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澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士,南京大学经济学院教授,博士生导师。长期致力于发展经济学与金融学等领域的研究。在国际SSCI杂志Applied Economics,Economic Systems,Asia Economic Journal与Bank and Banking Systems, 《经济研究》等杂志发表论文40多篇。曾先后在中国社会科学院经济研究所,澳大利亚国立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学任教和从事研究工作。长期为国内外政府机构, 金融机构和企业提供咨询。 教学方向 1. 经济学 2. 金融机构的风险管理 3. 资本市场与投资策略选择 出版专著 1. Cao Yong 2011, “Making History: 25 Years of the Asset Management Industry”, Cengage. 2. Cai Fang, Justin Lin Yifu and Cao Yong, 2009, “Chinese Economy:Reforms and Development”, McGraw Hill. 3. Cao Yong, 1999, “Impact of Market-Oriented Reforms on the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry”, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU. Australia.


1. 发展经济学 2. 中国经济 3. 金融市场与机构 4. 资本市场投资


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1. 林琳 曹勇 肖寒,2016,《中国式影子银行下的金融系统脆弱性》,《经济学季刊》2016 年第3期。 2. 林琳 曹勇,2015, “基于复杂网络的中国影子银行体系风险传染机制研究“, 《经济管理》,2015年08期。 3. 林琳 曹勇, 2013, “中国影子银行体系与系统性风险压力指数构建”,《上海金融》,2013年09期 4. Cao Yong 2011, “The Persistence of Strong Money Supply in China: Force of Endogenous Determinants”, Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2011. 5. Cao Yong 2005, “China: Enabling A New Era of Changes”, Singapore Nanyang Business Review, Vol. 4 No. 1. 6. Cao Yong 2000 “Evaluating the Contagious Effect of Asian Currency Crisis: the Relevance of Trade Competitiveness”, Journal of International Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 7 No.1. pp39-78 7. 洪银兴 曹勇 1996, “市场化改革中地方政府的制度创新”, 经济研究, 1996年第2期 8. Cao Yong, 1995. “The Impact of Partially-introduced Market Mechanisms on the Efficiency of Chinese Industry”, Economic Systems, Vol. 18. Issue 4. pp. 335-362. 9. Cao Yong and K.P. Kalirajan 1995. “The Changing Pattern of Productive Efficiency in the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry”, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 9, No.1: Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK and Cambridge, USA, pp. 13-30. 10. Chew Soon Beng and Cao Yong 1994, “Tax Reforms in a Small Open-Economy: Issues and Prospective for Singapore”, Accounting and Business Review, Vol.1, No.1. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London and Hong Kong, pp. 143-158. 11. K. Kalirajan and Cao Yong 1993. “Can Chinese State Enterprises Perform Like Market Entities: productive efficiency in Chinese iron and steel industry”, Applied Economics, No.25:1071-1080, Cambridge University, UK, pp. 1071-1080. 12. F. Perkins, Zhen Yuxin and Cao Yong 1993. “The Impact of Economic Reform on Productivity Growth in Chinese Industry: a Comparative Study of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone”, Asian Economic Journal, Vol, VII, No.2, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford and Cambridge USA, pp. 107-146. 13. 曹勇 1986,“农村二元经济结构的两种不同发展模式:福建省晋江和安溪乡镇企业发展比较”, 经济研究, 1986年第12期
