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宋小凯,主要从事兽医寄生虫分子免疫,兽医公共卫生方面的研究。中国畜牧兽医学会兽医寄生虫学分会理事,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医食品卫生学分会理事,中国动物学会寄生虫学委员会青年委员会委员,江苏省免疫学会兽医免疫专业委员会委员;江苏省医学会热带病与寄生虫学分会委员会委员。2002 年毕业于河南农业大学获得学士学位,2003 年考入南京农业大学攻读硕士学位,2005 年提前攻读博士学位,2008 年获得博士学位,2008 年 6 月开始在南京农业大学动物医学院从事教学科研工作。2010 年 12 月被聘为副教授。2014 年 4 月-2015 年 4 月,在丹麦奥胡斯大学作为访问学者一年,2016 年 12月被聘为教授。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 2 项,国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项,“国家重点研发计划”子课题和国家“973 计划专题”子课题各 1 项,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目 2 项;“中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点项目”1 项,“中国农业大学南京农业大学青年教师开放科研基金”1 项,“家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室开放基金课题”1 项。作为主要完成人参加科研课题 3 项,其中“农业部公益性行业专项”1 项, “国家自然科学基金”1 项,江苏省科技支撑计划”1 项。发表 SCI 论文收录 100 余篇。参编论著 5 本。获得国家发明专利 7 项。指导研究生获得“南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业研究生”2 人次(2016 和 2017 年),获得“南京农业大学优秀硕士学位论文”1 篇(2018 年)。国家级精品课程、国家资源共享课程《兽医寄生虫学》主讲教师。 科研项目: 1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“鸡球虫 Toll 样受体配体分子的鉴定及其激活先天免 疫的分子机制”,31972705;2020.01 - 2023.12 ;70.8 万元(59+11.8) 2. 主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题:“E. tenella 入侵部位特异性关键分子 MIC3 的受体研究” 项目编号:2017YFD0500401-3;2017.07-2021.6;50 万元 3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“E. maxima Th1 细胞因子抑制相关抗原的确定及其抑 制作用机制的研究”,项目编号:31672545;2017.01 - 2020.12 ;75.6 万元(63+12.6) 4. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“鸡球虫共同抗原的确认及免疫原性分析” 项目编号:31201896;2020.01 - 2023.12 ;2013.01 - 2015.12 ;24 万元 5. 主持国家“973”计划子课题:“部分捻转血矛线虫排泄分泌物(ESP)山羊免疫细胞及细 胞因子结合蛋白的克隆与表达”,项目编号:2015CB150305-4,2015.01 - 2019.12 ;72 万元 6. 主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:“E. maxima 偏菱形样蛋白免疫原性及其在球虫入侵 过程中作用研究”,项目编号:BK20161442;2016.6-2019.07;10 万元 7. 主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:“毒害艾美耳球虫免疫功能基因组研究,项目编号: BK2010446;9 万元 8. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点项目:“鸡球虫 T 细胞刺激抗原的筛选及其 功能研究”,项目编号:KYZ201631;10 万元 9. 参与科研项 6 项:江苏省科技计划项目,一带一路创新合作项目,重要动物疫病防控技 术合作研究(BZ2019013),国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(项目编号: 31661143017),国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:31172308);农业部公益性行 业专项(项目编号:20090306);江苏省科技支撑计划(农业)项目划(项目编号: BE2009389)和江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK20141365)。 荣誉奖项: 2016 年度个人考核优秀; 2015 年获得中国畜牧兽医学会兽医寄生虫分会大会优秀报告一等奖; 2015 年获得江苏省畜牧兽医年会优秀论文奖; 2015 年获得武汉回盛奖教金; 2012 年获得动物医学院青年教授授课大赛三等奖; 2011 年获得森楠奖教金 发明专利: 1. 李祥瑞,宋小凯,严若峰, 徐立新,任喆,一种鸡艾美耳球虫免疫调节型多价表位 DNA 疫苗,2014.09.03 ,中国,ZL201110307305.3 2. 李祥瑞,宋小凯,严若峰,徐立新,雷晨昱,宋鸿雁,预防鸡巨型艾美耳球虫的免疫调 节型 DNA 疫苗,2012.07.04,中国,ZL200810234982.5 3. 李祥瑞,宋小凯,严若峰,徐立新,一种鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫复合免疫调节型 DNA 疫苗, 2011.05.04,中国,ZL200710191695.6 4. 李祥瑞,徐立新,严若峰,宋小凯,一种用于弓形虫感染的诊断抗原及其制备方法和应 用,2015.09.16,中国,ZL201310124956.8 5. 李祥瑞,严若峰,徐立新,宋小凯,高云路,一种鸡球虫多价重组蛋白亚单位疫苗及其 应用,2015.02.18,中国,ZL201310273603.4 6. 李祥瑞,徐立新,宋小凯,严若峰,宋鸿雁,预防鸡堆型艾美耳球虫的免疫调节型 DNA 疫苗,2012.07.04,中国,ZL200810155079.X 7. 李祥瑞,严若峰,徐立新,宋小凯,张娜,预防鸡毒害艾美耳球虫的免疫调节型 DNA 疫苗,2010.12.08,中国,ZL 200810155080.2




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论文: 1. Chen C, Tian D, Su J, Liu X, Shah MAA, Li X, Xu L, Yan R, Song X *. Protective efficacy of rhomboid-like protein 3 as a candidate antigen against Eimeria maxima in chickens. Front. Microbiol. 2021, 12: 614229. 2. Chen Y, Tian D, Xu L, Yan R, Li X, Shah MAA, Song X*. Rhomboid protein 2 of Eimeria maxima provided partial protection against infection by homologous species. Vet Res. 2021 Feb 18;52(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s13567-020-00886-7. 3. Li W, Wang M, Chen Y, Chen C, Liu X, Sun X, Jing C, Xu L, Yan R, Li X, Song X*. EtMIC3 and its receptors BAG1 and ENDOUL are essential for site-specific invasion of Eimeria tenella in chickens. Vet Res. 2020 Jul 16;51(1):90. 4. 靖传旭,杨新朝,徐立新,严若峰,李祥瑞,宋小凯*.巨型艾美耳球虫偏菱形样蛋白 EmRP 免疫原性分析. 畜牧与兽医,2020,52 ( 4) : 122-126. 5. Liu J, Liu L, Li L, Tian D, Li W, Xu L, Yan R, Li X, Song X*. Protective immunity induced by Eimeria common antigen 14-3-3 against Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria maxima. BMC Vet Res. 2018 Nov 12;14(1):337. 6. 刘剑华,刘连瑞,李灵娟,徐立新,严若峰,李祥瑞,宋小凯*. 鸡球虫共同抗原 UCE 免疫原性分析及其对多种球虫感染的免疫保护效果评估. 南京农业大学学报 2018, 41(3): 496-503. 7. Tian L, Li W, Huang X, Tian D, Liu J, Yang X, Liu L, Yan R, Xu L, Li X, Song X*. Protective Efficacy of Coccidial Common Antigen Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) against Challenge with Three Eimeria Species. Front Microbiol. 2017, 8: 1245. 8. Liu L, Huang X, Liu J, Li W, Ji Y, Tian D, Tian L, Yang X, Xu L, Yan R, Li X, Song X*. Identification of common immunodominant antigens of Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria maxima by immunoproteomic analysis. Oncotarget. 2017, 8(21): 34935-34945. 9. Yang X, Li M, Liu J, Ji Y, Li X, Xu L, Yan R, Song X*. Identification of immune protective genes of Eimeria maxima through cDNA expression library screening.Parasites & Vectors 2017, 10(1):85. 10. Song X, Zhao X, Xu L, Yan R, Li X. Immune protection duration and efficacy stability of DNA vaccine encoding Eimeria tenella TA4 and chicken IL-2 against coccidiosis. Res Vet Sci. 2017, 111:31-35. 11. Song X, Zhang Z, Liu C, Xu L, Yan R, Li X. Evaluation of the persistence, integration, histopathology and environmental release of DNA vaccine encoding Eimeria tenella TA4 and chicken IL-2. Vet Parasitol. 2016, 229: 22-30. 12. Song X, Gao Y, Xu L, Yan R, Li X. Partial protection against four species of chicken coccidia induced by multivalent subunit vaccine. Vet Parasitol. 2015 212(3-4):80-85. 13. Song X, Zhang R, Xu L, Yan R, Li X. Chimeric DNA vaccines encoding Eimeria acervulina macrophage migration inhibitory factor (E.MIF) induce partial protection against experimental Eimeria infection. Acta Parasitol. 2015 60(3):500-8. 14. Song X, Xu L, Yan R, Huang X, Li X. Construction of Eimeria tenella multi-epitope DNA vaccines and their protective efficacies against experimental infection. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2015 166(3-4):79-87. 15. Song X, Huang X, Yan R, Xu L, Li X. Efficacy of chimeric DNA vaccines encoding Eimeria tenella 5401 and chicken IFN-γ or IL-2 against coccidiosis in chickens. Exp Parasitol. 2015 156:19-25. 16. Song X, Ren Z, Yan R, Xu L, Li X. Induction of protective immunity against Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina infections using multivalent epitope DNA vaccines. Vaccine. 2015 33(24):2764-70. 17. 李梦辉,刘连瑞,涂浩,黄经纬,张振超,徐立新,严若峰,李祥瑞,宋小凯* .利用 gateway 技术构建巨型艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊 cDNA 表达文库. 南京农业大学学报 2015,38(4): 630-635. 18. 朱艳,滕佩,魏德康,张振超,徐立新,严若峰,李祥瑞,宋小凯* . 柔嫩艾美耳球虫江 苏株微线蛋白-3 基因的克隆与序列分析. 畜牧与兽医 2014, 46(8):75-79. 19. Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Xinmei Huang, Mohammed Ali A. Shah, Xiangrui Li*. The optimal immunization procedure of DNA vaccine pcDNA-TA4-IL-2 of Eimeria tenella, its cross immunity to Eimeria necatrix and Eimeria acervulina. Veterinary parasitology (IF: 2.579), 2009,159(1):30-36. 20. Qianming Xu, Xiaokai Song(并列第一作者), Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Mohammed Ali A. Shah, Xiangrui Li.Vaccination of chickens with a chimeric DNA vaccine encoding Eimeria tenella TA4 and chicken IL-2 induces protective immunity against coccidiosis. Veterinary Parasitology (IF: 2.579),2008,156(3-4): 319-323. 21. Sun W, Song X, Yan R, Xu L, Li X. Vaccination of goats with a glutathione peroxidase DNA vaccine induced partial protection against Haemonchus contortus infection. Vet Parasitol 2011, 182(2-4): 239-247. 22. Muhammad Ali A. Shah, Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Xiangrui Li*, Construction of DNA vaccines encoding Eimeria acervulina cSZ-2 with chicken IL-2 and IFN-c and their efficacy against poultry coccidiosis. Research in Veterinary Science, 2011, 90: 72–77 23. Wei Sun, Xiaokai Song, Ruofeng Yan, Lixin Xu, Xiangrui Li. Cloning and characterization of a selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase (HC29) from adult Haemonchus contortus. J Vet Sci, 2012, 13(1), 49-58. 24. Tang F, Xu L, Yan R, Song X and Li X. Evaluation of the immune response induced by DNA vaccines expressing MIF and MCD1genes of Trichinella spiralis in BALB/c mice. J Helminthol. 2012, 86:430–439 25. Kaikai Han, Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Xiaokai Song, Xiangrui Li*. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of enolase from adult Haemonchus contortus. Research in Veterinary Science, 2012, 92: 259–265 26. GuangWei Zhao, Bo Shen, Qing Xie, Li Xin Xu, Ruo Feng Yan, Xiao Kai Song, I.A. Hassan, Xiang Rui Li∗. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in free-range chickens in China based on circulating antigens and antibodies. Veterinary Parasitology, 2012, 18, 572–577 Han K, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Li X*. Cloning, expression and characterization of NAD1-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of adult Haemonchus contortus. Journal of Helminthology, 2011, 85: 421–429 27. Han K, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Li X. Vaccination of goats with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase DNA vaccine induced partial protection against Haemonchus contortus. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2012, 149: 177-185 28. Zhao G, Shen B, Xie Q, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Hassan Ibrahim Adam and Li X. Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from Chickens in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(8): 1347-1353 29. Huili Zhu, Ruofeng Yan, Song Wang, Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Xiangrui Li. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel antigen of Eimeria acervulina. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2012, 186: 21-28 30. Zhu H, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Tang F, Wang S, Li X. Identification and characterization of a cDNA clone-encoding antigen of Eimeria acervulina. Parasitology, 2012, 139: 1711–1719. 31. Tang F, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Li X. A DNA vaccine co-expressing Trichinella spiralis MIF and MCD-1 with murine ubiquitin induces partial protective immunity in mice. J Helminthol. 2013, 87:24-33 32. Hongyan Song, Baofeng Qiu, Ruofeng Yan, Lixin Xu, Xiaokai Song, Xiangrui Li . The protective efficacy of chimeric SO7/IL-2 DNA vaccine against coccidiosis in chickens. Research in Veterinary Science. 2013, 94: 562–567. 33. Ruofeng Yan, Wei Sun, Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Xiangrui Li.Vaccination of goats with DNA vaccine encoding Dim-1 induced partial protection against Haemonchus contortus: A preliminary experimental study. Res. Vet. Sci. 2013, 95:189–199. 34. Ruofeng Yan, Lixin Xu, Jingjing Wang, Xiaokai Song, Xiangrui Li. Cloning and characterization of aldolase from parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2013,12(4):478-486. 35. Meng Zhang, Zhen Yang, Shuai Wang, LongFei Tao, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, XiangRui Li. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in shellfish and fish in parts of China. Veterinary Parasitology, 2014, 200, 1-2: 85-89. 36. Shuai Wang, GuangWei Zhao, Wang Wang, Qing Xie, Meng Zhang, Cheng Yuan, Ibrahim Adam Hassan, XinChao Liu, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, and XiangRui Li. Pathogenicity of two Toxoplasma gondii strains in chickens of different ages infected via intraperitoneal injection. Avian Pathology, 2014, 43, 1: 1–5. 37. Wang Wang, Cheng Yuan, Shuai Wang, XiaoKai Song, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, I.A. Hasson, XiangRui Li. Transcriptional and proteomic analysis reveal recombinant galectins of Haemonchus contortus down-regulated functions of goat PBMC and modulation of several signaling cascades in vitro. Journal of Proteomics, 2014, 98, 26:123–137. 38. Tran Duc Hoan, Doan Thi Thao , Javaid Ali Gadahi, Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Xiangrui Li. Analysis of humoral immune response and cytokines in chickens vaccinated with Eimeria brunetti apical membrane antigen-1(EbAMA1) DNA vaccine. Experimental Parasitology. 2014,144: 65–72. 39. Wang Wang, Shuai Wang, Hui Zhang, Cheng Yuan, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, LiXin Xu and XiangRui Li. Galectin Hco-gal-m from Haemonchus contortus modulates goat monocytes and T cell function in different patterns. Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:342. 40. Ruofeng Yan, Jingjing Wang, Lixin Xu, Xiaokai Song and Xiangrui Li*. DNA vaccine encoding Haemonchus contortus Actin induces partial protection in Goats. Acta Parasitologica, 2014, 59(4), 698–709. 41. Ibrahim A Hassan, Shuai Wang, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song and Xiangrui Li. DNA vaccination with a gene encoding Toxoplasma gondii Deoxyribose Phosphate Aldolase (TgDPA) induces partial protective immunity against lethal challenge in mice. Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:431 42. Ibrahim A. Hassan, Shuai Wang, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, XiangRui Li. Immunoglobulin and cytokine changes induced following immunization with a DNA vaccine encoding Toxoplasma gondii selenium-dependent glutathione reductase protein. Experimental Parasitology, 2014, 146: 1–10 43. Hassan A, Wang S, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Li X*. Immunological response and protection of mice immunized with plasmid encoding Toxoplasma gondii glycolytic enzyme malate dehydrogenase. Parasite Immunology, 2014, 36, 674–683 44. ZhenChao Zhang, JingWei Huang, MengHui Li, YuXia Sui, Shuai Wang, LianRui Liu, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, XiangRui Li*. Identification and molecular characterization of microneme 5 of Eimeria acervulina. PLoS One. 2014, 9(12):e115411. 45. Shuai Wang, Ibrahim A. Hassan1, XinChao Liu, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, XiangRui Li. Immunological changes induced by Toxoplasma gondii Glutathione-S-Transferase (TgGST) delivered as a DNA vaccine. Research in Veterinary Science, 2015, 99, 157–164 46. Cheng Yuan, Hui Zhang, Wang Wang, Yan Li, RuoFeng Yan, LiXin Xu, XiaoKai Song and XiangRui Li*.Transmembrane protein 63A is a partner protein of Haemonchus contortus galectin in the regulation of goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Parasites & Vectors 2015, 8:211 47. Zhao Guangwei, Wang Shuai, Wang Wang, Zhang Zhenchao, Xie Qing, Zhang Meng, I A Hassan, Yan Ruofeng, Song Xiaokai, Xu Lixin, Li Xiangrui. Type I strain of Toxoplasma gondii from chicken induced different immune responses with that from human, cat and swine in chicken. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015, 14(5): 956–965 48. Wang S, Zhang M, Liu, Lin T, Yang H, Yuan S, Zhao G, HASSAN IA, Yan R, Song X, Xu L, Li X. Investigation on the co-infections of Toxoplasma gondii with PRRSV, CSFV or PCV-2 in swine in part of China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(9): 1838–1844 49. Huang Jingwei, Zhenchao Zhang, Menghui Li, Xiaokai Song, Ruofeng Yan, Lixin Xu, Xiangrui Li. Eimeria maxima microneme protein 2 delivered as DNA vaccine and recombinant protein induces immunity against experimental homogenous challenge. Parasitology International, 2015, 64: 408–416 50. Jingwei Huang, Zhenchao Zhang, Menghui Li, Xiaokai Song, Ruofeng Yan, Lixin Xu & Xiangrui Li. Immune protection of Microneme 7 (EmMIC7) against Eimeria maxima challenge in chickens. Avian Pathology, 2015, 44, (5): 392–400 51. Shuai Wang, Yujian Wang, Xiaoni Sun, Zhenchao Zhang, Tingqi Liu, Javaid Ali Gadahi, Lixin Xu, Ruofeng Yan, Xiaokai Song, Xiangrui Li. Protective immunity against acute toxoplasmosis in BALB/c mice induced by a DNA vaccine encoding Toxoplasma gondii 10 kDa excretory–secretory antigen (TgESA10). Veterinary Parasitology, 2015, 214: 40–48 52. Shuai Wang, YuJian Wang, XiaoNi Sun, ZhenChao Zhang, TingQi Liu, Javaid Ali Gadahi, Ibrahim Adam Hassan, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song and XiangRui Li. Protective immunity against acute toxoplasmosis in BALB/c mice induced by a DNA vaccine encoding Toxoplasma gondii elongation factor 1-alpha. BMC Infectious Diseases (2015) 15:448 53. Shuai Wang, Guang-Wei Zhao, Wang Wang, Zhen-Chao Zhang, Bo Shen, I. A. Hassan, Qing Xie, Ruo-Feng Yan, Xiao-Kai Song, Li-Xin Xu, Xiang-Rui Li* Pathogenicity of Five Strains of Toxoplasma gondii from Different Animals to Chickens. Korean J Parasitol, 2015, 53(2): 155-162 54. ZhenChao Zhang, Shuai Wang, JingWei Huang, LianRui Liu, MingMin Lu, MengHui Li, YuXia Sui, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiaoKai Song, XiangRui Li. ∗Proteomic analysis of Eimeria acervulina sporozoite proteins interaction with duodenal epithelial cells by shotgun LC–MS/MS. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, 2015, 202: 29–33 55. Ulrich-Lynge SL, Dalgaard TS, Norup LR, Song X, Sørensen P, Juul-Madsen HR. Chicken mannose-binding lectin function in relation to antibacterial activity towards Salmonella enterica. Immunobiology. 2015, 220(5):555-563 56. ZhenChao Zhang, LianRui Liu, JingWei Huang, Shuai Wang, MingMin Lu, XiaoKai Song, LiXin Xu, RuoFeng Yan, XiangRui Li*. The molecular characterization and immune protection of microneme 2 of Eimeria acervulina. Veterinary Parasitology, 2016, 215: 96–105 57. Tran Duc Hoan, Zhenchao Zhang, Jingwei Huang, Ruofeng Yan, Xiaokai Song, Lixin Xu, Xiangrui Li*. Identification and immunogenicity of microneme protein 2 (EbMIC2) of Eimeria brunetti. Experimental Parasitology, 2016, 162: 7–17. 58. Wang F, Xu L, Song X, Li X, Yan R. Identification of differentially expressed proteins between free-living and activated third-stage larvae of Haemonchus contortus. Vet Parasitol., 2016, 215:72-77. 59. Zhang Z, Liu X, Yang X, Liu L, Wang S, Lu M, Ehsan M, Gadahi JA, Song X, Xu L, Yan R, Li X. The Molecular Characterization and Immunity Identification of Microneme 3 of Eimeria acervulina. J Eukaryot Microbiol., 2016, 63(6):709-721. 60. Gadahi JA, Yongqian B, Ehsan M, Zhang ZC, Wang S, Yan RF, Song XK, Xu LX, Li XR. Haemonchus contortus excretory and secretory proteins (HcESPs) suppress functions of goat PBMCs in vitro. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(24):35670-35679. 61. Gadahi JA, Li B, Ehsan M, Wang S, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Hasan MW, Yan R, Song X, Xu L, Li X. Recombinant Haemonchus contortus 24 kDa excretory/secretory protein (rHcES-24) modulate the immune functions of goat PBMCs in vitro. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(51):83926-83937. 62. Gadahi JA, Wang S, Bo G, Ehsan M, Yan R, Song X, Xu L, Li X. Proteomic Analysis of the Excretory and Secretory Proteins of Haemonchus contortus (HcESP) Binding to Goat PBMCs In Vivo Revealed Stage-Specific Binding Profiles. PLoS One 2016,11(7):e0159796. 63. Li Y, Yuan C, Wang L, Lu M, Wang Y, Wen Y, Yan R, Xu L, Song X, Li X. Transmembrane protein 147 (TMEM147): another partner protein of Haemonchus contortus galectin on the goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Parasit Vectors 2016, 9(1): 355. 64. Wang S, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Gadahi JA, Xu L, Yan R, Song X, Li X. Toxoplasma gondii Elongation Factor 1-Alpha (TgEF-1α) Is a Novel Vaccine Candidate Antigen against Toxoplasmosis. 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