of a feedback optical parametric amplifier with four-wave mixing”,Physical Review B 97,161115(R) (2018)(通讯作者) Wei Wang, Leiming Cao, Yanbo Lou, Jinjian Du, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental characterization of pairwise correlations from triple quantum correlated beams generated by cascaded four-wave mixing processes”,Applied Physics Letters 112, 034101 (2018) (通讯作者) Leiming Cao, Wei Wang, Yanbo Lou, Jinjian Du, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental characterization of pairwise correlations from quadruple quantum correlated beams generated by cascaded four-wave mixing processes”,Applied Physics Letters 112, 251102 (2018) (通讯作者) Shuchao Lv and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of quadripartite entanglement from a hybrid scheme with a four-wave mixing process and linear beam splitters”, Optics Communications 424, 63 (2018) (invited) (通讯作者) Tianxiang Wei, Shuchao Lv, and Jietai Jing*, “Effect of losses on multipartite entanglement from cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35(11), 2806-2814 (2018) (通讯作者) Shuchao Lv, and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of quadripartite entanglement from cascaded four-wave-mixing processes”, Physical Review A 96, 043873 (2017)(通讯作者) Hailong Wang, Claude Fabre, and Jietai Jing*, “Single-step fabrication of scalable multimode quantum resources using four-wave mixing with a spatially structured pump”, Physical Review A 95, 051802(R) (2017)(通讯作者) Leiming Cao, Jian Qi, Jinjian Du, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental generation of quadruple quantum-correlated beams from hot rubidium vapor by cascaded four-wave mixing using spatial multiplexing”, Physical Review A 95, 023803 (2017) (通讯作者) Li Wang, Hailong Wang, Sijin Li, Yaxian Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “Phase-sensitive cascaded four-wave-mixing processes for generating three quantum correlated beams”, Physical Review A 95, 013811 (2017) (通讯作者) Jinjian Du, Leiming Cao, Kai Zhang, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental observation of multi-spatial-mode quantum correlations in four-wave mixing with a conical pump and a conical probe”, Applied Physics Letters110, 241103 (2017)(通讯作者) Zhan Zheng, Hailong Wang, Bing Cheng, and Jietai Jing*,“Entanglement in a four-wave mixing process”, Optics Letters42, 2754 (2017) (通讯作者) Jun Xin, Jian Qi, and Jietai Jing*, “Enhancement of entanglement using cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Optics Letters42, 366 (2017) (通讯作者) Leiming Cao,Jinjian Du,Jingliang Feng,Zhongzhong Qin,Alberto M. Marino,Mikhail I. Kolobov,and Jietai Jing*,“Experimental observation of quantum correlations in four-wave mixing with a conical pump”,Optics Letters 42, 1201 (2017) (通讯作者) Shengshuai Liu, Jietai Jing*, “Hybrid interferometer with nonlinear four-wave mixing process and linear beam splitter”, Optics Express 25, 15854 (2017) (通讯作者) Li Wang, Shuchao Lv, and Jietai Jing*, “Quantum Steering in cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Optics Express 25, 17457 (2017) (通讯作者) Jun Xin, Jinming Liu, and Jietai Jing*, “Nonlinear Sagnac interferometer based on the four-wave mixing process”, Optics Express25, 1350 (2017) (通讯作者) Hailong Wang, Leiming Cao and Jietai Jing*, “Characterization of Pairwise Correlations from Multiple Quantum Correlated Beams Generated from Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing Processes”, Scientific Reports 7, 40410 (2017) (通讯作者) Li Wang,Jietai Jing*,“Phase-sensitive cascaded four-wave mixing processes for generating continuous-variable entanglement”, Applied Optics 56, 2398 (2017) (通讯作者) Jun Xin, Hailong Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “The effect of losses on the quantum-noise cancellation in the SU(1,1) interferometer”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 051107 (2016) (通讯作者) Hailong Wang,Zhan Zheng, Yaxian Wang, and Jietai Jing*, “Generation of Tripartite entanglement from cascaded four-wave-mixing processes”, Optics Express 24, 23459 (2016) (通讯作者) Yami Fang, Jingliang Feng, Leiming Cao, Yaxian Wang and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental implementation of a nonlinear beamsplitter based on a phase-sensitive parametric amplifier”, Applied Physics Letters 108, 131106 (2016) (通讯作者) Hailong Wang, A. M. Marino, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental implementation of phase locking in a nonlinear interferometer”, Applied Physics Letters 107, 121106 (2015) (通讯作者) Zhongzhong Qin, Leiming Cao, and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental characterization of quantum correlated triple beams generated by cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Applied Physics Letters 106, 211104 (2015) (通讯作者) Yami Fang, and Jietai Jing*, “Quantum squeezing and entanglement from a two-mode phase-sensitive amplifier via four-wave mixing in rubidium vapor”, New Journal of Physics 17,023027 (2015) (通讯作者) Yin Cai, Jingliang Feng, Hailong Wang, Giulia Ferrini, Xinye Xu, Jietai Jing*, and Nicolas Treps*, “Quantum-network generation based on four-wave mixing”, Physical Review A 91, 013843 (2015)(通讯作者) Z. Qin, L. Cao, H. Wang, A. M. Marino, W. Zhang and Jietai Jing*, “Experimental generation of multiple quantum correlated beams from hot rubidium vapor”, Physical Review Letters 113, 023602 (2014)(通讯作者) Jietai Jing*, Z. Zhou, C. Liu, Z. Qin,Y. Fang, J. Zhou and W. Zhang, “Ultralow-light-level all-optical transistor in rubidium vapor”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 151103 (2014) (通讯作者) F. Hudelist, J. Kong, C. Liu, Jietai Jing, Z. Y. Ou* and W. Zhang*, “Quantum metrology with parametric amplifier based photon correlation interferometers”, Nature Communications 5, 3049 (2014) Raphael Pooser*, Jietai Jing, “Continuous Variable Cluster State Generation over the Optical Spatial Mode Comb”, Physical Review A 90, 043841 (2014)


担任本领域包括Physical Review Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Letters、New Journal of Physics、Optics Express等在内的国际国内重要学术期刊的审稿人 担任2018年国际量子通讯测量和计算大会Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing(QCMC)的程序委员会(Program Committee) 中国物理学会终身会员 中国光学学会高级会员 中国光学学会终身会员 美国物理学会终身会员 (Lifetime Member) 美国光学学会高级会员 (Senior Member) 美国光学学会终身会员 (Lifetime Member)
