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Gautier, A., Kirkpatrick, J.P. and Nietlispach, D. (2008) Solution-state NMR spectroscopy of a seven-helix transmembrane protein receptor: Backbone assignment, secondary structure, and dynamics. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 47, 7297-7300. Gautier, A., Mott, H.R., Bostock, M.J., Kirkpatrick, J.P. and Nietlispach, D. (2010) Structure determination of the seven-helix transmembrane receptor sensory rhodopsin II by solution NMR spectroscopy. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 768-774. Holland, D.J., Bostock, M.J., Gladden, L.F. and Nietlispach, D. (2011) Fast Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy Using Compressed Sensing. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 50, 6548-6551. Crick, D.J, Wang, J.X., Graham, B., Swarbrick, J.D., Mott, H.R. and Nietlispach, D. (2015) Integral membrane protein structure determination using pseudocontact shifts. J Biomol NMR 61, 197-207.
