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四川大学建筑与环境学院教授、博士生导师、四川省学术技术带头人后备人选、四川大学引进人才、川大-日立环境应用技术研究中心主任、四川省环境保护土壤环境保护工程中心主任。主要致力于水体及土壤污染评估与生态修复技术、水处理材料及应用技术研究。主持承担了部省级及国际合作项目等百余项,以第一作者或通讯作者共计发表期刊论文共计130余篇,申请专利20余项。 【学习及工作经历】 2011年6月至今 四川大学建筑与环境学院教授 2005年12月-2011年6月 四川大学建筑与环境学院副教授 2004年3月-2005年12月 日本微生物研究所研究员 2001年4月-2004年3月 日本国立山梨大学攻读并获取物质工学博士学位 1999年4月-2001年3月 日本国立山梨大学攻读并获取生命科学硕士学位 1991年7月-1997年5月 成都无缝钢管厂水处理助理工程师 1987年9月-1991年7月 四川大学建筑与环境学院攻读并取得环境工程学士学位 【承担的主要课程】 《应用生态工程学》,《生态工程学》,《固体废物处理与处置》,《固体废物处理与处置课程设计》,《环境材料合成及应用》,《环境功能材料研究进展》,《环境工程前沿技术》 【主持的代表性科研项目】 (1)国家重点研发计划2018YFD0800604, 川渝丘陵平原区农田镉污染修复技术集成与示范-镉污染土壤间作修复技术优化和示范 (2)科技厅重大科技专项2018SZDZX0028-3, 成都平原工业聚集区农田重金属综合防治技术集成与示范 (3)科技部国际科技合作计划2011DFA50430-002,高性能纤维型环保材料的开发及应用 (4)四川省科技厅科技支撑项2010GZ0163,高性能膜分离净化槽的开发 (5)四川省科技厅国际合作项目2008HH0012,MBR用高抗污染性PVDF中空纤维膜的制备及评价方法 (6)日本文部省项目,MBR+NF/RO系统运营管理技术的开发与IISS在中国的适用性调查 (7)国际合作项目,MBR用高性能过滤膜的性能实证及膜组件生产技术的实用化研究 (8)联合国项目,四川震后建筑废墟和泄露危险废物环境影响分析 (9)四川省环保厅项目,四川省土壤重金属污染重点防控区风险评估示范 (10)四川省环保厅项目,四川省社会加油站及储油库地下水基础环境状况调查评估 【代表性专利】 [1]缪璐薇,牟海燕,陈文清,黄武,吴晨炜,万娟,薛哲. 一种用于修复重金属污染农田土壤的钝化剂及应用方法[P]. 四川省:CN112574754B,2021-08-17. [2]陈文清,孙辉,谢梦迪. 土壤重金属污染植物修复方法[P]. 四川省:CN109622610B,2020-06-05. [3]李豪飞,陈方方,陈文清.电容吸附装置[P]. 四川省:CN208545167U,2019-02-26. [4]陈方方,陈文清,李豪飞. 一种水处理系统[P]. 四川省:CN208545166U,2019-02-26. [5]陈文清,侯翔,刘文超. 复合型重金属污染土壤改良剂及其应用和施用方法[P]. 四川省:CN104046361B,2017-01-04. [6]陈文清,王小龙,张小凤,刘文超,苏子艺,赵栗笠,侯翔. 一种应用于污水处理的MUCT-MBR组合工艺[P]. 四川省:CN104163551B,2016-06-01. [7]陈勇,陈文清,刘文超,王清森,蒋茜茜,潘露露. 用于铬污染土壤修复的固化剂及修复方法[P]. 四川:CN105598146A,2016-05-25. [8]陈文清,周明,宋双,张浩凡. 一种聚四氟乙烯中空纤维膜表面亲水化改性的方法[P]. 四川:CN105727753A,2016-07-06. [9]兰鑫,牟海燕,侯翔,陈文清.用于铅污染土壤修复的固化剂及修复方法[P]. 四川:CN105344706A,2016-02-24. [10]赵栗笠,刘祥,陈文清.ABR厌氧折流板反应器及高盐高COD浓度废水的处理方法[P]. 四川:CN105129979A,2015-12-09.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Zhe Zhanga;Yi Chena;Peng Wanga;Zhen Wanga;, Can Zuoa;Wenqing Chen a,b;*Tianqi Ao b,c; Facile fabrication of N-doped hierarchical porous carbons derived from soft-templated ZIF-8 for enhanced adsorptive removal of tetracycline hydrochloride from water,Journal of hazardous materials,2022, 423: 127103. [2]Yuchen Kang;Jiaxin Liu;Li Yang;Na Li;Yuhao Wang;Tianqi Ao;Wenqing Chen;Foliar application of flavonoids (rutin) regulates phytoremediation efficiency of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. by altering the permeability of cell membranes and immobilizing excess Cd in the cell wall,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022, 425: 127875. [3] Yi Chen a; Zhe Zhang a; Wenyang Deng b; Zhen Wang b; Ming Gao a; Cheng Gao a;Wenqing Chen a;*, Qizhou Dai c; Tetsuro Ueyama d.Mechanistic insight into the electrochemical absorption adsorption behaviour of Cd2+ and Na+ on MnO2 in a deionization supercapacitor,Desalination,2022, 521: 115384. [4]Li Yang a;Na Li a;Yuchen Kang a;Jiaxin Liu a;Yuhao Wang a;Hui Sun a;Tianqi Ao b,c;Wenqing Chen a,b,*; Selenium alleviates toxicity in Amaranthus hypochondriacus by modulating the synthesis of thiol compounds and the subcellular distribution of cadmium,Chemosphere, 2022, 291(3):133108. [5]Yi Chen a;Zhe Zhang a;Cheng Gao a;Wenyang Deng a;Wenqing Chen a,*;Tianqi Ao; Quantitative analysis of soil sustainability after applying stabilizing amendments in long-term Cd-contaminated paddy soils,Environmental Pollution ,2021, 286: 117205. [6]Zhang, Z ; Chen, Y ; Hu, CY ; Zuo, C ; Wang, P ;Chen, WQ ;Ao, TQ; Efficient removal of tetracycline by a hierarchically porous ZIF-8 metal organic framework,Environmental Research,2021, 198:111254. [7]Zhe Zhang a, Yi Chen a, Zhen Wang a, Chengyue Hu a, Daichuan Ma d,Wenqing Chen a,b,*, Tianqi Ao b,c; Effective and structure-controlled adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride from aqueous solution by using Fe-based metal-organic frameworks,Applied Surface Science,2021, 542, 148662 . [8]Haiyan Mou1;Wenchao Liu1,2;Lili Zhao1,3;Wenqing Chen (✉)1;Tianqi Ao4; Stabilization of hexavalent chromium with pretreatment and high temperature sintering in highly contaminated soil,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2021, 15(4): 61. [9] Can Zuo a; Lingfeng Li b;Wenqing Chen a,c;*Zhe Zhang a; Synergistic effect on the four-electron ORR of the electro-Fenton system to remove micropollutants using an MOF-derived catalyst with carbon black,Applied Surface Science,2021, 554: 149546. [10] Li Yang; Yuchen Kang; Jiaxin Liu; Na Li; Hui Sun; Tianqi Ao &Wenqing Chen;Foliar spray with rutin improves cadmium remediation efficiency excellently by enhancing antioxidation and phytochelatin detoxification of Amaranthus hypochondriacus,International Journal of Phytoremediation,2021,online. [11] Jie Peng1; Zhe Zhang1; Chengyue Hu1; Zhen Wang1; Yuchen Kang1;Wenqing Chen 1,2;Tianqi Ao2,3; Hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for tetracycline hydrochloride elimination,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology;, 2021, 99(2): 339-353. [12] WenYang Deng a; XueRu Jia b; Yi Chen b; Zhen Wang a; FangFang Chen b, e,WenQing Chen b, c, *;TianQi Ao c, d; The Mechanism and Regulation of the Electrosorption Selectivity of Inorganic Anions During Capacitive Deionization,New Journal of Chemistry,2021,45(36): 16722-16731. [13]Zhen Wang1; Chenwei Wu2; Zhe Zhang2; Yi Chen2; Wenyang Deng1; andWenqing Chen1,2;*Bimetallic Fe/Co-MOFs for tetracycline elimination,Journal of materials science,2021, 56(28): 15684-15697. [14]Xiaohong Chena;Wenyang Dengb;Luwei Miaoa;Ming Gaoa;Tianqi Aoc,d;Wenqing Chena;Tetsuro Ueyamae, Qizhou Dai f; Selectivity adsorption of sulfate by amino-modified activated carbon during capacitive deionization,Environmental Technology,2021, online. [15] Luwei Miao; Wenyang Deng; Xiaohong Chen; Ming Gao;Wenqing Chen*;Tianqi Ao; Selective adsorption of phosphate by carboxyl-modified activated carbon electrodes for capacitive deionization,Water science and technology,2021, 84(7): 16722-16731. [16] Yu Deng 1,2,3, Xiaodong Li 1,2, Fuquan Ni 3, Qiao Liu 3, Yunpeng Yang 3, Min Wang 3, Tianqi Ao 1,2,* andWenqing Chen 4;*Synthesis of Magnesium Modified Biochar for Removing Copper, Lead and Cadmium in Single and Binary Systems from Aqueous Solutions: Adsorption Mechanism,Water,2021, 13(5): 599. [17]Haiyan Mou a;Wenqing Chen a;⁎ Zhe Xue a;Yunzhen Li b;Tianqi Ao c;Hui Suna; Effect of irrigation water system’s distribution on rice cadmium accumulation in large mild cadmium contaminated paddy field areas of Southwest China,Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 764: 141248. [18]YiChena;FangFangChena;MengDiXie a;QianQian Jiang a,b;WenQingChena,*;TianQiAo c; The impact of stabilizing amendments on the microbial community and metabolism in cadmium-contaminated paddy soils; , ChemicalEngineering Journal,2020, 395: 125132. [19]Mengdi Xie a;Wenqing Chen a, b;Xicong Lai a;Haibo Dai a;Hui Sun a;Xiaoyong Zhou c;Tongbin Chen c;; Metabolic responses and their correlations with phytochelatins in Amaranthus hypochondriacus under cadmium stress,Environmental Pollution,2019, 252 : 1791-1800(B). [20] Fang-Fang Chen; Hao-Fei Li; Xue-Ru Jia; Zhao-Yu Wang; Yu-Ying Qin; Xuan Liang;Wen-Qing Chen*;Tian-Qi Ao*;Characteristic and model of phosphate adsorption by activated carbon electrodes in capacitive deionization;Separation and Purification Technology,2020, 236: 116285.


1.污染水体评估与生态修复技术 2.污染土壤评估与生态修复技术 3.环境功能材料研制及应用技术研究 4.固体废物资源化技术研究
