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Lewis, M., Arnot, C.J., Beeston, H., McCoy, A., Ashcroft, A.E., Gay, N.J. & Gangloff, M. Cytokine Spatzle binds to the Drosophila immunoreceptor Toll with a neurotrophin-like specificity and couples receptor activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 20461-6 (2013). Verstak, B., Arnot, C.J. & Gay, N.J. An Alanine-to-Proline Mutation in the BB-Loop of TLR3 Toll/IL-1R Domain Switches Signalling Adaptor Specificity from TRIF to MyD88. Journal of immunology 191, 6101-9 (2013). Gangloff, M., Arnot, C.J., Lewis, M. & Gay, N.J. Functional insights from the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of the prototypical toll receptor. Structure 21, 143-53 (2013). Gangloff, M., Moreno, A. & Gay, N.J. Liesegang-like patterns of Toll crystals grown in gel. Journal of applied crystallography 46, 337-345 (2013). McIlroy, G., Foldi, I., Aurikko, J., Wentzell, J.S., Lim, M.A., Fenton, J.C., Gay, N.J. & Hidalgo, A. Toll-6 and Toll-7 function as neurotrophin receptors in the Drosophila melanogaster CNS. Nature neuroscience 16, 1248-56 (2013). Weimann, L., Ganzinger, K.A., McColl, J., Irvine, K.L., Davis, S.J., Gay, N.J., Bryant, C.E. & Klenerman, D. A quantitative comparison of single-dye tracking analysis tools using Monte Carlo simulations. PloS one 8, e64287 (2013). Herre, J., Gronlund, H., Brooks, H., Hopkins, L., Waggoner, L., Murton, B., Gangloff, M., Opaleye, O., Chilvers, E.R., Fitzgerald, K., Gay, N., Monie, T. & Bryant, C. Allergens as immunomodulatory proteins: the cat dander protein Fel d 1 enhances TLR activation by lipid ligands. Journal of immunology 191, 1529-35 (2013). Moncrieffe, M.C., Fernandez, M.J., Spiteller, D., Matsumura, H., Gay, N.J., Luisi, B.F. & Leadlay, P.F. Structure of the glycosyltransferase EryCIII in complex with its activating P450 homologue EryCII. Journal of molecular biology 415, 92-101 (2012). Ve, T., Gay, N.J., Mansell, A., Kobe, B. & Kellie, S. Adaptors in Toll-Like Receptor Signaling and their Potential as Therapeutic Targets. Current drug targets 13, 1360-74 (2012).
