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My major research theme has been related to high frequency response emission sampling systems. The context for this research was the realization in the 1970’s that air quality was being significantly affected by vehicle emissions, resulting in legislation forcing a completely new research activity for the automotive industry. By the mid-eighties, the required reductions in emissions levels had become very severe, and the component of the emissions related to engine transients became a prime focus. In 1985, my group demonstrated the first high-speed flame ionization detector system on an engine, which gave millisecond resolution of transient unburnt hydrocarbons – this was at the time the most difficult pollutant to control, especially during cold starts. I set up a company, Cambustion Ltd, which commercialized the technique, and a series of further instruments (for NOx, CO, CO2 and particulates) were developed, via a succession of PhD projects. All of these instruments were further developed by Cambustion Ltd for market, and in production form these instruments are used routinely by the automotive industry and academic research groups worldwide.
