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Jackson RJ (2013) The current status of vertebrate cellular mRNA IRESs. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5(2) P?yry TA, Kaminski A, Connell EJ, Fraser CS, Jackson RJ (2007) The mechanism of an exceptional case of reinitiation after translation of a long ORF reveals why such events do not generally occur in mammalian mRNA translation. Genes Dev 21(23): 3149-3162 Kafasla P, Morgner N, Poyry TA, Curry S, Robinson CV, Jackson RJ (2009) Polypyrimidine tract binding protein stabilizes the encephalomyocarditis virus IRES structure via binding multiple sites in a unique orientation. Mol Cell 34(5): 556-568 Kafasla P, Morgner N, Robinson CV, Jackson RJ (2010) Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein stimulates the poliovirus IRES by modulating eIF4G binding. EMBO J 29(21): 3710-3722 Poyry TA, Jackson RJ (2011) Mechanisms governing the selection of translation initiation sites on foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA. J Virol 85(19): 10178-10188
