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2012-2015: Research fellow; University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK 2007-2011: PhD in Biology: Molecular Biology and Genetics; University of Aveiro, Portugal and Bangor University, Wales, UK 2005-2006: Post-graduate Leonardo Da Vinci program award; Bangor University, Wales, UK 2000-2005: Five years degree in Biology; University of Aveiro, Portugal.


My research interests focus on the integration of ecology, evolutionary biology, behaviour and functional genomics in non-model organisms. I am particularly interested in exploring how individuals and natural populations respond and adapt to environmental change at a molecular level.


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Sonia Pascoal, Xuan Liu, Tony Ly, Yongxiang Fang, Nichola Rockliffe, Steve Paterson, Sally L. Shirran, Catherine H. Botting, Nathan W. Bailey. 2016. Rapid evolution and gene expression: A rapidly-evolving Mendelian trait that silences field crickets has widespread effects on mRNA and protein expression. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 70, 1234-1246. Sonia Pascoal, Peter Moran, Nathan W. Bailey. 2016. Signal evolution: “Shaky” evidence for sensory bias. Current Biology, 26, R78-R80. Sonia Pascoal, Magdalena Mendrok, Christopher Mitchell, Alastair J. Wilson, John Hunt, Nathan W. Bailey. 2016. Sexual selection and population divergence I. The influence of socially flexible cuticular hydrocarbon expression in male field crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Evolution, 70, 1, 82-97. Emma F. Young, Mark Belchier, Lorenz Hauser, Gavin J. Horsburgh, Michael P. Meredith, Eugene J. Murphy, Sonia Pascoal, Jenniffer Rock, Niklas Tysklind, Gary R. Carvalho. 2015. Oceanography and life history predict contrasting genetic population structure in two Antarctic fish species. Evolutionary Applications, 8, 486-509. Sonia Pascoal, Timothee Cezard, Aasta Eik-Nes, Karim Gharbi, Jagoda Majewska, Elizabeth Payne, Michael G. Ritchie, Marlene Zuk and Nathan W. Bailey. 2014. Rapid convergent evolution in wild crickets. Current Biology, 24, 1369-1374. Sonia Pascoal, Gary Carvalho, Olga Vasieva, Roger Hughes, Andrew Cossins, Yongxiang Fang, Kevin Ashelford, Lisa Olohan, Carlos Barroso, Sonia Mendo and Simon Creer. 2013. Transcriptomics and in vivo tests reveal novel mechanisms underlying endocrine disruption in an ecological sentinel, Nucella lapillus. Molecular Ecology, 22, 1589-1608. Sonia Pascoal, Gary Carvalho, Simon Creer, Sonia Mendo and Roger Hughes. 2012. Plastic and heritable variation in shell thickness of the intertidal gastropod Nucella lapillus associated with risks of crab predation and wave action, and sexual maturation. PLoS ONE, 7 e52134. Clive J. Fox, Martin I. Taylor, Jeroen van der Kooij, Natasha Taylor, Stephen P. Milligan, Aitor Albaina, Sonia Pascoal, Delphine Lallias, Marjorie Maillard, and Ewan Hunter. 2012. Identification of marine fish egg predators using molecular probes. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 462, 205-18. Sonia Pascoal, Gary Carvalho, Simon Creer, Jenny Rock, Kei Kawaii, Sonia Mendo, and Roger Hughes. 2012. Plastic and heritable components of phenotypic variation in Nucella Lapillus: an assessment using reciprocal transplant and common garden experiments. PLoS ONE, 7 e30289. Sonia Pascoal, Simon Creer, Martin I. Taylor, Henrique Queiroga, Gary Carvalho, and Sonia Mendo. 2009. Development and application of Microsatellites in Carcinus Maenas: genetic differentiation between northern and central Portuguese populations. PLoS ONE, 4.
