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1984-1991 Lecturer in Offshore Structures, Cranfield Institute of Technology 1991-1997 Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Structures, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Southampton 1997-1998 Professor of Structural Dynamics, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Southampton 1998-present Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge 1998-present Professorial Fellow, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge 1999-2002 Deputy Head of Department (Graduate Studies), Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge 2007-present Head of the Division of Mechanics, Materials and Design, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


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Much of Robin Langley’s research is centered on randomness and uncertainty in engineering dynamics. The randomness may occur in the loading acting on a system (examples include random wave loading on marine structures and turbulent boundary layer excitation of aerospace and automotive structures), or in the system itself (for example manufacturing imperfections and uncertain system properties). In all cases, the aim is to develop a fundamental understanding of the physics of the system behaviour and to develop mathematical and computational models that can be employed in engineering design. The research includes methodologies for quantifying uncertainties, probabilistic inference, and the propagation of uncertainties through linear and nonlinear dynamic systems. Particular applications of the research include: The dynamics of marine systems Noise and vibration in aerospace and automotive structures Broadband energy harvesting Impact dynamics of drilling systems High frequency electromagnetic compatibility
