龚秀媛,现任南京师范大学商学院技术经济与管理系教师。毕业于中国科学技术大学和香港城市大学,分别获得管理学博士学位和哲学博士学位。长期致力于互联网用户行为与危机管理方面的研究,已在《Information Systems Frontiers》《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》《International Journal of Information Management》《管理案例研究与评论》等国内外权威期刊发表多篇学术论文;参与编写《安徽上市公司发展报告2018》;主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省高校自科项目面上项目各1项,入选省级、市级人才计划各1项。
1. Examining the role of tie strength in users’ continuance intention of second-generation mobile instant messaging services. Information Systems Frontiers,2020,22,149-170.(JCR一区,ABS三星级期刊)
2. Spill-over effects of a hotel scam: how public perception influence communicative actions in social media in China. Current Issues in Tourism,2020,23(23),2986-3000. (JCR一区,ABS二星级,FMS B级期刊)
3. Understanding impulse buying in mobile commerce: An investigation into hedonic and utilitarian browsing. International Journal of Information Management, 2019,48,151-160.(JCR一区,ESI前1%高被引论文)
4. Why are experienced users of WeChat likely to continue using the app? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2018, 30(4),1013-1039. (ABDC A级期刊)
5. Yin, Eisenhardt和Pan的案例研究方法比较研究——基于方法论视角.管理案例研究与评论,2018,11(1),104-115.
6. A distinctive early bird price in reward-based crowdfunding. Electronic Commerce Research.(SSCI,online)
7. A study of active usage of mobile instant messaging application: An attachment theory perspective. Information Development,2017,33(2),153-168.(SSCI)
8. Why does leader attention scope matter for innovation ambidexterity? The mediating role of transformational leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal,2016,37(7),912-935.(SSCI)