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Dr Ajith Kumar Parlikad is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. Ajith leads research activities on engineering asset management and maintenance. His particular focus is examining how asset information can be used to improve asset performance through effective decision-making. Ajith is an editor of the International Journal of Information Quality and has published over 60 papers in reputed academic journals and conferences. He actively engages with industry through research and consulting projects. He is a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Technical Professional Network Committee on Asset Management and sits on the judging panel for the IET/IAM Awards in Asset Management. He is also a member of the IFAC Working Group on "Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology". Ajith joined the University of Cambridge to read for his PhD degree, which he successfully completed in August 2006. For his PhD, he developed a methodology for quantifying the benefits of improving product information availability and quality on the effectiveness of product recovery processes.


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Ajith leads research activities on engineering asset management and maintenance engineering. His particular focus is examining how asset information can be used to improve asset performance through effective decision-making. Other research areas include: decision-making under uncertainty, value of information, and information quality management
