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Dr. Biscontin’s work focuses on characterizing and modeling the response of soils, especially when subjected to cyclic loading, such as earthquakes. Her interests are also related to offshore deposits and soft marine clays in particular. Submarine landslides threaten offshore infrastructure and have the potential to generate destructive tsunamis. Dr. Biscontin’s experimental research using simple shear testing and examining the effects of anisotropy and multi-directional loading have led to better understanding of the seismic triggering of submarine landslides and especially the effect of gentle slopes on the response to shaking. The offshore environment subjects structures to loading that differs in many important ways from that of land-based conditions. For this reason, Dr. Biscontin is developing new design tools and guidelines to ensure the safety of the infrastructure we increasingly install offshore, such as wind farms. Her work also included numerical modeling of field experiments to evaluate shear modulus nonlinearity directly, constitutive modeling of Venice Lagoon compressive response, and seafloor-riser interaction. More recently, Dr. Biscontin has extended her research into probabilistic methods applied to geotechnical engineering and DEM modeling as a way to gain insight on granular material response to multi-directional cyclic loading.
