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张大健,博士,教授,泰山学者青年专家。本人以大豆作为研究对象,综合利用遗传学、分子生物学以及生物信息学等开展作物重要农艺性状基因的克隆和遗传机理研究。目前已经在主流期刊上发表了12篇文章,其中第一作者(含共同一作)5篇,包括Nature Plants、Molecular Plant、PLoS Genetics、Plant Journal等国际知名期刊。并作为主要完成人先后在在Cell、Nature Genetics、Plant Cell等术刊物发表论文多篇,累计影响因子大于100。相关研究成果被Cell、PNAS、Genome Biology等国际著名学术期刊多次引用。 教育科学经历:   2018–至今山东农业大学农学院,教授。   2016–2018美国普渡大学农学系,研究遗传学家(Research Geneticist);   2014–2016美国普渡大学农学系,博士后(Postdoctoral Associate);   2007–2013中国科学院大学植物研究所,发育生物学博士;   2003–2007山东农业大学,生物工程专业,学士; 奖励和荣誉 2018年入选山东省人民政府“泰山学者青年专家计划”。


1.大豆重要农艺性状等位基因的发掘与利用 大豆原产中国,由祖先野生大豆长期定向选择、改良驯化而成。大豆是重要的粮食和油料作物,在我国已有5000多年的栽培历史。利用关联分析、图位克隆和分子生物学手段,并结合比较基因组、生物信息学分析方法解析、定位和克隆控制大豆复杂农艺的重要基因,为最终实现大豆高产优质的分子设计育种奠定坚实的基础。 2.黄淮海地区野生大豆品种资源的研究和利用 收集黄淮海地区内野生大豆种质资源,利用形态标记和DNA分子标记进行遗传多样性分析,通过主成分分析和聚类分析,揭示黄淮海区域内野生大豆的分布状况、遗传结构及亲缘关系,建立黄淮海区域野生大豆核心种质库。根据野生大豆核心种质库的信息,从中初步筛选出一批优异的资源,综合运用远缘杂交、分子标记育种和基因工程等多种技术手段,定位、克隆和验证与产量、品质、抗病、抗虫、抗逆等重要性状相关的功能基因,创制一批包含高产、优质、多抗等优异基因的新种质,拓宽栽培大豆遗传基础,增强栽培大豆抵御逆境胁迫的能力。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

  1.Zhang, D.#, Sun, L.#, Li, S.#, Wang, W.#, Ding, Y.#, Swarm, S.A., Li, L., Wang, X., Tang, X., Zhang, Z., Tian, Z., Brown, P.J., Cai, C., Nelson, R.L., and Ma, J. 2018. Elevation of soybean seed oil content through selection for seed coat shininess. Nature Plants, 4: 30-35. (第一作者). [近五年影响因子11.471]   2.Zhang, D.#, Wang, X.#, Li S.#, Michael J., Michael V., and Jianxin Ma, J.Systemic modification of divergent and convergent pathways modulating stem growth habit and other key agronomic traits in soybean. Molecular Plant. (in review) (第一作者).   3.Zhang, D.#, Zhao, M.#, Li, S.#, Sun, L., Wang, W., Cai, C., Dierking, E.C. and Ma, J. 2017. Plasticity and innovation of regulatory mechanisms underlying seed oil content mediated by duplicated genes in the palaeopolyploid soybean. Plant Journal, 90: 1120-1133. (第一作者). [近五年影响因子6.148]   4.Liu, Y.#, Zhang, D.#, Ping, J., Li, S., Chen, Z., and Ma, J. 2016. Innovation of a regulatory mechanism modulating semi-determinate stem growth through artificial selection in soybean. PLOS Genetics, 12: e1005818. (共同第一作者). [近五年影响因子7.395]   5.Li, S.#, Ding, Y.#, Zhang, D.#, Wang, X.#, Tang, X., Dai, D.,Jin, H., Lee, S., Cai, C., Ma, J. Parallel domestication with broad mutational spectrum of determinate stem growth habit in leguminous crops. Plant Journal, 10: 1111-1122. (共同第一作者). [近五年影响因子6.148]   6.Sun, L.#, Miao, Z.#, Cai, C.#, Zhang, D., Zhao, M., Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Swarm., S.A., Zhou, L., Zhang, Z., Nelson, R.L., and Ma, J. 2015. GmHs1-1, encoding a calcineurin-like protein, controls hard-seededness in soybean. Nature Genetics, 47: 939-943. [近五年影响因子30.821]   7.Ma, Y.#, Dai, X.#, Xu, Y.#, Luo, W.#, Zheng, X., Zeng, D., Pan, Y., Lin, X., Liu, H., Zhang, D., Xiao, J., Guo, X., Xu, S., Niu, Y., Jin, J., Zhang, H., Xu, X., Li, L., Wang, W., Qian, Q., Ge, S., and Chong, K. 2015. COLD1 confers chilling tolerance in rice. Cell, 160:1209-1221. [近五年影响因子31.287]   8.Zhang, D.#, Wang, X.#, Wang, M., Li, j., Guo, X., Chong, K., and Xu, Y. 2013. Ectopic expression of WUS in hypocotyl promotes cell division via GRP23 in Arabidopsis. PLoS One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0075773. (第一作者). [近五年影响因子3.081]   9.Liu, H.#, Guo, S.#, Xu, Y., Li, C., Zhang, Z., Zhang, D., Xu, S., Zhang, C., and Chong, K. 2014. OsmiR396d-regulated OsGRFs function in floral organogenesis in rice through binding to their targets OsJMJ706 and OsCR4. Plant Physiology, 165: 160-174. [近五年影响因子6.584]   10.Zhang, Y.#, Li, B.#, Xu, Y., Li, H., Li, S., Zhang, D., Mao, Z., Guo, S., Yang, C., Weng, Y., and Chong, K. 2013. The cyclophilin CYP20-2 modulates the conformation of BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT1, Which binds the promoter of FLOWERING LOCUS D to regulate flowering in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 25: 2504-2521. [近五年影响因子8.873]   11.Chen, Y., Xu, Y., Luo, W., Li, W., Chen, N., Zhang, D., and Chong, K. 2013. The F-box protein OsFBK12 targets OsSAMS1 for degradation and affects pleiotropic phenotypes including leaf senescence in rice. Plant Physiology, 163: 1673-1685. [近五年影响因子6.584]   12.Ma, Q., Dai, X., Xu, Y., Guo, J., Liu, Y., Chen, N., Xiao, J., Zhang, D., Xu, Z., Zhang, X., and Chong, K. 2009. Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes. Plant Physiology, 150: 244-256. [近五年影响因子6.584]
