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N. G. Jones, K. A. Christofidou, P. M. Mignanelli, J. P. Minshull, M. C. Hardy and H. J. Stone: The influence of elevated Co and Ti levels on a polycrystalline powder processed Ni-base superalloy, Materials Science and Technology 30 (2014) 1853 N. G. Jones, J. W. Aveson, A. Bhowmik, B. D. Conduit and H. J. Stone: On the entropic stabilisation of an Al0.5CrFeCoNiCu high entropy alloy, Intermetallics 54 (2014) 148 N. G. Jones and D. Dye: Martensite evolution in a NiTi shape memory alloy when thermal cycling under and applied load, Intermetallics 19 (2011) 1348 N. G. Jones, R. J. Dashwood, M. Jackson and D. Dye: Beta phase decomposition in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr, Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 3830 N. G. Jones, R. J. Dashwood, D. Dye and M. Jackson: Thermomechanical Processing of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr, Materials Science and Engineering A 470 (2008) 369
