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杨娜,国家“优青”、天津市“杰青”,南开大学百名青年学科带头人。2000年本科毕业于北京大学生命科学学院;2005年在中国科学院生物物理研究所获得理学博士学位;2006年-2008年在北京大学从事博士后研究;2008年10月起加入中国科学院生物物理研究所生物大分子国家重点实验室工作,先后任副研究员、研究员,中国科学院大学教授、博士生导师。2017年起任南开大学药学院教授、药物化学生物学国家重点实验室特聘研究员。 杨娜博士多年从事基因表达调控的结构生物学研究。针对新型组蛋白修饰酶复合体、DNA甲基化因子以及RNA结合蛋白开展了酶活性调控、底物和识别特异性的结构机理研究,以期阐明这些表观遗传修饰建立、解读和调控下游基因表达,影响生物发育、引发疾病的分子机制。加入南开大学后的研究将主要围绕与疾病密切相关的表观遗传因子进行药物靶点论证工作,建立它们和重要疾病特别是肿瘤之间的关联;测定它们的三维结构,并开展基于结构的药物设计研究;开展候选化合物的发现、优化以及药物筛选体系的建立以及评价工作。 从事结构生物学研究以来,在Science, Cell, NSMB, PNAS, Genes & Dev., JBC, JMB等国际知名刊物共发表SCI科学论文38篇,其中18篇为第一作者或通讯/共通讯作者。获得的省部级以上科研奖励包括:第十五届天津青年科技奖(2019)、北京市科学技术奖二等奖(2018)、天津市首届杰出青年科学基金(2017)、国家优秀青年科学基金(2016)、中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(2015)、中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖(2011)等。国内外重要学术组织任职包括:国际晶体学联合会(IUCr)大分子专业委员会顾问委员(2014-)、中国生物物理学会分子生物物理分会秘书长(2015-)、中国晶体学会六届理事会理事(2016-)、中国细胞生物学会染色质生物学分会首届委员(2017-), 中国遗传学会表观遗传学分会委员(2019-)等。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xu, X.#, Wang, M.Z.#, Sun, J.X.#, Yu, Z.Y.#, Li, G.H., Yang, N.* and Xu, R.M.* (2021) Structure specific DNA recognition by the SLX1-SLX4 endonuclease complex. Nucleic Acid Research, Published online June 28, 2021. 2. Ma, S.#, Cao, C.#, Che, S.Y.#, Wang, Y.J.#, Su, D.X.#, et al., Yao, Z.*, Yang, N.* and Shi, L.* (2021) PHF8-promoted TOPBP1 demethylation drives ATR activation and preserves genome stability. Science Advances, Vol. 7, eabf7684. 3. Sun, J.X.#, Li, Z.B#. and Yang, N.* (2021) Mechanism of the conformational change of the protein methyltransferase SMYD3: a molecular dynamics simulation study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Accepted. 4. Sun, J.X., Liu, M.J. and Yang, N.* (2021) Insight into the origin of SARS-CoV-2 through structural analysis of receptor recognition: a molecular simulation study. RSC Advances, Vol. 11, 8718-8729. 5. Liu, F. and Yang, N.* (2020) Multiscale landscape of molecular mechanism of SIRT1 activation by STACs. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 22, 826-837. 6. Song, X.S.#, Yang, L.L.#, Wang, M.Z., Gu, Y., Ye, B.Q., Fan, Z.S., Xu, R.M.* and Yang, N.* (2019) A higher-order configuration of the heterodimeric DOT1L-AF10 coiled-coil domains potentiates their leukemogenenic activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 116, 19917-19923. 7. Sun, J.X., Shi, F.D. and Yang, N.* (2019) Exploration of the substrate preference of lysine methyltransferase SMYD3 by molecular dynamics simulations. ACS Omega, Vol. 4, 19573-19581. 8. Li, Y.#, Duan, F.F.#, Zhao, Y.T., Gu, K.L., Liao, L.Q., Su, H.B., Hao, J., Zhang, K., Yang, N. and Wang Y.M.* (2019) A TRIM71 binding long noncoding RNA Trincr1 represses FGF/ERK signaling in embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications, Vol. 10, 1368. 9. Zhang, L.#, Serra-Cardona, A.#, Zhou, H., Wang, N., Yang, N., Zhang, Z.* and Xu, R.M.* (2018) Multisite substrate recognition in Asf1-dependent acetylation of histone H3 K56 by Rtt109. Cell, Vol. 174, 818-830. 10. Fu, W.Q.#, Liu, N.#, Qiao, Q.#, Wang, M., Min, J.R., Zhu, B.*, Xu, R.M.* and Yang, N.* (2016) Structural Basis for Substrate Preference of SMYD3, A SET Domain-containing Protein Lysine Methyltransferase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 291, 9173-9180. 11. Fang, D.#, Gan, H.#, Lee, J.H.#, Han, J.#, Wang, Z.#, Riester, S.M., Jin, L., Chen, J., Zhou, H., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Yang, N., Bradley, E.W., Ho, T.H., Rubin, B.P., Bridge, J.A., Thibodeau, S.N., Ordog, T., Chen, Y., van Wijnen, A.J., Oliveira, A.M., Xu, R.M., Westendorf, J.J. and Zhang, Z.* (2016) The histone H3.3K36M mutation reprograms the epigenome of chondroblastomas. Science, Vol. 29, 1316-1325. 12. Yang, N.#*, Yu, Z.Y.#, Hu, M.L.#, Wang, M., Lehmann, R.* and Xu, R.M.* (2015) Structure of Drosophila Oskar reveals a novel RNA binding protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 112, 11541-11546. 13. Cao, D.F., Wang, M., Qiu, X.Y., Liu, D.X., Jiang, H.L., Yang, N.* and Xu, R.M.* (2015) Structural basis for allosteric, substrate-dependent stimulation of SIRT1 activity by resveratrol. Genes & Development, Vol. 29, 1316-1325. 14. Wang, H., Wang, M., Yang, N.* and Xu, R.M.* (2015) Structure of the quaternary complex of histone H3-H4 heterodimer with chaperone ASF1 and the replicative helicase subunit MCM2. Protein & Cell, Vol. 6, 693-697. 15. Yang, D.X.#, Fang, Q.L.#, Wang, M.#, Ren, R., Wang, H., He, M., Sun, Y.W., Yang, N.* and Xu, R.M.* (2013) Nα-acetylated Sir3 stabilizes the conformation of a nucleosome-binding loop in the BAH domain. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Vol. 20, 1116-1118. 16. Yang, N.#*, Wang, W.#, Wang, Y. #, Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Rao, Z., Zhu, B.* and Xu, R.M.* (2012) Distinct mode of methyl-H3K4 recognition by tandem tudor-like domains of Spindlin1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 109, 17954-17959. 17. Yang, N.#, Li, D.F.#, Feng, L., Xiang, Y., Liu, W.*, Sun, H.* and Wang, D.C.* (2009) Structural Basis for the Tumor Cell Apoptosis-Inducing Activity of an Antitumor Lectin from the Edible Mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 387, 694-705. 18. Liu, W.#, Yang, N.#, Ding, J.J., Huang R.H., Hu, Z. and Wang, D.C.* (2005) Structural mechanism governing the quaternary organization of monocot mannose-binding lectin revealed by a novel monomeric structure. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 280, 14865-14876. 19. Yang, N.#, Tong X.#, Xiang, Y., Sun, H.* and Wang, D.C.* (2005) Molecular character of an antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol. 138, 145-150. 20. Yang, N., Tong X., Xiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Sun, H.* and Wang, D.C.* (2005) Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the recombinant antitumor lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics, Vol. 1751, 209-212.
