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1. Liu, L., & Chai, X. (in press). Pleasure and risk: A qualitative study of sexual behaviors among Chinese methamphetamine users. The Journal of Sex Research. (SSCI) 2. Liu, L., Wang, H., Chui, W. H., & Cao, L. (in press). Chinese drug users’ abstinence intentions: The role of perceived social support. Journal of Drug Issues. (SSCI) 3. Liu, L., & Chui, W. H. (in press). Rehabilitation policy for drug addicted offenders in China: Current trends, patterns, and practice implications. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. (SSCI) 4. Liu, L., & Hsiao, S. C. (in press). Chinese female drug users’ experiences and attitudes with institutional drug treatment. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (SSCI) 5. Cao, L., Burton, V., & Liu, L. (in press). Correlates of illicit drug use among indigenous peoples in Canada: A test of social support theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (SSCI) 6. Huang, X., Cao, Q., Liu, L., Yao, J., & Rui, G. (2018). Factors influencing depression in Chinese civil servants. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 46(8), 1233-1244. (SSCI) 7. He, G., Chen, Y., Chen, B., Wang, H., Shen, L., Liu, L., Suolang, D., Zhang, B., Ju, G., Zhang, L., Du, S., Jiang, X., Pan, Y., & Min, Z. (2018). Using the Baidu search index to predict the incidence of HIV/AIDS in China. Scientific Reports, 8, 9038. (SCI) 8. Liu, L., & Chui, W. H. (2018). Chinese culture and its influence on female prisoner behavior in the prisoner–guard relationship. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 51(1), 117-134. (SSCI) 9. 刘柳、陈云松、张亮亮,2018,《定量群学三十年:以<社会学研究>论文为例》,《江苏行政学院学报》(CSSCI)第2期。 10. Liu, L., Chui, W. H., & Chen, Y. (2018). Violent and non-violent criminal behavior among young Chinese drug users: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), e15030432. (SSCI) 11. 刘柳、段慧娟,2018,《毒友圈与圈子亚文化:青年女性之吸毒生涯扩张期探析》,《中国青年研究》(CSSCI)第1期。 12. Weng, X., Chui, W. H., & Liu, L. (2017). Bullying behaviors among Macanese adolescents—Association with psychosocial variables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 887. (SSCI) 13. 刘柳、段慧娟,2017,《中国女性吸毒者的群体异同研究》,《江苏社会科学》(CSSCI)第4期。 14. Chui, W. H., Wu, J., Kwok, Y. Y. & Liu, L. (2017). Validation of the Offending-Related Attitudes Questionnaire of CRIME-PICS II Scale (Chinese). Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 80-90. (SSCI) 15. Liu, L., Hsiao, S. C. & Kaplan, C. (2016). Drug Initiation of Female Detainees in a Compulsory Drug Treatment Institution in China. Journal of Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 48(5), 393-401. (SSCI) 16. 刘柳,2015,《预防女性弱势群体犯罪:基于福利三角理论的社会政策研究》,《中国行政管理》(CSSCI一流期刊)第11期。 17. 刘柳,2015,《大规模保障房社区中的社会保障问题——基于社会排斥与社会融入的视角》,《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》(CSSCI)第5期。 18. 刘柳,2015,《政府责任对农民参与新型农村社会养老保险的影响——基于2013年四省调查的实证研究》,《贵州社会科学》(CSSCI)第9期。 19. 刘柳、段慧娟,2015,《关于中国女性吸毒者维持毒品使用行为的研究》,《人口与发展》(CSSCI)第4期。 20. 刘柳,2015,《监狱中的“关系”——女犯人和狱警的相处之道》,《青年研究》(CSSCI)第2期。 21.刘柳,2014,《从福利支持视角论刑满释放者的社会融入》,《国家行政学院学报》(CSSCI)第6期。 22. Liu L. & Chui, W. H. (2014). Social Support and Chinese Female Offenders Prison Adjustment. The Prison Journal, 94(1), 30 –51. (SSCI). 23. 刘柳,2014,《关于女性服刑人员监狱适应的西方研究回顾与反思》,《江苏社会科学》(CSSCI)第2期。 24. Liu, L. & Chui, W. H. (2013). The Chinese Prison System for Female Offenders: A Case Study. In J. Fuhrmann and S. Baier (ed). Prisons and Prison Systems: Practices, Types and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 25. 刘柳,2013,《中国监狱制度的实施效果和改革方向》,《国家行政学院学报》(CSSCI),第2期。 26. 刘柳、崔永康,2012,《女犯的个体因素和获取社会支持的关系研究》,《江苏社会科学》(CSSCI)第6期。 27. 刘柳,2012,《女性服刑人员的环境适应与再社会化问题》,《南京大学学报(哲学、人文科学、社会科学版)》(CSSCI)第5期。 28. 刘柳,2011,《个体性与社会性:关于人的本质的讨论——读<关于费尔巴哈的提纲>》.《江苏行政学院学报》(CSSCI)第6期。 29. 刘柳,2011,《论我国监狱制度中的劳动改造手段》,《江苏社会科学》(CSSCI)第3期。
