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My work aims to dissect the molecular and neural mechanisms by which food provides post-ingestive feedback to modulate neural properties and subsequent foraging. To thrive animals need to modify foraging and food choice behavior according to the perceived nutrient value of a food source. For example, as a patch of food is depleted, animals must decide when it is advantageous to leave that patch and seek better feeding opportunities. Similarly, if a food source is deficient in specific nutrients, or causes sickness, animals can switch their response to the food from attraction to avoidance. Such decision-making requires feedback systems that modify behavior by combining assessments of food quality and abundance with information on the animal’s internal nutritional state. I seek to understand the molecular and neuronal links between the physiology of an animal and the plasticity of its responses to food. Because of the complexity of these decision-making processes, I am using C. elegans as a model.


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Busch, K.E. and Olofsson, B. (2012) Should I stay or should I go? Worm 1 (3) Invited Review Milward, K., Busch, K.E., Murphy, J. R., de Bono, M. and Olofsson, B. (2011) Neuronal and molecular substrates for optimal foraging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(51): 20672-20677. Vázquez-Manrique, R.P., Legg, J.C., Olofsson, B., Ly, S., and Baylis, H.A. (2010). Improved gene targeting in C. elegans using counter-selection and Flp-mediated marker excision. Genomics. 95:37-46 Cohen, M., Reale, V., Olofsson,B., Andrew Knights,A., Evans, P.and de Bono, M.(2009) Coordinated regulation of foraging and metabolism in C. elegans by RFamide neuropeptide signalling. Cell Metabolism 9, 375-385
